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In my newspaper today....


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In my local newspaper today I read an article about a guy throwing his ex-girlfriend's poodle against the wall. The poodle lived through it. When the owner of the poodle returned home she found her dog bleeding and covered in feces. Some of her walls were covered in feces too.(lol)


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In my local newspaper today I read an article about a guy throwing his ex-girlfriend's poodle against the wall. The poodle lived through it. When the owner of the poodle returned home she found her dog bleeding and covered in feces. Some of her walls were covered in feces too.(lol)


Don't like poodles much myself, although I wouldn't have even bothered tossing it against the wall a few times. That would require me to touch the vile creature. I can only assume how the feces ended up on the wall...

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Don't like poodles much myself, although I wouldn't have even bothered tossing it against the wall a few times. That would require me to touch the vile creature. I can only assume how the feces ended up on the wall...

When dogs get very frightened, one of the things they do is crap. I know this, because my bichons crapped all over the house once when my house's alarm went off after my sister neglected to close the back door properly.

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When dogs get very frightened, one of the things they do is crap. I know this, because my bichons crapped all over the house once when my house's alarm went off after my sister neglected to close the back door properly.

I know this. But when you crap it falls to the floor, no? Therefore it's rather odd it's smeared all over the walls. Either the guy was throwing the dog ass-first at the wall, or he was tossing shit around like a monkey.

Edited by Bohemund
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i fail to see how that would make you laugh...cruelty to animals is something i detest

It's funny that poop got on the walls. I'll never laugh at animal cruelty.


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I know this. But when you crap it falls to the floor, no? Therefore it's rather odd it's smeared all over the walls. Either the guy was throwing the dog ass-first at the wall, or he was tossing shit around like a monkey.

Not if he tossed the dog hard enough into the wallpaper, I would think. That, or he wanted to make the statement, 'you're full of shit, you useless bitch'. Which he would deserve more than she does...

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That's quite a strange act of animal cruelty, perhaps there were some relationship problems or something that would cause him to do such?

It is either he doesn't like the dog, or he is angry at his significant other. Either way, this newspaper article isn't actually funny. I just tried to help Cham Cham out by making the poo-tossing monkey remark.

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