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Rorin's Quest


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I swear, I'll finish this one...That is, unless no one reads it. Anyway, post all comments in the feedback thread, blabbyblabbyblah.

Episode 1


Floating Continent: Castle, throne room


Man wearing black robe: Gr...Lloyd...When I first fought you..You were so pathetic and weak...How...Have you become so strong...Strong enough...to defeat me...

Lloyd: Well...I've been through a lot...But...I couldn't have done it without them. (He points to his companions)

Man wearing black robe: I won't fight anymore...Seal me now...Before I change my mind...

Lloyd: ...Orin...We grew up together...You used to be so nice...How'd you get this way...

Orin: People change...Now..seal me now...

Lloyd: ... (He holds an amulet to Orin's heart. The amulet emits a blue light, and Orin slowly fades away)

Lloyd: Orin...

Prophet: It is not over...Not yet...In about 15 years, the seal will be broken, and Orin will return.

Man with axe: Who will save the world then?

Prophet: Lloyd's son...He will become a great hero, and will kill Orin, once and for all.

Woman with staff: I have no doubt that my daughter will help him.

Lloyd: Let's hope they succeed...Rorin...I can't believe he will become part of this battle...


Town of Corinth


Rorin (8 years old): C'mon, Lucy! We're going to the forest with Brian to hunt today!

Lucy (7 years old): Hold on a minute! I hafta get my staff! (She runs into a large, blue house)

Rorin: Wait, Brian, wait!

Brian (23): Hm? What's the matter?

Rorin: Lucy isn't out yet!

Brian: Don't worry, we won't leave without her.

(Lucy comes out of the house)

Lucy: 'Kay, I'm all ready!

Brian: Well then, let's go.

Rorin + Lucy: YAY!

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Episode 2, Part 1


Corinth Forest


Lucy: It..It's dark in here...

Rorin: Well, if you're so scared, then why'd you come?

Lucy: I didn't know it was gonna be so scary, dummy!

Brian: Guys, stop fighting. Rorin, don't be so mean.

LUcy: Yeah!

Rorin: Sorry...

Brian: Aha! A boar! (He takes his crossbow from his back)

Lucy: Don't shoot it!

Rorin: Lucy...come with me. (He takes Lucy away)

Lucy: Noo!!!

Brian: *sigh* (He shoots the boar, killing it)

Brian: Ooh...A big'un...Okay, you can bring 'er back now.

Lucy: You shot it! Brian, you're so stupid...(she starts crying)

Brian: Aw, c'mon, sis, don't cry...

LUcy: Waaahhhh.....

Brian: *sigh* ...Well, I guess we have to take you home, then...(Brian picks Lucy up, and they begin walking out of the forest. They hear a rustling behind them, and they stop)

Lucy: Brian? What was that??

Brian: I don't know...Rorin, take Lucy and get outta here...

Rorin: Right! (Brian lets Lucy down, Rorin takes her hand, and they hide in a cluster of trees)

Brian: ... (A giant spider comes out of a bush)

Brian: This could get messy...

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