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lyn could be better


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Kent with a theoretical Anima support>Lowen, a concept that can easily be interpreted if you were actually keeping up with the topic.

lolwut? Kent doesn't even have an anima support partner. lol. Did you even read my comparison?

Personally for "reaping the full benefit" why not support Lyn with someone who has a less of a chance of being far away from her? (Like Eliwood for instance.)

Because Eliwood wants to support Hector, Lowen, and possibly Marcus or Isadora more.

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Kent doesn't even have an anima support partner.

He does if we give Lyn a theoretical anima support, which you would have gathered if, I don't know, you actually read the topic?

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lolwut? Kent doesn't even have an anima support partner. lol. Did you even read my comparison?
Kent with a theoretical Anima support>Lowen, a concept that can easily be interpreted if you were actually keeping up with the topic.


The cavalier debate of this game will never be settled. It ends up being defense vs offense.

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Because Eliwood wants to support Hector, Lowen, and possibly Marcus or Isadora more.
I think Lowen would do just fine with Marcus and Isadora or Harken (if Harken is recruited). Hector I can somewhat agree with. Isadora is just plain impossible. Not much else for Eli except Fiora, Lyn and Ninian. And I would imagine Lyn's gonna want Hector as well.
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LowenXEliwood is sex, becuase it gives them both the attack boost they need. DaknessXFire and IceXFire doesn't give full attack, iirc.

Hector and Eliwood, like, automatically A support.

Eliwood is filled.

Hector already has an A support and can grab an Oswin B, since they're constantly in range of each other and have basically the same availability. Also, ThunderXAnima >>> ThunderXWind.

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OK, since we're just going with theories, giving Lowen 10 Fire supports and 50 stat boosters makes him > Kent with a theorectical Anima support.

It's stupid.

What you totally omitted was that the entire POINT of bringing up Lyn with an Anima affinity in the first place was that it would make Lyn 85% less fail. Grandjackal just mentioned that it helps Kent as well.

Again, a concept you would have understood if you read the topic...

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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What you totally omitted was that the entire POINT of bringing up Lyn with an Anima affinity in the first place was that it would make Lyn 85% less fail. Grandjackal just mentioned that it helps Kent as well.

Again, a concept you would have understood if you read the topic...

Giving Lowen 10 Fire supports would help his partners as well. :]

Once again, theories such as that are stupid.

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LowenXEliwood is sex, becuase it gives them both the attack boost they need. DaknessXFire and IceXFire doesn't give full attack, iirc.

But unless if Lowen is slowed down by a bit after the supports are attained, before Eli's promotion what are the odds of them being close enough for the support to take effect on a turn-by-turn basis? Edited by Little Al
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Giving Lowen 10 Fire supports would help his partners as well. :]


Again and again you constantly miss the entire point of this whole Anima Lyn thing. It's not to prove that Kent>Lowen naturally, I really don't give a shit about that, I really don't. I don't care about Lowen vs Kent as a whole.

The. Only. Reason. It. Was. Ever. Mentioned. Is. Because. It. Actually. Turns. Lyn. Into. A. Non-fail. Unit. It. Was. Also. Mentioned. That. It. Helps. Kent. A lot. Too.

Again, a concept you would have understood PERFECTLY, if you just...okay kids, all together now!

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More than you'd think. They're also available for the same amount of time.

But there's always a chance Lowen's gonna be ditched in favor of Sain or Kent, most likely to his mixed bagged-ness statwise. It also depends on one's personal playstyle too. So I don't really think everyone's gonna be all "OMG Lowen rocks so I'm gonna use him."

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*points to Sain and Kent's 2 move on Lyn* Did I hear him take damage because of his 7 defense at 11/0, the level that he'll probably show up at when he rejoins the party?

That's just personal experience.

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But there's always a chance Lowen's gonna be ditched in favor of Sain or Kent, most likely to his mixed bagged-ness statwise. It also depends on one's personal playstyle too. So I don't really think everyone's gonna be all "OMG Lowen rocks so I'm gonna use him."

Lowen is one spot under Sain and one spot above Kent.


That's just personal experience.

No, it isn't. I was using averages.


Again and again you constantly miss the entire point of this whole Anima Lyn thing. It's not to prove that Kent>Lowen naturally, I really don't give a shit about that, I really don't. I don't care about Lowen vs Kent as a whole.

The. Only. Reason. It. Was. Ever. Mentioned. Is. Because. It. Actually. Turns. Lyn. Into. A. Non-fail. Unit. It. Was. Also. Mentioned. That. It. Helps. Kent. A lot. Too.

Again, a concept you would have understood PERFECTLY, if you just...okay kids, all together now!

Luckily, I understand all of that. What could've been but wasn't doesn't matter. My example showed that.

Edited by Shanam
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What could've been but wasn't doesn't matter.

Why does this keep going over your head? I was just pointing out "Oh, hey, if Lyn had an Anima affinity, she'd start sucking a LOT less" and then it was mentioned that this benefits Kent as well. Not my fault you flunked reading comprehension.

I also noticed your excuse for misunderstanding me keeps changing. First it was "Specify next time, I read the topic and didn't see it" and now it's "oh but that doesn't matter, what matters is what is." So...yeah.

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Why does this keep going over your head? I was just pointing out "Oh, hey, if Lyn had an Anima affinity, she'd start sucking a LOT less" and then it was mentioned that this benefits Kent as well. Not my fault you flunked reading comprehension.

I also noticed your excuse for misunderstanding me keeps changing. First it was "Specify next time, I read the topic and didn't see it" and now it's "oh but that doesn't matter, what matters is what is." So...yeah.

Why does this keep going over YOUR head? Your comment earlier was saying that Kent > Lowen. THAT was the comment that I had noticed. I wasn't arguing Kent with a theoretical anima support partner. I never said that I was. The fact that you responded meant to me that we were on the same page. Not my fault that you can't respond to a post without being a total jackass.

Now you're misunderstanding me. I had read the topic, and missed the post that mentioned making Lyn an anima affinity. That's it.

The next part had nothing to do with my misunderstanding. What I was trying to say was that you tried to debate Kent with a theoretical Anima support > Lowen, which is stupid. The example where I said we should give something ludicrous to Lowen was supposed to represent how debating something that's completely hypothetical is pointless.

To quote you,

Not my fault you flunked reading comprehension.
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