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Would promoting at 10/0 be a good strategy? I mean like, it isn't like anyone would reach 10/20 in the first place, and if I remember correctly, promoted units get the same amount of xp as unpromoted

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With all stats capping at twenty and many characters having ridiculous growth, there isn't any reason why you should wait to promote your characters. I remember waiting until level 20 on my first time through. I ended up promoting nobody. =\

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I promote them whenever I feel like. My first one was at level 10, I think since I needed one good strong unit early. After that, it didn't matter. Some at level 15, maybe some of them even promoted at 20. I'm pretty sure no one reached lv 20 promoted though.

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I would strongly recommend promoting Healers and Archers at 10/0.

Healers, because it's not like they're going to get a lot of stats within 10 levels, and because they'll enjoy the extra Mov and ability to attack.

Archers, because they go from the worst class in the game to an actual usable unit with excellent Movement capabilities.

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