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What pairings have you already done?


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(Obviously a Seisen thread.)

Everybody knows that, in order to make a pairing FAQ or whatever, somebody doesn't play FE4 20+ times trying every possible combination; most of the work is based on the analysis of growths, averages, skills and holy blood info. Debates generally work that way, too. So, let's try doing something different.

That said... so far, what pairings have you done? What was your impression about them? Which ones would you recommend, and which ones disappointed you - and why? Also, are there any particular pairings you're planning to do in your next playthroughs (that you haven't done before, obviously)?

Make sure to mention how much abuse/favoritismyou used, though; a lv15 endgame Holyn!Leen with defense sword is quite different from an abused-to-level-30 Holyn!Leen with power/speed/skill/leg/knight/pursuit rings + hero sword, after all.

Posting mine later, if this thread doesn't die in a limbo or something.

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I've done an all subs playthrough. The ones with Pursuit were okay, except Hawk, who was downright amazing. Radney and Rodolban obviously could just boost their offense by using 1st gen high-kill swords which Celice inherited. Dimna works pretty well after he gets his +5 Str bonus, though he's fairly shaky on doubling enemy bow users, and his other stats blew. Lack of good bows before Ch9 hurts him a lot compared to Lester, who can use Hero Bow from the start.

Daisy is the worst unit ever, but I wanted to use all subs so I killed off all the stationary Darna swordfighters with her (slooowly), found a trick to make her able to beat every arena (Prayer + heal yourself on a castle until your next opponent puts you on very low HP, then play at 300% speed and go do something else). She promoted at Ch9 and from there on I had overkill money, and thanks to Pursuit + high speed she could again compensate for offense problems. But she still really sucks.

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A great pairing for both daughter and son, Midir passes on Hero Bow and anything else his father might have (ahem Killer Bow cough). My first playthrough with this pairing, Midir had gotten the Elite Ring and that worked out very well in 2nd Gen. What more is there to say about this pairing other than it's the most solid pairing for the kids.


Lack of pursuit is frightening here. Unfortunately, Lester is pretty much stuck with Hero Bow until his speed is high enough to rely on Continue. When mixing up strange pairings, Pursuit Ring is the envy of attention, and I would consider this a strange pairing. (Bow Knight Caps, Sniper Growths?) That's the only downfall, but Lester should be used for hit and run tactics, not 'kill enemy because I can't move after this' like Jamuka was. A skill ring is fine too.


Lester wants a power ring and skill ring, he's pretty much set after that. Rana, meanwhile has a solid magic growth. It is unfortunate that the Rescue Staff can't be used at this time, but maybe there was a use in 1st Gen? Get her a Wind tome after promotion. (Fire is wtf heavy.)


I've never tried this, but Julian/Rena bothers me and I don't think I ever will.


This pairing is actually quite nice (if not, better than Midir where growths are provided, not so much in utility.) Pursuit and Prayer are given to both kids, a must have for priests, and a just in case for an arc knight who couldn't get away as fast. There are no bows to pass down to Lester, so you're pretty much stuck with an iron bow for the rest of chapter six, Steel bow in chapter seven, and IIRC Silver at last in eight. Fin also gives a nice magic boost to Rana in an event in chapter seven.


Extremely similar to Midir, if not identical. If for some reason, Midir is already taken (what.) and you want basically the same thing, here's another one. Also, lack of bows.


Lester was benched. There are ways to make him good, such as a power and a skill ring, and a pursuit ring. Rana, however, is milking those staves for all they're worth. Baby girl needs a Bargain Ring to keep up with those expenses.

That's all for right now, but I do want to try Levin/Edin for the heck of it.

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(Bow Knight Caps, Sniper Growths?)

No such a thing in FE4, actually, since caps are always bases+15.

It would be so much easier to make crack alternate pairings for Adean if there were a 1st gen enemy who dropped a silver bow or something.

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I've done Aideen/Dew and Aideen/Azel

I've never used Lester but with Dew Lana was great and with Azel not as much as with Dew

Aira/Holyn and Aira/Dew

With Holyn Lakche was great and Skasah was OK. With Dew Lakche was probably tied with Celice and Levin and his son for the best unit in the game, Skasaha was OK.

Lachesis/Fin and Lachesis/Beowulf

I've never used Delmud, but Nanna was great both times but better with Fin as her father.

Sylvia/Levin, Sylvia/Claude, and Sylvia/Lex

The only time I used her kids was Leen as Lex's daughter and she was good.

Fury/Levin and Fury/Claude

Fee was only good with Levin as her father, but Sety was great both times but better with Levin.

Tiltyu/Azel and Tiltyu/Levin

I've never used Tinny or Arthur as Azel's son but as Levin's son Arthur was great.

Brigid/Jamka and Brigid/Holyn

Patty was OK as Jamka'a son but awful as Holyn's. Faval was great both times but better with Jamka

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I've never tried this, but Julian/Rena bothers me and I don't think I ever will.

Glad that you aren't. I've done this pairing twice. The only thing good about this pairing is the Bargain Skill. The children won't get to average at most. Lenster will suck without a Power and Skill Ring.


and IIRC Silver at last in eight.

You also get a Hero Bow from Mushmad. =]


Pairings that I recommend...





1.This is a recommended pairing for Beginners. Also will get the Hero Bow in Chapter 4 from a convo.

2.This is a great pairing. Rana will probably become the second best healer in this pairing. She most definitely will max out in Mag,maybe Skill, and having the ability to use Elfire. Without a lover perferably Celice, you will want to just have her use a Wind tome otherwise. Also will get the Rescue Staff in Chapter 4 from a convo.

3.This is a nice Pairing. Only that Rana might need a Magic Ring and that Lester will need a Pursuit Ring+Skill Ring to make this pairing worthwhile. She also will have some problems growing speed, but payoff for this pairing is more Defense. The children also will always attack first aka having Ambush. =]





1.This is the pairing that I most recommend. Both of the Children having Elite, and having Minor Heir blood that will get them to excel more in probably Power..I guess. Also, the children will most likely promote by around the end of Chapter 7, or the start of Chapter 8. Also get the Hero Sword in Chapter 3 from this pairing in a convo is an added bonus with this pairing.

2.With this Pairing the children will probably have around 70-72 Hp upon average, having Moonlight Hit+Meteor Sword. You can actually take on

Julius with this pairing in Chapter 10

any foe with ease. Also get the Hero Sword in Chapter 3 from this pairing in a convo is an added bonus with this pairing.

3.Noish-I honestly haven't tried this pairing, yet. I heard from folks the it is overall very good.

Note: Don't try Aira+Dew pairing Because the children will have less durability in general. Less Hp and Def. Also Sun Hit sucks in this game, as you don't really critical without 50 kills on a weapon. (Thanks to Mekkah pointing this out, as I wasn't aware of this.)


1. Beowulf

2. Finn

3. Alec

1.This pairing is recommended for beginners. Very Easy to make too with just a convo. In all of Lachesis' pairings, this one is most recommended.

2.This pairing really isn't recommended to try unless that you have played the game at least a few times. Considering that you only have until the end of Chapter 3 to build up their love points. You get 5 per turn by putting them by each other, and according to what's already said in this site, you'll need 500 love points to get them to fall in love. Haven't tried this as it is very hard to make, but I hear from others that it's pretty good.

3.You'll like this pairing. Both of the children will get Pursuit and Awareness, and Continue upon promotion. You can actually put them in range of bosses that can crit you with Berserk Skill, as the Awareness skill will protect them from getting critted. =]



1.I recommed one of these pairing. Always. One of these pairings definitely flips a coin. With the Sety pairing, you can pretty much have the best Magic user in the game. Sety will become h4x with this pairing. Maxed Speed, Luck, and Magic, can use Holsety. With the Claude pairing, Fee will grow a decent amount of Magic. She will need a Magic Ring. Upon class change she can possibly become the best healer in the game. Having B in staves allowing her to use nearly ever staff in the game, including Rescue, Libro, and Recover.



1.Claude-This one is easy to make. The Corple will inherit major Blagi Blood allowing him to use the Valkyrie Staff as well as inheriting it, and that Leen will get Minor Blagi blood allowing her to excel ALOT in Luck. This pairing is also easy to make, as you can initiate a convo after conquering the castle NE. Making sure that you don't put Fury by Sylvia at the start of the chapter. ^_~ Or else that Sylvia will get another 50 Love Points and that Fury will get 25. Do not do this if you want to pair her up with Claude.

Note: This is the only pairing that you would want to make with Sylvia, otherwise it is recommended to kill her and take the subsititutes, as you will get a Dancer who will have Charisma, a Priest who will have Elite skill. Also you can get the Barrier Sword by having Laylea visit one of the villages in Chapter 7 by the Lenster castle. Also, you can get the Berserk Staff by having Sharlow by Hannibal in Chapter 9 after conquering the forth castle.




1.Holyn-This is the pairing that i would most recommend with her. Patty will bacome h4x, High Hp, Skill, Def, having Moonlight Hit (to a character that actually needs it.) Faval will become good, as always. But he won't inherit any skills.

2.Dew-With this paring Patty will pretty much battle like her father Dew. Faval will also be great in this pairing. Plus both of the children will inherit Bargain, as that is a skill that Faval actually needs for his Ichival.




1.This pairing is most recommended. Both of the children will inherit Continue,Critical, and Wrath skill. Meaning that they will critical no matter what, also Tinny can have a mag boost in Chapter 10 by having Celice conquer the first castle, and having Celice talk to Tinny afterwards, then you have Tinny visit the castle that you've just conquered to get her a +5 in Mag boost. Plus Arthur will get to use Holsety very early (Chapter 6), and that this is the only pairing in the game that you will have a Mageknight with Holsety. =3 This pairing is quite hard to make, as you most likely have to kill off Sylvia after getting the Defense Sword in Chapter 4, because she might take him first in Chapter 5 even if you've glued Levin and Tiltyu by each other. If you are pairing up Sylvia with someone, you can revive her back with the Valkyrie Staff after Tiltyu wins his heart.

2.Azel-Very easy to make. Can make this pairing by having Azel talk to her att the start of Chapter 4, as they actually were childhood friends. =] With this pairing, the children will become solid. Definitely a recommeded pairing to make for beginners.

Edited by Laylea
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I only did one playthrough. I hope I provided enough info.

Aira - Lex

Lakche - Awesome. Just awesome. I didn't use her much in the early game since Elite kept her at high levels. But once she promoted, she was one of the best units in my party and one of the few units that didn't need a holy weapon to face the dark warlords. She usually used Brave Sword.

Skasaha - Really good. But not as good as Lakche. Like Lakche, Elite made me use him less in the early game. He was still quite decent. I'm not sure which sword he was using most of the time.

Aideen - Jamka

Lana - A very useful healer. By the time she promoted, she was a little less useful. My Corple was the better healer and Tinny was my better magic attacker. She was invaluable until I got Corple though.

Lester - Not bad. But not that good either. I haven't used him as much as the others. He was usually with Jamka's Brave Bow.

Lachesis - Midir

Delmud - He wasn't that good at first. I think he started with low strength. But later on, he ended up really powerful. Maybe he had awesome strength growth? Either way, he was one of the best units in the game and like Lakche, Leaf, and Tiltyu's kids, he didn't need a holy weapon to take care of the dark warlords. One of my favorite units in 2nd gen.

Nanna - She was okay. She was good at healing since she had high Movement and could move after healing. She wasn't that spectacular combat-wise but her Prayer Sword made her survive a lot of enemies. I made her use Prayer Sword and Silver Blade most of the time.

Bridget - Alec

Faval - He was good when I used Ichival. But when I gave him Silver Bow, he was okay. With Ichival, he was still inferior to the other guys with holy weapons (Celice, Shanan, Aless, Altenna, Julia). Not a bad unit but not as good as he should have been with a holy weapon.

Patty - Sorry, but it was a pain to train her. Going to the Arena with Sleep Sword was a great idea until I noticed her money was dropping at a really fast pace. I eventually gave up on training her.

Fury - Noish

Fee - Fee was awesome. Pursuit, Critical, Charge. She was very useful until Altenna arrived. And even after that, she was very handy. If only I could say the same for her brother...

Sety - Unfortunately, I didn't like my Sety. 16 Magic at lv 30??? He wasn't that bad but the other magicians all seemed better than him to me. I made him use Lightning most of the time. Considering how good his skillset was, he might have been a very good unit if I just gave him Elwind.

Sylvia - Levin

Leen - What can I say? For combat, horrible. For dancing, great (what else?). Does her father even matter? I would still prefer Charisma so I might leave Sylvia unpaired next time.

Corple - I'm gonna sound crazy saying this but Corple was awesome. I staff abused him so that I got to promote him in Ch 10. He was an awesome healer and also great combat-wise. He's the one who took Levin's Elwind. I missed Holsety in the first gen though. I gave him Tornado but he rarely used it. In my opinion, among the magicians, he was the third best unit combat-wise. The best ones were...

Tiltyu - Azel

Arthur - I'm a big fan of FE4's Wrath so my opinion might be biased. Arthur was excellent. His horse let me take advantage of Wrath even more. Keep him at low HP, let him kill someone, than have him retreat. I gave him either Elthunder or Thoron. Whichever one he had, Tinny had the other one.

Tinny - The best magic user of FE4 imo. There are so many things that made her awesome. Wrath, Great Stats, Wrath, Pursuit, Wrath, Continue and Wrath. She can annihilate everyone that doesn't have Nihil (this is partially why I found Arion so annoying). Tinny ROCKS!!!

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She also will have some problems growing speed, but payoff for this pairing is more Defense. The children also will always attack first aka having Ambush. =]



1.Claude-This one is easy to make. The Corple will inherit major Blagi Blood allowing him to use the Valkyrie Staff as well as inheriting it, and that Leen will get Minor Blagi blood allowing her to excel ALOT in Luck. This pairing is also easy to make, as you can initiate a convo after conquering the castle NE. Making sure that you don't put Fury by Sylvia at the start of the chapter. ^_~ Or else that Sylvia will get another 50 Love Points and that Fury will get 25. Do not do this if you want to pair her up with Claude.

If you want high speed and Ambush for Lana and Lester then pair Aideen with Lex, he's way better than Arden.

Corple and Leen both get major blagi blood.

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The children also will always attack first aka having Ambush. =]

Ambush only works below 50% HP in FE4. :mellow:

I only did one playthrough. I hope I provided enough info.

The less playthroughs you've made, the more details you can give about them, I believe. So it's cool.

Anyway, my own.


Midayle: Bread-and-butter. Lester is okay, Rana is okay. Probably the most solid pairing for Adean.

Jamka: my personal favorite, although I don't do it much because there are usually other people in need of a Pursuit Ring (usually Arthur). High strength = lots of damage. Good sinergy with the killer bow, although not so much with the hero bow. Rana has no trouble in the arena.

Azel: Did it once, in my first playthrough. Lester has low strength and an iron bow (read: useless). Rana is still just a healer.


The fact Lex and Holyn give Ayra a Hero Sword before she's married helps a lot.

None: Happened in my first playthrough. Radney and Roddelvan just can't compare to Ayra's kids.

Holyn: Not very good, imo, since Luna can't be activated during Astra here. Also, the overkill Skill growth doesn't really matter, as Ayra and Skasaher are usually maxing it no matter what pairing you choose. Sure, high HP, but if I'm going defensive I'd rather choose...

Lex: High all-around stats (except for magic/res, naturally). Ambush is merely a bonus, due to the way it works in FE4, and Elite allows them to grow fast. Well, it doesn't matter much when you abuse, but.

Noish: Well-rounded stats as well, and good overkilloffensive skills. Harder to abuse, though, since Lakche and Skasaher tend to kill Danan with broken swords. A lot.

Dew: HP isn't too high, but all other physical stats are due to Dew's balanced growths. Sol doesn't matter much, and Discount is kind of redundant unless you want to fill Lakche and Skasaher with rings.

Dropped plan: Levin. I was thinking of giving Skasaher Continue, but I can't part with Holsety. Also...

Planning to do: Jamka. Odo blood should offset the low skill growth. Skasaher should be Lakche's equal, and I'll be able to give that Hero Sword to somebody else.


No matter how poor her pairings may turn out, her kids are still useful due to Charisma.

Azel: I admit that I didn't use this pairing properly - I gave Nanna and Delmud magic swords, but forgot to give them usual swords (with decent might) as well. Result: they were useless.

Dew: Happened in my first playthrough. No Sol, and Bargain is useless on units that can neither give out money nor spend a lot in equipment. Result: poor.

Beowulf: Bread-and-butter bleh. Delmud is mediocre, as is Nanna.

Finn: Finn loses his weaponry, which is an annoyance. Kids' growths are quite cool, though.

Dropped plan: Alec. Growths aren't so different from Beowulf's, and Nihil is kinda cool. However, I've given up on Delmud, so...

Planning to do: Claude. I'm never able to make efficient use of Delmud, other than his Charisma for easier abuse; so, I might as well leave him as just Charisma on a horse and boost Nanna as a healer. I guess her Magic is hopeless, but she can at least use Restore with minor Blagi.


The only one I kill on a regular basis.

Holyn: Leen is a dancer. Corple sucks.

Azel: Leen is a dancer. Corple sucks.

Claude: Leen is a dander. Corple sucks, but can res people. Which doesn't really matter when you have savestates, unless you want Lakche to have a Balmung.

Levin Leen is a dancer. Corple is slow, joins late, has neither Pursuit nor Wrath, and is overall the worst Holsety user in the game.

None: Laylea is a dancer with Charisma and Barrier Sword (which could be given to Fee, to improve her mage killer status). Sharlow sucks, but gets a Berserk Staff and high magic.


Azel: Meh. Fury already has Pursuit, and fire magic sucks because it's heavy. Thoroughly outclassed by...

Claude: Quite good; high magic and res for both Levin and Fee. Also, staves. Sety is excellent in both support and offense, and Fee is a very able supporter and mage killer due to her good class bases.

Levin: Sety is God. Fee is still good, due to her high class bases.

None: Didn't recruit Fury in my first pt. Femina sucks, but Hawk is quite decent - since he has a good class, a good Magic base, a fair speed growth and Lightning. Still, far worse than Sety (hurr).


Claude: Classic mistake. Arthur can't use staves, which is a waste. Tinny gets A staves. No skills, meh speed, poor pairing.

Azel: Bread-and-butter. Azel's magic growth and pursuit offset Tiltyu's main failings. Solid. I should do it more times...

Levin: Arthur brings Holsety in a horse, although the lower caps and lack of Pursuit make him less of an overkiller than Sety. Tinny can use effective use of Tornado. Every time I do Fury/Claude, I do this one as well.

Lex: The only motive Ambush + Wrath isn't any more broken than it already is is because Arthur and Tinny have a hopelessly low magic growth with this pairing; therefore, it's kinda gimmicky. Still, I tend to it quite a lot...


Jamka: Quite cool, although the low skill growth makes it harder for Faval to compete against enemy Holy Weapon users. High HP.

Dew: Balanced stats. Bargain makes it easier for Patty to gather money, and for Faval to repair Ichieval. One of Bridget's most solid pairings.

Holyn: High HP (Faval can cap), high skill, Patty with B swords from start. However, lowish speed growth. Or maybe it's just my luck...

Levin: I don't know how this pairing happened. I know I used Levin!Faval to snipe Yurius (since I didn't know about Narga), but that's all. And I'm not doing it again.

Planning to do: Noish. Critical/Charge on Faval is sounding quite awesome in my head, even if his speed isn't going to be very good.

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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Where do you guys get the time to play so many playthroughs?

After a few runs, it's astonishing of how fast one can move through chapters... (I even missed Pursuit ring once because I had completely forgotten that Adan existed.)

Planning to do: Jamka. Odo blood should offset the low skill growth. Skasaher should be Lakche's equal, and I'll be able to give that Hero Sword to somebody else.

Ah, yes. A personal favorite of mine that will simply not die.


We all know how Lakche is, godly and the like. But what if you had two of her? Say hello to Lakche 2.0, also known as Skasaha. Jamuka's low skill is taken care of by Aira's Odo blood. I gave him the Silver Broadsword, Armor Cutter, and Thunder Sword (...hey, I felt like it.). Aira even had time to speak to Lex about that Hero Sword of his (though I DID keep Aira and Jamuka together for the entire duration of chapter 2. Not that hard to do either, considering their movement.) and still hooked up with Jamuka. Also, can you blame me for wanting Sword!Navarre/Killer!Navarre? The fact that it was Jamuka's brother who held Shannan captive? Pfft, romantic storyline material here! My own opinion? Two Lakches. Solid enough for 'ya?


It's nice if you don't feel like abusinggrinding through 50~ or so enemies just to get that critical... But then, you could have done so in any other pairing. His growths are somewhat the same as Jamuka, the Verdane prince having around 5-10% lead on the ones that matter, but no real difference. It was on my first playthrough and it was the last I ever did it. Lakche's great in any pairing. Skasaha... business as usual.


I kind of dislike this pairing... On the last few level ups they have, not much is gained, and they will gain those levels fast. I'm not sure if any of you are this kind of player, but the moment a unit maxes their level, I kind of bench them. Kind of. If absolutely necessary, they'll get the job done, but otherwise, I'd rather raise units. Oh what is there to say about this pairing that there hasn't already?! Hero Sword could be sold to Skasaha, since he'd use it to it's max. Then again, everyone wants a piece of that.


I make strange pairings sometimes, eh? The kids rarely needed Prayer, so unless you were arena abusing or something... The conversation Fin and Lakche get is kind of pointless, since Lakche would have maxed out Skill on her own, without daddy's help. It is a weird pairing though. Cuan knew Aira, and thus introduced her to Fin? Pffft. Incredibly high luck, but really pointless when you think about it...


This was a fun one. Magic rings, of course, were used. Thunder Sword Skasaha, Wind Sword Lakche. Mage Fighters in disguise! I can't comment much about this one, it was fun because of how tactile one had to be in the beginning chapter. A little into chapter eight and you have some solid "Mage Fighters".


I disliked it, left a bad taste in my mouth. One does not simply moonlight hit his way into Mordor.

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Where do you guys get the time to play so many playthroughs?

I've done like 7-8 playthroughs in... what, 7 years? Not really a lot if you think about it.

Cuan knew Aira, and thus introduced her to Fin? Pffft.

Actually, considering how Cuan gets a convo with Ayra right after she joins... that doesn't sound too bad. I can almost see it, actually.

How would a Lex/Sylvia pairing turn out?

Leen is a dancer. Corple sucks.

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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I've done like 7-8 playthroughs in... what, 7 years? Not really a lot if you think about it.

Actually, considering how Cuan gets a convo with Ayra right after she joins... that doesn't sound too bad. I can almost see it, actually.

Leen is a dancer. Corple sucks.

I meant would either of them get enough health/defense to off-tank.

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I meant would either of them get enough health/defense to off-tank.

I didn't use corple but for Leen she can defend her self because dhe get's more defense in this pairing than others and if she does get low on HP she has prayer.

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I've done three playthroughs but I repeated some pairings on the third one.


Beowulf: Standard pairing. I didn't use it so well on the first playthrough but the second time I did it I passed down a Silver Blade, so Delmud did actually become quite good. Nanna was... average.

Dew: The best thing about this pairing is the conversation between the two in Chapter 5. The children are honestly quite poor if you ask me. Delmud is bleh. At least Nanna does get Bargain for her staves.


Lex: This pairing is a standard one and it did turn out to be pretty good. Free Hero Sword, Elite and overall good children.

Holyn: Not quite as impressive and I didn't exploit the Balmunk glitch either. It isn't bad but Holyn has better partners.

Noish: The fact Lakche and Skasha actually get a full skillset is quite fun with this pairing. It lets them critical a fair amount too.


Levin: Obvious pairing, godly Sety, good Fee, etcetera. All I could ask for is just a little more resistance for Sety.

Claude: Not bad, Sety becomes an awesome staff user with godly res and Fee turns out alright too. I didn't even notice she could use staves until I researched this pairing though I never noticed the staff rank on Falcon Knights


Azel: The standard pairing and honestly, I found it very mediocre. I just ended up dropping both Arthur and Tinny because of crap movement and no particular edge (though this was my first playthrough so I can't hold too much credit to my opinion.)

Levin: Pretty good kids as always. Levin!Arthur isn't quite comparable to Levin!Sety but the Holsety availability for the extra two chapters is very helpful, as is the mountedness. Tinny also becomes pretty damn good and I actually never gave her Tornado on this playthrough, I don't think. Only real problem is the lack of Pursuit.

Lex: Give them some El tomes/Tron, get their HP below half and watch them rape. I was actually quite impressed with this pairing, even against the mage sisters with a Wind tome Tinny took down nearly all of their health and would have killed them with Elthunder probably. Arthur wasn't as good as I was hoping but Tinny was awesome.


Holyn: A complete accident. Just used Leen as a dancer and ignored Corple altogether.

Azel: Just because I trained Azel and didn't want the stats to go to waste. Leen was a dancer, I didn't even get Corple because I was too lazy to recruit Hannibal.

The earth: Because Laylea and Sharlow are that awesome.


Jamka: Probably my favourite pairing for her. Lester and Lana were both very good, I didn't even notice the lack of Pursuit tbh because of the Hero Bow. Amazing on my first playthrough, but not so much for my third.

Midayle: Average. Lester was a bit weak. Lana got godly avoid as always though.


Nobody: Because that whore Sylvia took my Holyn for herself and I got stuck with the utter trash that is Daisy.

Jamka: I just thought it would be a good fit. Nothing special particuarly.

Holyn: This must be the best pairing. Moonlight sword + Hero Sword Patty actually made her quite usable, and Faval's HP was lolwtfhuge.

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I will say now, that no matter what, Lachesis's children will always be greater than Tristan and Jeanne for the pure fact that the kids have Charisma. This would also be the only reason why people go for Layla, too. I do like the substitutes, though especially Tristan/Rodlevan's conversation in chapter 7, but that's another story for another day.


I've boasted enough about this pairing, and it's nice to have an almost always crappier-than-most-of-your-army tank for once. I never did mention, but I didn't even use Delmudd in chapter 6. Wait, that's not right, I DID use Delmudd, but I decided against him gaining any kills on that iron sword of his. Chapter six rolled in, Lakche sold that Hero Sword her mom got from Lex and coincidentally became lovers with Delmudd. His growths were through the roof, a mass amount of HP gained in the pairing as well. You could get about the same results with Holyn... but you don't gain any skills from Holyn. After Delmudd's promotion (which was very quick; at the beginning of chapter eight.), he bought himself a regular Silver Sword and so Hero Sword was up for grabs again. So I sold it to Leaf. Lex only needed to buy the Pursuit Ring, which even he is most likely to get in 1st Gen. Oh, and Nanna? She was obviously a healer, but where Lachesis' mediocre defense faulted, Nanna became a battle maiden, mostly healing, and quickly after promotion tore up the field with a Slim Lance, Thief Sword, and a Relive Staff. Really, that's all she really needs.


Similar to above, but it's only downfall is that Moonlight Hit doesn't get passed on. Hero Sword and Pursuit ring for Holyn.


Beo/Midir are identical to eachother, both pass on Pursuit and Charge, and both can pass on swords dropped by enemies or that one village. A little shaky at start with both kids, but by endgame they should be fine. Or at least average.


Whenever you think Fin, you must think luck. Both kids are, as usual, fairly shaky at start. That's okay, they have Prayer this time to save them. Often. After a few level ups (~5-~10), because of FE4's RNG system, they'll only be hit around 1/3 times at max. Fin has a little talk with Nanna that gives her 5 speed. Alright, I think.

Fin being... Fin, he'll lose his inventory if paired, so choose wisely.

Deu/Lachesis I have not done, though I dislike the fact that Solar Hit will be lost. His situation is like Holyn's, except less to bring to the table in growths, but at least he has the Bargain Skill, which I doubt the kids will put to full use.


Nanna gains more staves. Lachesis should be a Master Knight by the time this pairing is made, so give her some really nice B staves. Libro, Silence, Warp, Recover are nice. She's still not a good magic user and because of her expenses, it is recommended that Lachesis has Bargain Ring AND Thief Sword. She won't be much of a fighter, so she can keep her Earth Sword in case she's hurt and needs to heal herself. Hey, she IS a troubadour, she'll probably be away from the 5 MOV priestesses. As for Demudd, sell Wind Sword or Thunder Sword to him ASAP, a magic ring, and pursuit ring. You've got yourself pseudo-Mage Knight. His Str will most likely be somewhat low, so something along the lines of Wing Clipper/Armor Cutter, or even a Silver Sword is fine.


About the same as above, minus staff boost. Both children will have pursuit, and Nanna and Delmudd are the best candidates for the Wind and Thunder Swords. Magic and Defense Rings are recommended. Yay for Mage Knights~


How to explain this one... Something similar to Beo/Midir, except a bit less than them or more, could go either way. Are you feeling lucky?


Quite nice, good overall. Critical activates often. Bring a Pursuit Ring.



Speed. That is all.

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Lex/Aira: I remember this one time where Ambush saved Lakche's life several times over in the first chapter. But other than that, Lakche and Skasaher usually had too high an evade to make it activate too often. Still, their skill growth was impressive.

Midir/Aideen: I always want to shoot somebody when they say Midir's a bad person, because really, the fact that he can usually hit things four times makes up for his low strength. It shows with his kids, too; Lester tends to have great skill with Midir as his father, and Lana usually gets lots of stats when she levels up as well. The father may be bad, but the children are still really awesome.

Beowulf/Lachesis: Simply put, Nanna and Delmud both turned out okay for this one. Nothing outlandishly special, but they were still fairly good units. Nanna always will suck at healing, though...

Azel/Tiltyu: Their children turned out amazingly awesome. Especially Tinny, who was one of the best units I had. I don't think I need to say much else, other than that Arthur was also pretty good as a Mage Knight.

Levin/Fury: LOLHolsety is always welcome with Sety, especially since this is the overkill option we're talking about here. Fee turned out very well, too; too bad she was too close to maxing speed for her speed growth to really shine...

Jamka/Briggid: The parents were great, the children kind of sucked. Poor Faval got bad skill from his dad, and Patty got mildly screwed over as well as she was the only unit I never even thought of using consistently...

Claude/Sylvia: At least Corple inherited the Valkilli staff. That made him somewhat useful, but it's too bad he inherited a broken Valkilli staff... Also, why was Leen's growth for a stat she didn't need so high? (Don't answer that question)

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I've only tried basic bread and butter pairings (i.e. Adean/Midir, Aira/Lex, etc). They're so common that there isn't a whole lot to be said about them. I would like to give Aira/Jamka a shot just because of how awesome it seems to be.

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I kinda meant the Wrath+Prayer+Pursuit.

The kids will be good enough to survive, not to kill. Though at least, they got Pursuit.

Anyway, about my pairings...I have done...

Edin: Mideel, Jamka, Azel, Finn and Deu

Fury: Levin, Claude, Alec, and Azel

Tiltyu: Azel, Levin, Lex and Holyn

Bridget: Holyn, Deu, Jamka, Lex and Mideel

Sylvia: Holyn, Levin, Deu, Lex, Azel and Alec

Lachesis: Finn, Mideel, Beowulf, Claude and Deu

Ayra: Lex, Holyn, Azel, Claude, Finn and Deu

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