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Use characters like Othin. They magically make the game easier. Why? Well, Othin, on top of having wrath and getting good stats, is the only character able to use the Pugi. Imagine Hand Axe+Killer Axe+A lot of uses. That's the Pugi.

Why is Halvan always left out?

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Also, units with 20 build can't be captured, no matter what. But you can still steal from them, if the thief's speed > unit's speed, and his build > item's weight.

Are you sure they can't be captured? Because I captured the boss of Ch 22 and I thought he had 20 Build.

Use characters like Othin. They magically make the game easier. Why? Well, Othin, on top of having wrath and getting good stats, is the only character able to use the Pugi. Imagine Hand Axe+Killer Axe+A lot of uses. That's the Pugi.

I strongly advise you to save your Pugi Axe. 60 uses is a lot but that's the only one you get if you pick the Solar Route. It's too valuable to be wasted.

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Are you sure they can't be captured? Because I captured the boss of Ch 22 and I thought he had 20 Build.

It's been a while (read: years) since I've last played, but I remember not being able to rescue my units with 20 build with my fliers. And you can't capture what you can't rescue. Where are the boss stats, Vincent

I strongly advise you to save your Pugi Axe. 60 uses is a lot but that's the only one you get if you pick the Solar Route. It's too valuable to be wasted.

And on the other hand, you get a second one in the Moonlight Route - so, decisions.

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It's been a while (read: years) since I've last played, but I remember not being able to rescue my units with 20 build with my fliers. And you can't capture what you can't rescue. Where are the boss stats, Vincent

And on the other hand, you get a second one in the Moonlight Route - so, decisions.

It's possible that that boss didn't have 20 Build though.

And if you pick the Lunar Route, you miss two Warp staves and a Rescue staff and a truckload of stealable Thorons which were in the Solar Route.

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It's possible that that boss didn't have 20 Build though.

And if you pick the Lunar Route, you miss two Warp staves and a Rescue staff and a truckload of stealable Thorons which were in the Solar Route.

You get Warp and Rescues by capturing and visiting villages not much later.

In fact, only in Ch19, there are like 4 Trons, and 2 Tornados, countless Kill Swords and such.

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You get Warp and Rescues by capturing and visiting villages not much later.

In fact, only in Ch19, there are like 4 Trons, and 2 Tornados, countless Kill Swords and such.

The more the merrier.

And besides, attempting to fight against the enemy in Ch 19 in your first playthrough is suicide.

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The more the merrier.

And besides, attempting to fight against the enemy in Ch 19 in your first playthrough is suicide.


Even if you run away, you will fight in that chapter.You could just trap the enemy near the bridge next to the castle, though.

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Even if you run away, you will fight in that chapter.You could just trap the enemy near the bridge next to the castle, though.

Thorons and Killing Edges aren't in short supply. The Warp staves are.

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Slightly worse growths, less flashy skill, no personal weapon (Hero Axe is D rank).

hero axe works like "magic" with ambush.

With 20 caps, the slightly worse growth do not really matter.

Othin is still better, but halvan is still one of the best units in the game.

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Thorons and Killing Edges aren't in short supply. The Warp staves are.

Dark Mages are in the game for a reason other than just berserk/sleep/silence your units.

In fact, there are more Warps & Rescues than Restores, IIRC.

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Dark Mages are in the game for a reason other than just berserk/sleep/silence your units.

In fact, there are more Warps & Rescues than Restores, IIRC.

You're probably thinking of Rewarps, there.

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You're probably thinking of Rewarps, there.

Rewarps are more abundant. You get 1 rescue and 1 Warp in Chapter 19, 1 Warp in Ch14, one Rescue via capturing in Ch24, and there are more IIRC.

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Don't miss 2x. You do not want to miss the characters you get from it. One of them comes with the repair staff and IIRC a B in staves (this is good), and the other is your only thief for some time (Lara doesn't really count, since she won't be stealing anything other than vulneries).

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Who should I train?

Othlin is definately in there. Pugi ftw.

Train Tanya if you want an Archer(she's the best in the game IMO), as the only one that can be called good as well comes way underleveled and way too late.

Also, Halvan, Brighton, Felgus, Karin, Dalsien(tanking tank, B in Axes as well, and 4 melee weapons), and Carrion.

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Train Tanya if you want an Archer(she's the best in the game IMO), as the only one that can be called good as well comes way underleveled and way too late.

Also, Halvan, Brighton, Felgus, Karin, Dalsien(tanking tank, B in Axes as well, and 4 melee weapons), and Carrion.

Definitly use Brighton. He also has wrath, has a horsie, and uses axes when mounted. And he's very vital in the chapters that come right after you get him.

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Who should I train?

Othlin is definately in there. Pugi ftw.

Asvel. Make sure you do NOT miss Ch 4x under any circumstances. You don't get another magician until 11x (which is ALSO a missable sidequest).

Fergus is really awesome as well. He has a PCC of 5. Put him next to Karin (support) and he's going to critical A LOT upon Pursuit

Bryton is good because Wrath skill is awesome.

Karin is a flier so she'll come really handy. You don't get another flier until Ch 14 and even after that, Karin will still be your fastest flier (if you used her)

Lifis is a thief and unlike Lara, he has some build, making him good at stealing.

Safy has a great staff level and can get an A in staves quite fast, making some midgame chapters *cough*12x*cough* really easy.

Fin is great and one of the best mounted units in Fire Emblem history. His horse and Brave Lance makes him good at capturing outdoors

Lara isn't good at stealing because of her low Build and her 0 strength makes her horrible combat-wise. She still has good speed and there's an event later that makes her a very good unit. Not gonna spoil anything but I would advise you to at least try training her a bit.

Havan is good. You should use him. Due to limited Knight's Crests, he might not be able to promote though.

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Train Tanya if you want an Archer(she's the best in the game IMO)

she is good but ROBERT (9/10) (who is always underestimated) is probably a better choice.

Tania (7/10)has speed and skill and luck, but Robert has that plus more durability and strength and a mount.

Tania with 3 base str is too weak.

Use Brighton,(8/10) he will eventually get powerful with wrath and so on.

carrion, (9.25/10)the only paladin, and a truly good one at that.

Asvels (9.25/10) been mentioned

give lifis the neir scroll before training him.

dalsin (7.75/10) CAN be good if you give him the sety scroll. He pays off if you use him.

fin(9.25/10) is basically a default. With the hero lance and capturing ect, and good growths, and joining the first level, you will easily use him.

saphy is overrated, but is the best staff users nonetheless.

You can live without promoting karin, just give her some levels so she can survive. Important- WHEN you get to 4x, make her talk to sety for the sety scroll. You really do not want to forget that. (I did the first few playthroughs)

I really do not use fergus that much, but he really can annihilate with the beo sword and criticals. Beo sword you get late however.

Halvan(8) and othin(9.5) as well. Train othin more, but do not forget halvan... hero axe and ambush works like magic.

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