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Death's Return


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My second story, probably not the greatest but I was bored. Post comments in feedback topic please.

Death's Return

The world had been at peace for years, humans had lived to coexist with one another at last, or so, they thought. Deep within the genetics of humans things were changing, new amino acids were forming out others, creating all new traits, changing humans as a whole. Babies were being born with features never seen before, slight at first, minor things such as stronger, thicker bones, traits increasing as years went by, stronger bones would soon becomes a tough outer armor, humans were becomes more advanced as generations went by, soon becoming godlike. People were able to do far beyond possible, telekinesis, super strength, these things were just a beginning. Some started thinking they were better than others, as is human nature, they would kill all who thought otherwise, death had returned, and if not stopped, the human race, would be no more.

Chapter #1 "The final beginning"

"Quick, while they sleep, grab the boy and lets get out of here, we have been here too long anyways." One of the masked men whispered.

"How do we know he is the one we are looking for?" Replied the other.

"JUST DO IT" Exclaimed the first man, as red, glowing eyes appeared from behind the mask.

"O-o-okay I w-will master"

"Good, now let us leave before they awaken, who knows how powerful they really are"

The two men took the baby and returned to Ofey, or Death's Chambers. The baby was said to be Death's equal and the most powerful being on the planet even at such a young age, this angered him, Death's cultists knew they had to rid the world of the kid, or make him their own. The boy's name was Krayos, the son of Zarous and Eleday, two general's leading the fight against Death's minions. they fell in love during battle and were wed soon after. Zarous could turn into a beast, so horrid and so vicious that even his own men questioned why he fights for good. Eleday could alter the thoughts of any, leaving them helpless to her control. Even though most powers were not developed until teen hood signs were already appearing on Krayos a shell like armor was appearing over his skin and the child was growing at miraculous speeds.

"How could this have happened? How could we have let him be taken"

"I-I don't know Zarous" Sobbed Eleday.

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