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Can anyone tell me how much exp Kyza gets from attacking a level 11 enemy in part 3? Would also help to know how much he gets from a kill, though that might be difficult (with a speedwing he ORKOes mages though). If you can find out for any other laguz, that might work, though I'll need the level of the laguz and the enemy.

I need this info for a debate, btw. I don't want to be claiming Kyza gains 3 levels where he might only gain 1 or less or something.

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Hm... There's no formula for calculating experience?

And is it just me, or did Meg vs. Gareth just disappear?

EDIT: They're getting deleted again....

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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You're following the gfaqs debates? They got deleted again and my account's warned, so do you mind if I move them here (as in the debate section of the site)?

And yes, there is a HM exp gain formula, I just dunno how to convert laguz levels into "beorc" levels.

Edited by Vykan12
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I think Laguz levels convert into Beorc levels by multiplying their level by 1.5 and translating it. So a level 20 Laguz would be level 30 Beorc, or level 20/10.

And yeah, I'm in the tournament defending Volug. And it should be perfectly fine if you move it here.

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You're Forest Queen? Haha I had no idea. Your level conversion thing makes good sense though, and I think someone else brought up the 1.5 factor before, so thanks for affirmation of that!

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Yes, I didn't expect you to know because I never told anyone about my account there. I saved Crimsonflash's opening argument just in case, and I'd be happy to get a proper announcement out to the board, even if it means a karma loss. After all, I've already been banned from GFaqs once.

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After all, I've already been banned from GFaqs once

May I inquire why?

Also, I have Charmander's post but not Smash's. Does anyone have his opener saved?

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Transformed laguz level is counted as 2x their displayed level. Untransformed ones count 1x level. Then there's also another bonus added on top of that that may vary between difficutly modes. I know it's +5 exp for hard mode for beorc attacking enemy laguz. Dunno about laguz vs laguz.

Edited by Reikken
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I got banned for getting pissed off at the mods a few years ago. Not the smartest thing I've ever done...It was also my first forum, so I was a lot stupider back then.

Unfortunately, I don't have Smash's opener. I do know, however, that most of the people involved already have accounts here, so getting the rest here shouldn't be an issue.

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You're Forest Queen? Haha I had no idea. Your level conversion thing makes good sense though, and I think someone else brought up the 1.5 factor before, so thanks for affirmation of that!

I am not surprised whatsover :P

You're following the gfaqs debates? They got deleted again and my account's warned, so do you mind if I move them here (as in the debate section of the site)?

And yes, there is a HM exp gain formula, I just dunno how to convert laguz levels into "beorc" levels.

I wanted to say this on gfaqs, but I was afraid that it would contribute to topic modding: "Fence is a ****!" :angry: I lost interest in that sight and have, once again, lost interest in it.

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Transformed laguz level is counted as 2x their displayed level. Untransformed ones count 1x level. Then there's also another bonus added on top of that that may vary between difficutly modes. I know it's +5 exp for hard mode for beorc vs laguz. Dunno about laguz vs laguz.

Just to confirm:

Kyza lv 17 would count as a lv 34 or 20/14 unit. So against a a lv 20/11 enemy, he's getting

Atk exp = deltalevel/2 + 5

Atk exp = (11-14)/2 + 5 = 4 exp per hit

But you said there's a +5 exp bonus on HM, so it should be 9.

As for kills, it's 5+ (11-14) + 15 = 17 exp. I'm not sure if the +5 exp would be applied twice, so it could be anywhere from 22-27 exp.

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I wanted to say this on gfaqs, but I was afraid that it would contribute to topic modding: "Fence is a ****!" :angry: I lost interest in that sight and have, once again, lost interest in it.

Is it really Fence deleting the topics?

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