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What is the worst sport to watch?


Worst Sports  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Most boring sport to watch?

    • (American) football
    • baseball
    • soccer (football)
    • hockey
    • golf
    • racing (car or horse)
    • rugby
    • cricket
    • bowling
    • curling
    • swimming
    • track/field
    • tennis
    • wrestling
    • boxing

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UFC is boring because most fighters are submission types. Wish some of them would slug it out with roundhouse kicks or something.

Also depends on the fighter, too.

Watching any of the Gracies is not boring.

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Yeah but like 90% of fights end up on the mat anyway.

With the Gracies, yeah, but that's their style.

Go watch some Sakuraba/CroCop/Fedor, it's good for ya.

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Even though I am into sports, I find Cricket the most boring to watch of all. My god it is so BORING!

Playing cricket is much more fun than watching it -_-

I personally cannot sit down and watch a sport that goes on for hours.

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Baseball. I really don't find what's fascinating in that sport. No wonder it's not popular in my country.

That being said, I'm not that interested in watching sports. I do watch soccer matches from time to time, and enjoy watching Formula 1 races (although that sport was WAY more interesting back in the 90s - I still have fond memories of the 1997 season - ), but that's about it.

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