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I'm not sure if I would like an Ookami 2, since I haven't even played the first one.

Okami 2, on the other hand, would be nice, even though it's nigh impossible. Those bastards at Capcom are abandoning Clover's games (like God Hand and Okami) and instead stroking their own epenis by creating even more Mega Man spinoffs (God fucking dammit, we've had enough of those) and RE4 clones.

Well not exactly, but still, you get what I mean.

Edited by Nightmare
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I'm not sure if I would like an Ookami 2, since I haven't even played the first one.

Okami 2, on the other hand, would be nice, even though it's nigh impossible. Those bastards at Capcom are abandoning Clover's games (like God Hand and Okami) and instead stroking their own epenis by creating even more Mega Man spinoffs (God fucking dammit, we've had enough of those) and RE4 clones.

Well not exactly, but still, you get what I mean.

So I made a typo, har har.

Anyways, if God Hand really any good? I heard it sucked.

Wait, MORE mega man spin-offs?! Why!?! Megaman rocked, X was cool, Zero and Battle network were excusable, and apprently Legends is an aquired taste, but even with network and zero they were going a bit far...How does capcom have any money anymore?

RE4 clone? You mean RE5? In that case, RE2 was a clone of RE1 (and RE3 is made from miracles). If there's to be fault in RE5, I'd bust it for not being scary, something that RE has had since RE1, aside from RE4. It's charm was that it tried. RE4 just felt...lazy...It's different form of play was fun, but it wasn't scary or fun (outside of mercenaries)....or relevant...That IS of course, if RE5 isn't actually scary. We don't know for sure, but it doesn't seem to be going that way...

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I was being a bit sarcastic and exaggerating over there. >_> But you get what I was trying to convey.

Anyway, God Hand is absolutely amazing. Don't listen to what others tell you. Rent it and see for yourself.

I'm aware, I just like saying har har.

Gotcha...should realize game critics suck at their jobs anyways. lol, FF12 being fun.

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I couldn't set all the way through the first one, simply as the game started to feel repetitive. But as long as they keep the same style, and make the game a lot more like a Zelda game (Okami felt bare), I'd be interested in it.

Sounds good to me. That and the character events seem so...bland. If character interaction was as good as it was in Majora's Mask, I'd be sold immediately.

Seriously, Majora's Mask is way too good.

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but even with network and zero they were going a bit far...How does capcom have any money anymore?

Easy. Japan. Mega Man EXE still manages to be a million seller. Plus they're doing the multiple SKUs, same bloody game as learned from Pokemon Sensei.

As for Okami, sorry not played Okami #1 yet. No PS2 and the Wii version is too expensive still The person at Capcom who though selling it for £35 was a clever idea when the PS2 version could be picked up for £10 needs to be taken outside...but they're the only employee of Capcom Europe :(

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