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If you don't get laid early on, you grow up to be a pervert

Metal Rabbit

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I think that's a lie

All guys are perverted. It can't be denied!

All humans are perverted. Please don't tell me you're one of those eight year olds I saw on some built-in chat on a rom site talking about how much girls hate sex.

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I think that's a lie

All humans are perverted. Please don't tell me you're one of those eight year olds I saw on some built-in chat on a rom site talking about how much girls hate sex.

Uh, nope I'm most definately not him. I was just quoting one of my best friends at school. And no, not all humans are pervs, just meet my sister, she gets discusted everytime our family talks about it.

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Uh, nope I'm most definately not him. I was just quoting one of my best friends at school. And no, not all humans are pervs, just meet my sister, she gets discusted everytime our family talks about it.


A. she's <8 years old

B. she's lying

C. she's an alien

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I think that's a lie

All humans are perverted. Please don't tell me you're one of those eight year olds I saw on some built-in chat on a rom site talking about how much girls hate sex.

Actually, nto all humans are perverted. Just 99.9%... Or less. After all, you people aren't including asexual people--which is hard to be/rare/impossible, I hear.
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Actually, nto all humans are perverted. Just 99.9%... Or less. After all, you people aren't including asexual people--which is hard to be/rare/impossible, I hear.

Oh shit.

I forgot about asexuals.

And one of my bestest fwends here is an asexual.

FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But other than asexuals-

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People (boys more so than girls from what I know) are usually pervs because it's hardwired into our DNA to be so. If we didn't want sex, our species would never survive. Being perverted just means you don't have the control to keep your thoughts to yourself. Everyone, at one point, thinks about those things, just some people can keep their mouths shut. I try not to be a perv, especially around girls. But every once and a while something slips out...

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People (boys more so than girls from what I know) are usually pervs because it's hardwired into our DNA to be so. If we didn't want sex, our species would never survive. Being perverted just means you don't have the control to keep your thoughts to yourself. Everyone, at one point, thinks about those things, just some people can keep their mouths shut. I try not to be a perv, especially around girls. But every once and a while something slips out...


So you're basically saying that if someone thinks about sex 24/7 but they just don't say anything that means they aren't a pervert?

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Uh, nope I'm most definately not him. I was just quoting one of my best friends at school. And no, not all humans are pervs, just meet my sister, she gets discusted everytime our family talks about it.

Ha, that's common actually. Lots of girls say they're disgusted by that sort of thing but it ends soon after 2nd base.

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One can never know this. It's impossible to read minds.

One can never know if your sister is really disgusted or not. It's impossible to read minds.

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So you're basically saying that if someone thinks about sex 24/7 but they just don't say anything that means they aren't a pervert?

Depends on what your definition of pervert is. Just about everyone thinks about sex once and a while, but if you talk about it constantly, you're bound to think about it more. And if you think about it constantly, but never speak nor act on it, will anyone know you're perverted?

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