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Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon developer conference (speculation for the new FEs)


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Q&A session

- Nintendo is undecided if they will remake additional Fire Emblem titles, but if Shadow Dragon is a big hit, they will more closely look at those options

- American players like the idea of building characters up

- European players like the story elements as well as the leveling up aspects

- Japanese players like the story, particularly female players

- since the Fire Emblem made the transition to portables, Nintendo has been seeing new types of players try the title out. Nintendo would like to continue bringing new people in, which is why some of the features listed above have been included.

- Nintendo has added in the ‘reclass’ feature to allow you to change units to a certain degree. This makes up for lost units that are particularly important. When that isn’t a good enough solution, you can use the rental unit feature.

- ‘Gaiden Missions’ were added to ease users into the game. The first four Gaiden missions allow you to gain an additional strong unit. The final Gaiden mission helps out players when they don’t fulfill the requirements to defeat the final boss. You can obtain characters and items that will help you finish the game.

- FE:SD’s story is streamlined because the dev team wanted to keep things as close to the original as possible. The story is easy to understand, which allows you to focus better on the gameplay. If extra story details were added in, the team was afraid that they could over-complicate the title. The dev team wanted to boil the game down to the most enjoyable elements.

- Masaki Tawara’s (Nintendo Co., Ltd. Software Planning & Development Division,Software Planning & Development Department, Production Group No. 2, Nintendo) preference is to make another original title in the Fire Emblem series instead of going for another remake. In making a new, original title, a new challenge would be to include elements that would make it more accessible to a new audience. If he were to do another remake, it would be the Super Famicom Fire Emblem title, Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki. It would be interesting to see how it could be updated for the DS.

- Masayuki Horikawa (Planning Div. Chief Game Designer, Intelligent Systems) would also prefer to make a new game in the Fire Emblem series. Starting on a brand-new game provides an open palette, thus giving more room for innovation. If he were to remake a title, he would choose Fire Emblem: Fūin no Tsurugi. Mr. Horikawa wants a chance to introduce Roy properly.

- Tohru Narihiro (executive managing director, Intelligent Systems) thinks that some of the FE titles have lost the original charm, which is why it’s so nice to bring back the original title. A new title with an all-star cast from all the Fire Emblem series would be a fun idea (this is nothing more than opinion, not a confirmation of this happening in any way)

- pace of the game shouldn’t change too much from the inclusion of touch-screen controls. Touch screen controls are more intuitive, and may be better for newcomers.

- this game can be played either touch screen or button controls. No point in the game has you using both at the same time. It’s up to the player to pick which control choice they prefer.

- the dual screen functionality changes the pace of a game in a good way, making things move at a brisker pace. The additional information that appears on the upper screen means you no longer need to move through menus, making things quicker-paced

- developers’ favorite character classes:

Tawara - Myrmidon

Horikawa - Pegasus Knight

Narihiro - Sniper

- game ships on Feb. 16th

More Details: http://gonintendo.com/?p=71773


I hope they don't Discard the Idea of making a new FE for Wii :\

The good Part is that FE6 Remake can Happen AND a CROSSOVER o/

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The good Part is that FE6 Remake can Happen AND a CROSSOVER o/

FE4 X 5 PL0X. Or just FE4 vs FE6

Edited by Skasha
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I was about to make this topic...in the Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon section.

It is a shame streamlined plot ended being way too little dialogue. I can see why they did it (be honest here how many chapter starts/ends to Radiant were you thinking "Will the dialogue ever end?") its just a shame they didn't give us more optional dialogue.

Anyway it is interesting to see people have different views on what game should be remade and none of them said FE4, take that fans :P . I'd like the most to see a book 2 remake even if the game does start out a little tough just so Marths saga can be over with but I wouldn't mind FE6 as long it fixed the problems with that title.

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I was about to make this topic...in the Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon section.

I made here because of the Speculation that go out FEDS :\

It is a shame streamlined plot ended being way too little dialogue. I can see why they did it (be honest here how many chapter starts/ends to Radiant were you thinking "Will the dialogue ever end?") its just a shame they didn't give us more optional dialogue.

Anyway it is interesting to see people have different views on what game should be remade and none of them said FE4, take that fans :P . I'd like the most to see a book 2 remake even if the game does start out a little tough just so Marths saga can be over with but I wouldn't mind FE6 as long it fixed the problems with that title.

Yup no FE4 XD

Roy needs more love...

:\ But I really hope they have Ideas for more Wii version... I would be sad if it's DS only... (because I can just play using Emulators >_<)

Edited by Gemini-Saga
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Well, it make sense to introduce Roy to American gamers seeing that he was in Melee. Then again, I didn't really like FE6 besides the music score and graphics so oh well.

But it's good news to know that they are thinking about remaking the series and even going as far as re-doing the BS Fire Emblem games.

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Then Gaiden, for that matter.

BS is both more obscure and more plot-relevant than Gaiden.

Gaiden was relevant mostly for its mechanics.

Is there even enough in BS to make a game from? Or would it get added on to the Book 2 remake?

Who knows.

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I'm actually surpised they remembered BS...

Is there even enough in BS to make a game from? Or would it get added on to the Book 2 remake?

If it came in a minigame form, it would be good, like a Time Challenge.

BS is both more obscure and more plot-relevant than Gaiden.

Gaiden was relevant mostly for its mechanics.

Gaiden IS a Side-Story after all.

Edited by Skasha
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Interesting, Joystiq has Masaki Tawara as stating that he'd like to see FE4 remade. Is this an error on Joystiq's part?

Oh well. I'm still very glad to see the interest for remaking FE6.

Where's Joystiq's page on the feature? I fail at looking for things sometimes DX

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I'm actually glad they're thinking of FE6. Finally, the cliffhanger can be absolved to the normal guys who played FE7 and didn't immediately start importing/pirate the rest of the series. Know what would be cool? If it read the GBA slot for FE7 to check which women had which A support with males, and based their children's stats AND affinities based on it, ala FE4's pairing. Sain/Rebecca sounds awesome for Wolt.

Sadly, Rath is stuck with Lyn.

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Where's Joystiq's page on the feature? I fail at looking for things sometimes DX

Here you go: http://nintendo.joystiq.com/2009/02/06/fir...onference-call/

I'm actually glad they're thinking of FE6. Finally, the cliffhanger can be absolved to the normal guys who played FE7 and didn't immediately start importing/pirate the rest of the series. Know what would be cool? If it read the GBA slot for FE7 to check which women had which A support with males, and based their children's stats AND affinities based on it, ala FE4's pairing. Sain/Rebecca sounds awesome for Wolt.

Sadly, Rath is stuck with Lyn.

I think they should do kind of an "expanded" Elibe. Put both FE7 and FE6 in as the main story, allowing you to choose between them ala FE3. Then also bring the manga into the game and let us use Al and them even giving them some Gaidens. Maybe even give us a prologue to the game where you're using Hartmut and his gang when they're at the end of the Scouring. It could be used as a tutorial without significantly powering up any character you actually get to use.

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I think they should do kind of an "expanded" Elibe. Put both FE7 and FE6 in as the main story, allowing you to choose between them ala FE3. Then also bring the manga into the game and let us use Al and them even giving them some Gaidens. Maybe even give us a prologue to the game where you're using Hartmut and his gang when they're at the end of the Scouring. It could be used as a tutorial without significantly powering up any character you actually get to use.

I like this Idea even more that you add the Mangá chars to the game :D

I hope they do this :P...

And IF they do a CrossOver... would you guys would like to be a Fighting or a Normal game ?

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I like this Idea even more that you add the Mangá chars to the game :D

I hope they do this :P...

And IF they do a CrossOver... would you guys would like to be a Fighting or a Normal game ?

I'd presume strategy RPG.

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