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Vatican buries the hatchet with Charles Darwin


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Go fuck yourself. No wait, better, your mother. I have provided logical explanations for my points. You have not.

But you know what, I can do what you do as well.

You clearly have anal sex with horses every day. I know this to be fact. I believe it, therefore it is true. You cannot prove me wrong. Go ahead and try. You won't be able to.

The latter. Jarly is clearly retarded. Either that or an interesting troll, but he denies that, so :(.

As they say, so many knowledge!

Oh yeah, I am a troll. What does that make you then?

PS: I is afraid of flames. XD Get it? :lol:

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When did I say all I said was correct? I think I said those were just my beliefs. You should learn to read.

You said you were correct the second you chose to believe those things. And you refuse to give evidence as to why you believe these things then deny when others give evidence and (basically) say "I'm right because I say so".

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You said you were correct the second you chose to believe those things. And you refuse to give evidence as to why you believe these things then deny when others give evidence and (basically) say "I'm right because I say so".

I never said I was correct. I said I believed in what I believe, and that is that. No point arguing over something I did not say.

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Then what's your point in talking son?

The point of discourse is to share, contrast, and evaluate ideas. If you withdraw from those, than you have contributed nothing, and you might have well just kept your mouth shut.

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I never said I was correct. I said I believed in what I believe, and that is that. No point arguing over something I did not say.

So wait, you're saying you don't think your beliefs are correct. Meaning you don't believe in your beliefs.

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Then what's your point in talking son?

The point of discourse is to share, contrast, and evaluate ideas. If you withdraw from those, than you have contributed nothing, and you might have well just kept your mouth shut.

My point in talking is simple, you fine dark knight. I never said that everything I said was correct. In fact, I simply said that we all had beliefs and I had mine. Where is the word correct mentioned in there? Are you too stupid to understand.

Oh wait, I guess it is you who has the bird brain, not me. :lol:

So wait, you're saying you don't think your beliefs are correct. Meaning you don't believe in your beliefs.

Look at above quoting. I never said anything concerning the word CORRECT!

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My point in talking is simple, you fine dark knight. I never said that everything I said was correct. In fact, I simply said that we all had beliefs and I had mine.

This is a simple rhetorical strategy: try to equate two non-equal ideas. But labeling evolution as a "belief", you make it as easily dismissible as your psychopathic notions. You make it look like somehow we're on "level playing fields", each of us holding our own "beliefs", which are of equal value.

The incongruity in this gimmick is the fact is evolution isn't a belief, and if you understood it even you would have a hard time arguing against it

Edited by Black Knight
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This is a simple rhetorical strategy: try to equate two non-equal ideas. But labeling evolution as a "belief", you make it as easily dismissible as your psychopathic notions. You make it look like somehow we're on "level playing fields", each of us holding our own "beliefs", which are of equal value.

The incongruity in this gimmick is the fact is evolution isn't a belief, and if you understood it even you would have a hard time arguing against it

That is the point, you fine dark knight. I don't understand it, therefore, can't believe in it. I stick to what I believe in, again. Capishe? All happy, good, lets go home. XD

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It's not that you don't understand it. You don't want to understand it. You dismiss it. You're afraid of it. You bathe in your ignorance, because it is the only thing you've ever known. God hates a thinker, and with your head of pipe cleaners and bell whistles you're obviously headed straight for the Golden Gates.

Edited by Black Knight
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It's not that you don't understand it. You don't want to understand it. You dismiss it. You're afraid of it. You bathe in your ignorance, because it is the only thing you've ever known. God hates a thinker, and with your head of pipe cleaners and bell whistles you're obviously headed straight for the Golden Gates.

God hates nobody, you fine dark knight. ^^

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I was going to respond all high and mighty like, but if Löki himself says "I dont believe in science nor evolution theories," he doesn't believe in understanding his surroundings by experience, and so he won't be willing to learn from this debate. He believes in whatever is easiest to believe, not in whatever has the most evidence.

Then he doesn't hate me. XD

Merriam-Webster defines ignorance in part as a "lack of knowledge, education, or awareness."

*You lack knowledge of evolution while you try to discredit it.

*You lack education on how the theory was formed, as well as many other relevant scientific topics.

*You lack awareness (or maybe just suppress it?) of reality. Evolution has repeatedly been shown to exist through studies of real stuff that is actually happening, which you clearly don't know is going on.

You fit the bill of ignorant with flying colors, dude.

Edited by YokaiKnight
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I dont believe in science nor evolution theories.

If that is the case: please get off your computer, stop writing, leave your house, strip naked, surrender all tools, give up all medicine and live the rest of your life in the forest away from any civilisation while covering your ears and shutting your eyes. All of the things I have listed above come about because of naturalistic science, which you do not believe in; thus you do not want.

If you do not believe in science, then pretty much everything does not exist to you.

In fact, put down that bible, because science allowed that to exist... thus you do not believe in its' printed words.

Edited by Shuuda
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Do you want a sarcasm detector?

Give it to him anyway; that sarcasm was the funniest rebuttal of pro-Creationist bullshit until he took it seriously.

In all seriousness, Löki, what I find hard to believe is that somehow you think that theory constitutes a belief. There is a huge difference between a scientific theory and a common use theory:

Common Use: something that has yet to be proven.

Scientific: something that has lots of evidence for it that is used to explain an occurrence.

Also, if Evolution doesn't exist as you say it does, why do we get the common cold so often? If Evolution didn't exist, we'd only have to deal with it once in our lives and that's it. Also, without evolution we would all look pretty much exactly the same as everyone else at this point. How do you think we managed to become as diverse as we do today? We don't need to find a talking monkey to find evidence for evolution; all you have to do is wake the fuck up, smell the coffee, and take a good, hard look around you.

I know my efforts are likely futile at this point, but hey, it's for my peace of mind...


Edited by Karlheinz Stockhausen
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Mm, good for them. [/totally not sarcastic.]

But to say a few more words... Not believing in Science is utter bullshit. I mean, I don't like Britney Spears, but I still believe she exists. If I didn't like science (I do,) I would still believe in it. God hates ignorance, as Riding Hood said, so you might want to reconsider your arguments here, Loki.

Edited by Marion Morrison
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You don't have to believe in science. Fact requires no faith.

I find it amusing how the Vatican not only seems to misunderstand what the theory of evolution has to say concerning man, but also how they want to retroactively give saints credit for the idea. This isn't an admission of ignorance, it's a cynical attempt by a centuries-old organization to adapt for the times.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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I find it amusing how the Vatican not only seems to misunderstand what the theory of evolution has to say concerning man, but also how they want to retroactively give saints credit for the idea. This isn't an admission of ignorance, it's a cynical attempt by a centuries-old organization to adapt for the times.

At least it'll get the creationists to quiet down a little bit.

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Denying evolution is just pointless. Anyone who believes what the church does is a dumbass. Yeah, the organisms on Earth never change, and they've stayed the same forever. The universe is centered around Earth.

No. Eventually, one species was evolved, and it was absurdly more intelligent than the others. Eventually, humans naturally began to wonder why they were there, and because they didn't know anything about how things worked, they just came up with the idea that some divine thing that was just like them just puked out everything at once.

Anyway, I skipped the text wall.

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At least it'll get the creationists to quiet down a little bit.

Not bloody likely. They'll shift gears to claiming that god told us about evolution, god exists, and therefore we should repent.

Ignoring that, a great deal of creationists think that the Catholic Church is ungodly, anyway. This will just make them howl all the louder.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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