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The History of Kiryn

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Yep, I blame the school computers for the fact that I'm now in

What, you thought I'd spoil it?


Meanie I thought you would I read spoiler tags just because the gem you can't have is always the most beautiful.

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It's a series, actually, several series, by Tamora Pierce. There's... lessee...

The series can be read independently of one another but they're all really good.

Song of the Lioness series (about a girl (Alanna) who disguises herself become a knight)

1- Alanna: The First Adventure (lame title, great book)

2- In the Hand of the Goddess

3- The Woman who Rides Like a Man

4- Lioness Rampant

The Immortals series (about a girl(Daine) with a magic connection to animals, set shortly after SotL)

1- Wild Magic

2- Wolf-speaker

3- Emperor Mage

4- In the Realms of the Gods

Protector of the Small (set after Immortals, about a girl (Kel, is in story) who becomes a knight without disguising herself)

1- First Test

2- Page

3- Squire

4- Lady Knight

The characters I mentioned (Kel, Neal, Owen, Tobe) come from this quartet.

My history enters shortly after Lady Knight, but there's more books...

Trickster Duet (set after PotS, about Alanna's daughter (Aly) who works as a spy)

1- Trickster's Choice

2- Trickster's Queen

Then the Provost's Dog quartet, of which only one book is yet released:

1- Terrier

They're a lot of books, but I HIGHLY reccomend them. Especially for people who like FE; the universe is somewhat similar.

Edited by Kiryn
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It's a series, actually, several series, by Tamora Pierce. There's... lessee...

The series can be read independently of one another but they're all really good.

Song of the Lioness series (about a girl (Alanna) who disguises herself become a knight)

1- Alanna: The First Adventure (lame title, great book)

2- In the Hand of the Goddess

3- The Woman who Rides Like a Man

4- Lioness Rampant

The Immortals series (about a girl(Daine) with a magic connection to animals, set shortly after SotL)

1- Wild Magic

2- Wolf-speaker

3- Emperor Mage

4- In the Realms of the Gods

Protector of the Small (set after Immortals, about a girl (Kel, is in story) who becomes a knight without disguising herself)

1- First Test

2- Page

3- Squire

4- Lady Knight

The characters I mentioned (Kel, Neal, Owen, Tobe) come from this quartet.

My history enters shortly after Lady Knight, but there's more books...

Trickster Duet (set after PotS, about Alanna's daughter (Aly) who works as a spy)

1- Trickster's Choice

2- Trickster's Queen

Then the Provost's Dog quartet, of which only one book is yet released:

1- Terrier

They're a lot of books, but I HIGHLY reccomend them. Especially for people who like FE; the universe is somewhat similar.

are they all about girls?

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They are, but they're not "chick lit". There's battles, action, and the second-most-important character's usually a guy. I think the author also has a series planned for one of the major guy characters from Immortals, but it hasn't happened yet. At any rate I know multiple guys who have read them and liked- the gender of the protagonist doesn't make them more suited to either gender in this case, (though I think it's awesome feminist teen fiction), they're good books for either gender.

I don't care. I was just joking I'm the boy who read the twilight seires because I was bored.

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It sounds like the conversation that happened when Rhys found Elincia.

Or something like it.

I am Lyle Dayek, and I approve of this topic. Not that Kiryn needs it.

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