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Read up on Sirlin's mindset on balancing the games. He doesn't want to nerf top tier characters, he only wants to bring mid/lower tier characters closer to being able to take on top tier characters.

Indeed, but from what I heard, all the rebalancing did was make the lower tiers worse while the rest remained unphased, if a bit more interesting. He might have wanted to do as he said, but balance is a delicate thing.Bound to not end perfectly. He probably expected that though.

Then again, this could be my usual 3 week lag in news deal I got rolling. I'm saying "I heard" too much. Slap me hard in the face, maybe I'll stop.

In the least, I learn something that will let me know better what the product is exactly...

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Indeed, but from what I heard, all the rebalancing did was make the lower tiers worse while the rest remained unphased, if a bit more interesting. He might have wanted to do as he said, but balance is a delicate thing.Bound to not end perfectly. He probably expected that though.
Only two characters really suffer, and even they are still viable as long as you aren't attempting to play against E.Honda. They'll stand a far better chance against top tiers than E.Honda any day.

Otherwise, Sirlin DID succeed at his task of bringing most of the cast closer to taking on top tiers. Hardly "unphased" at all. And yes, he did admit there was still going to be a bottom tier. HD Remix is one of the most successful attempts at balancing a game that has ever existed.

The only reason some characters ended up worse is due to bad circumstance where Sirlin had to make changes to prevent them from being utterly broken under HDR's new system. He likely had less of an idea on how to gauge the effectiveness of Cammy and Fei Long while he had much more indepth ways to buff characters without breaking them for characters he actually uses often, such as Bison or Blanka.

Then again, this could be my usual 3 week lag in news deal I got rolling. I'm saying "I heard" too much. Slap me hard in the face, maybe I'll stop.
Yes, everything you've said is pretty old news.
Seth tried to make a clone stronger than him and failed, thus Sagat was born
This isn't even the first game where Sagat dominated.
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Only two characters really suffer, and even they are still viable as long as you aren't attempting to play against E.Honda. They'll stand a far better chance against top tiers than E.Honda any day.

Otherwise, Sirlin DID succeed at his task of bringing most of the cast closer to taking on top tiers. Hardly "unphased" at all. And yes, he did admit there was still going to be a bottom tier. HD Remix is one of the most successful attempts at balancing a game that has ever existed.

The only reason some characters ended up worse is due to bad circumstance where Sirlin had to make changes to prevent them from being utterly broken under HDR's new system. He likely had less of an idea on how to gauge the effectiveness of Cammy and Fei Long while he had much more indepth ways to buff characters without breaking them for characters he actually uses often, such as Bison or Blanka.

Yes, everything you've said is pretty old news.

Yeah, I heard about E. Honda's lopsided matches where he has fights he absolutely sucks at, but other matches he's unbeatable at...I have no idea as to why, apart from that one throw he has being insane and hundred hands slap. Otherwise, he seems...rather innocent.

I did hear about how Fei Long was batshit crazy and Cammy was basically Balrog...In a way I guess I can sort of see, as there aren't easy ways to fix them. Fei with an easy way around fireballs is way too good and Cammy...was basically came in faulty as is. I'd think T. Hawk, Bison and Blanka are easier to fix...

This isn't even the first game where Sagat dominated.

Yeah. I dunno how he's like in other games, but he was awesome in SF2.

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Yeah, I heard about E. Honda's lopsided matches where he has fights he absolutely sucks at, but other matches he's unbeatable at...I have no idea as to why, apart from that one throw he has being insane and hundred hands slap. Otherwise, he seems...rather innocent.
You realize the only reason he sucks at his worst matchups are because of fireballs, right?
I did hear about how Fei Long was batshit crazy and Cammy was basically Balrog...In a way I guess I can sort of see, as there aren't easy ways to fix them. Fei with an easy way around fireballs is way too good and Cammy...was basically came in faulty as is. I'd think T. Hawk, Bison and Blanka are easier to fix...
You sound like you didn't read Sirlin's blog. Fei Long getting an option against fireballs has nothing to do with the potential brokenness Sirlin saw in making his chicken wing easier to perform.
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You realize the only reason he sucks at his worst matchups are because of fireballs, right?

You sound like you didn't read Sirlin's blog. Fei Long getting an option against fireballs has nothing to do with the potential brokenness Sirlin saw in making his chicken wing easier to perform.

I did read it, but I apparently am not getting what the chicken wing is. Chicken Wing is his fire kick, right? That would charge up his super and dodge fireballs to make the enemy get pissed off and go for him. Jump and they eat a chicken wing, go forward and risk a well timed super.

Honda sucks against fireballs because A. He has no attack to just go through them and B. His jump is just wonky, right? What I don't get is what exactly makes him a stat-wal against everything else..Is hundred hand slap and that throw of his that broken? I could see the throw being pretty strong, but not THAT much...

But as you see I'm a simpleton to game theory here, or at least to street fighter's...

Edited by Grandjackal
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I did read it, but I apparently am not getting what the chicken wing is. Chicken Wing is his fire kick, right? That would charge up his super and dodge fireballs to make the enemy get pissed off and go for him. Jump and they eat a chicken wing, go forward and risk a well timed super.
Chicken Wing is the flying kick that goes across the screen.
Honda sucks against fireballs because A. He has no attack to just go through them and B. His jump is just wonky, right? What I don't get is what exactly makes him a stat-wal against everything else..Is hundred hand slap and that throw of his that broken? I could see the throw being pretty strong, but not THAT much...
I don't see what's so hard to understand. He sucks against fireballs, but not against every one else. He only has one sided matchups.
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Chicken Wing is the flying kick that goes across the screen.

I don't see what's so hard to understand. He sucks against fireballs, but not against every one else. He only has one sided matchups.

Wait, that's the chicken wing?...Why do they call that move the chicken wing?

Sorry though, just...I have this obsession to detail. It can get annoying at times, so sorry about it. It's why I have a hard time shutting up.

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