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Is America an elected theocracy?


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And despite what people may assume about America being "behind the times", I would first say such a claim is relative, and since most self-effacing Americans (read: pussies) seem to bow their heads to some mystical power called Europe, I would remind you that in mainland Europe there are many parties which are explicitly based in religion or support pan-national and ethnocentric viewpoints, whether the Christian Democratic Union in Germany (currently controls the government) or the linguistic-ethnic based parties in Belgium, and radical national parties in almost every mainland country (although their share of the parliaments in most cases are minimal). America is still under the influence of tradition and religion in our policies, but to say we're "behind the times" lacks proof. Despite how much some people (pussies) deride America's tolerance, I can tell you we will probably see a president from every religion and minority group before we ever see a chancellor of Turkish decent in Germany.

Too true! The idea that Europe is culturally 'ahead' of the states in any meaningful way is a complete joke.

Obama himself wouldnt have been elected in most (or any) European countries either.

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If you have a different opinon on how things should be done this makes you evil? What's the world coming to!?
No, if you hold and defend extremist ideologies, you are immoral and unethical. The far right and the far left both suffer from the same arguably evil conceit: the idea that they are allowed to infringe upon the rights of others. Both Marxists and neoconservative jingoists like yourself should be dealt with cautiously at best, with hostility at worst.
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Dead wrong. Barack Obama's mother was a typical white Kansas Christian, and by the time his father moved to the United States he was a "practicing" atheist. The president did not "hide" anything. But don't let this ruin your tea time with Bill O'reily.

And despite what people may assume about America being "behind the times", I would first say such a claim is relative, and since most self-effacing Americans (read: pussies) seem to bow their heads to some mystical power called Europe, I would remind you that in mainland Europe there are many parties which are explicitly based in religion or support pan-national and ethnocentric viewpoints, whether the Christian Democratic Union in Germany (currently controls the government) or the linguistic-ethnic based parties in Belgium, and radical national parties in almost every mainland country (although their share of the parliaments in most cases are minimal). America is still under the influence of tradition and religion in our policies, but to say we're "behind the times" lacks proof. Despite how much some people (pussies) deride America's tolerance, I can tell you we will probably see a president from every religion and minority group before we ever see a chancellor of Turkish decent in Germany.

Well I remember seeing him on the news with some other news organization saying he had muslim relatives. I don't think it's a big deal, but he seemed to only bring it up there and then. Oh, hey! Thanks for pinning me a fan of the douchebag that is Bill O'whogivesadamn! Based on something I SAID wasn't a big deal, it doesn't make him some hyper-extremist or terrorist or whatever the hell. I'm just saying apparently, Obama THOUGHT it would be a big deal. I feel sorry he had to think he could only bring it up outside the country. I like the guy, I wanted him to be president, but it wasn't like we were gonna call him out on it. If we did, I'd have left for Canada out of embaressment.

I'm also one who actually likes America, just one that accepts we COULD do with some improvements. If we're good, why stop from being even better? I'm aware most parts of Europe are very lagging. I'm just saying we COULD be better. EVERYONE'S behind the times. Europe is smart, yet old fashioned. We're new fashioned, but we could be smarter. See my point?

By the way, nice going on saying people are pussies for even thinking we could do with improvements regardless. Europe has just as good ideas as we do, but if I thought they were actually better, don't you think I'd have left by now?

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By the way, nice going on saying people are pussies for even thinking we could do with improvements regardless.

If you actually take the time to read the post you will see there is nothing there about people being pussies for thinking that things could be better. However, there is an accusation that self-effacing Americans are pussies, and for that matter self-effacing anythings are pussies, because the term describes people who bitch about how imperfect everything is, but do nothing to correct it. Take some responsibility; either man up, or shut the fuck up.

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If you actually take the time to read the post you will see there is nothing there about people being pussies for thinking that things could be better. However, there is an accusation that self-effacing Americans are pussies, and for that matter self-effacing anythings are pussies, because the term describes people who bitch about how imperfect everything is, but do nothing to correct it. Take some responsibility; either man up, or shut the fuck up.

I am, simply by doing my own part. Being more aware of the world, trying to learn languages, reading more in general, just became old enough to vote, all that jazz. Trying to convince others of a point is like trying to explain FF8 to a very small child, so I can only worry about myself. If only I were better with words...

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I am, simply by doing my own part. Being more aware of the world, trying to learn languages, reading more in general, just became old enough to vote, all that jazz. Trying to convince others of a point is like trying to explain FF8 to a very small child, so I can only worry about myself. If only I were better with words...

I don't talk videogames with small children, I wouldn't know.

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