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Worst Book Ever


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What is your least favorite book ever?

Mine is The Old Man and the Sea. That is the most pointless, boring, and confusing book ever. It flashes back all the time, but you can never tell when it does. Ironically, tOMatS is considered one of the most important book since Shakespeare.

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I can't pick a one, but a few are: 1984, The Catcher in the Rye, Farenheit 451, Joy Luck Club

Basically all books and plays I read in school except for Lord of the Flies. For some reason, I didn't mind reading it in school...

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The Scarlet Letter.

I hate it.

I kinda enjoyed it, if you looked at it from a very specific direction. But mine had this absolute trash of an introduction, one that made your eyes bleed out from sheer boredom D:

A majority of Charles Dickens works are real bore fests to me. They just become needlessly complicated and twisty, so to say. Save that one that's supposed to be based on his life--with Estella. It was actually readable. And somewhat good, save the parts that full-on were Dickens-esque:x

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Island of the Blue Dolphins and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I couldn't stand those two.

I didn't like that one either.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.

HATED that book.

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The House on Mango Street, lame book with a lame way of telling a story.

Agreed. It was also extremely pointless. Literally. It had no plot.

Save that one that's supposed to be based on his life--with Estella.

Great Expectations? I rather enjoyed that one as well.

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I dunno, there are a few I could pick, but I wont. I really thought RA salvatore's last book...(The Orc King) sucked, though. He went on and wrote like 100 years later in the story and that imo sucked big time.

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Well, I love to read, so I've read a looot of books, but surprisingly I usually never really dislike a book, even if does have a lot flaws or end in a way I hate. But I remember I really disliked the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. Especially the last two books. Which is surprising, since though I prefer the adventure/fantasy genre much more than the young adult novels about scandal/gossip/slice-of-life/teenages, I'm usually okay with them. But those books just...I don't know. I couldn't find anyway to convince myself I liked it even a little. XD

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The entire Twilight series.


I don't think I'd hate it quite as much if everyone didn't keep going on about HOW GOOD it is and HOW HOT Edward Cullen sounds. It makes me RAAAAAAAAAGE

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Island of the Blue Dolphins and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I couldn't stand those two.

Mark Twain = God. I've yet to read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the best example of American literature bar none.

Anyhow, my least favorite book (only books I've actually read, so I can scratch stuff like Twilight out of my consideration) is Where the Red Fern Grows. If I want to read about about

a boy mass murdering raccoons for fun and then watching his raccoon hunting dogs die for no reason

then I'll look up shock images of animal abuse online. Not that I'd ever actually want to do that, which is why I hate this book so much.

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To be honest, I don't really like reading books, they bore me. Novels aren't my kind of thing.

Me too. I fucking hate books to the max

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The entire Twilight series.


I don't think I'd hate it quite as much if everyone didn't keep going on about HOW GOOD it is and HOW HOT Edward Cullen sounds. It makes me RAAAAAAAAAGE

Forgive me for living under a rock and 30 miles away from a cinema but isn't Twilight just Mills and Boon for teenage girls? All I know is that Stephen King made a pretty damning judgement of the author;Stephenie Meyer.

The only kinds of books I get to read these days are textbooks...

Anyway worst book ever. Surley that Award goes to Atlanta Nights?

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The House on Mango Street, lame book with a lame way of telling a story.

I was stuck reading that for summer reading, along with I know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

Worse summer ever.


Ok... maybe not. I just read them a week before school, but all the same...

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I have no idea...I didn't like a number of books I read but still read them, just don't ask me what half of them were about, the ones that were terribly boring to read I've already forgotten about entirely, hence I can't even pick a least favorite :mellow:

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Forgive me for living under a rock and 30 miles away from a cinema but isn't Twilight just Mills and Boon for teenage girls? All I know is that Stephen King made a pretty damning judgement of the author;Stephenie Meyer.

The only kinds of books I get to read these days are textbooks...

Anyway worst book ever. Surley that Award goes to Atlanta Nights?

I guess you could say that. It's mostly aimed at teenagers but I've heard of a few adults liking it as well.

I don't see why, though. I'm a teenage girl and I can't fucking stand it. It's just so poorly written, the messages that come across are stupid and the entire storyline just sounds like bits of other stories mashed into one book. It doesn't help that the main character is a whiney Mary Sue, either.

I wouldn't reccomend reading it anytime toon.

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