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A story I am writing

Defeatist Elitist

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Here it is, a bit odd and unorthodox, and perhaps not too polished, but hopefully acceptable overall... What do you guys think?

Alice was preparing to go out. Tonight, she had decided earlier, was the night. She was going to go into town, and do her business. She would have some fun. Tonight was a perfect night; she knew the sky would soon be black, dusted with fine silver-white stars. The weather was amazing. It was crisp, cold without being too cold, with a soft wind blowing the fallen leaves around. Tonight she knew. Tonight, would be a good night.

Alice was standing in the middle of a small wooden cottage, with small glass windows, and a roaring fire in the fireplace. The cottage itself was fairly tidy, although not incredibly so. She stood in front of a mirror, slowly adjusting her clothing. She was wearing a dress, which was neither tight nor loose, practical, while remaining attractive. It was not particularly revealing either, because not only was it warmer this way, but she really did NOT want to blow her cover by knocking a man out this time. She also wore long socks, along with soft leather moccasins. These were all black. She knew that for sneaking, a dark green or gray would have been better, but black was far more stylish, and it was just what was done. Besides, black looked good on her, or so she had been told. “They” said it looked good on her. She quite agreed herself.

Quickly, she pulled her flowing blonde hair out of her dress, letting it cascade down her back. Walking to the door, Alice grabbed a cloak, also black, from it's spot hanging on a wall. Cursing, she redid the process with her hair after donning the cloak As she reached the door, she turned to a hat rack. She hesitated; would it be better to take the black pointy hat, or the wide straw one? The black one was a witch's, the straw one a girl's. After a seconds thought she reached out and grabbed the straw hat. The Witch's hat would draw too much attention. Finally dressed, she grabbed her bag and strode out the door. Or rather into it. After several seconds of whimpering, and rubbing, she once again strode out the door, this time opening it first.

As Alice stepped out into the forest surrounding her house, she heard the gentle ambient noises of the night. Moving quickly but incredibly quietly, she skipped nimbly along a small path, barely visible unless you knew what you were looking for. Breathing in deeply the scent of the forest, Alice felt the familiar call of Magic. Her fun would start here.

The sensation of using Magic was amazing. Alice somehow “felt” the strands of magic which stuffed the world. Her mind grabbed onto them, very precisely, pulling and nudging. Around her, leaves slowly began to swirl. As the leaves swirled, glowing lights appeared around her, circling her rapidly. Reaching her arms out, Alice threw all the leaves on the path in front of her into the air. Then, she slowly began walking forward, the lights now settled, hard to see, but illuminating her and her path.

“If only someone could see me,” she thought, “stepping calmly and serenely through the falling leaves, somehow bathed in the only radiance in the forest, glowing softly. I must look pretty amazing right now...”

As luck would have it, someone did see her. As the leaves around her settled, she felt a wind whip up, blowing back the trees and howling. A figure of pure light appeared on the path, moving rapidly towards her. Throwing up her hands, she brought a spike of earth up into the oncoming figure. Which blew into pieces. As the lights scattered in every direction, she noticed that it was a massive swarm of fireflies. Then, she heard a voice behind her.

“Hello. Where might a fellow witch be going on a night like this?” asked a masculine voice, “are you from these parts?”

Turning around slowly, determined not to show any surprise, Alice looked at the speaker. He had long black (or brown, she couldn't tell in the light) hair falling down his back, framing angular features. His eyes were a bright green, and like her, he was dressed all in black. However, unlike her, he was wearing a long, flowing robe like garment, with no apparent coat or hat. In one hand he held several fireflies, and the other was extended, ready for a shake.

“Yes, I am from around here,” said Alice, shaking the offered hand, “I've not seen you around here before. What brings you here?”

“Curiosity, travel, a wish to meet others like me,” he answered, smiling, “I've been wandering around for a while now, meeting others. I may join in on your activities tonight, with your permission of course.”

“Heh, a traveler, eh?” responded Alice, interested, “I'm going into town tonight, to see what I can see. Buy nice things, demonstrate a bit of Magic, generally have a good time. I'd actually feel safer with a companion, things don't always turn out so well when you're a lone Witch.”

The two traveled down the path, chatting idly, as people will do. As they made their way forward, the trees began to thin, and eventually they emerged into a massive field.

“This is one of the farms they have around here,” she said, gesturing slowly to the field, simultaneously pulling several apples from their trees, into her hands. Handing one to the man, she laughed, “Have an apple, er, well, what IS your name? I'm Alice.”

“Oh yes, my name is Geoff, pleased to meet you, Alice.” said the man in return, “We should continue to the town, I presume.”

“Of course,” replied Alice happily.

After about 15 minutes of walking and idle banter, the two witches were nearly out of the fields, and a small, walled town jutted up abruptly in front of them.

“How many people live in this town?” asked Geoff quizzically, “And how many of them know anything?”

“I think there's about a thousand people here, give or take a few. Most of them are normal, although there are a couple Priests.” replied Alice, “So yeah, only a couple of them know a thing.”

“You don't come here often?” asked Geoff, raising an eyebrow, “Or are you just good at keeping yourself hidden?”

“The latter, really.” replied Alice, not one to turn down anything resembling praise, “It's amazing what a pretty girl can get away with. Just a quick wink and a curtsy, and everything disappears!”

“I see...” said Geoff quietly.

Presently, the two witches had reached the town's wall, and were standing in front of a small gate. As they stood, two men wearing shoddy and mismatched armor, and carrying short swords made their way slowly towards the gate.

“Ahoy there,” cried Alice as they approached, “let us in will ya? It's dead boring out here on the road.”

“Oh, lookit this, eh?” replied one of the guards in a drunken ramble, “Iss Miss Fansssy panss... Looks like she hasss anuder poor sod with her, waddyasaytothat, eh mate?”

“I, hic, I fink she's gorra get angry wiv us iffen we don't open yon, wassitcalled, gate thingy.” mumbled the second guard, “You sawr wot she did to the last bloke oo tried to giv'er some lip, eh mate?”

“True, true, mygoodfriend. You're a, thingy wussitcalled, wise man, you are,” said the first guard, haltingly raising the gate, “s'no wonder why yer my friend.”

As the gate rose, the patiently waiting Witches let out their breath, stepping through the threshold and into the city. As they passed to the guards, Alice waved airily.

“What,” asked Geoff carefully, “was he saying about me being 'another poor sod'?”

“Well,” replied Alice carefully, “it's a bit of a long story. I, uh, knew one of their friends before, and, well, how should I put it?”

“You don't really know him any longer?” said Geoff, smirking.

“To be blunt, yes, you are correct.” replied Alice, “But wipe that smile off your face, it just makes you look like a fool!”

“Makes me look like a fool?” said Geoff smugly, “Whatever are you talking about? I meant only to express my deepest joy at being in your company!”

“Hmph,” replied Alice, quickening her pace and staring forward to hide the embarrassment on her face.

The Witches spent the next half an hour or so wandering the streets aimlessly, before making their way to one of several small complexes strewn across the city. Each of these complexes was essentially a hybrid of a tavern, a meeting center, and whatever else was needed at the time. As they made their way through the places patrons, they reached the bar. Sitting down, Alice beckoned for the bartender.

“Oh, I see you there lass,” said the bartender jovially, “s'good to see you, really. And who's this young man you've brought with you?”

“He's just an associate, Merv,” replied Alice casually, “nothing like what you're thinking.”

“Oh, so there's male herbalists too?” asked Merv inquisitively.

As Merv mentioned herbalists, Geoff slammed the table with his fist, doubling over with laughter.

“What's the problem with 'im, did I say something wrong?” asked Merv nervously.

“No, he's just a bit jumpy is all,” replied Alice, “now could you grab us a couple drinks? Pretty much anything is fine.”

“You actually,” stuttered Geoff, managing to choke out his words around his laughter, “you actually tell people that you're an herbalist?”

“Yes, of course I do!” replied Alice, “I mean, its technically accurate. Kind of.”

“I didn't think anyone actually did that,” said Geoff, “I mean, that's always one of the cliches that we all know, but I really didn't think it ever happened. That's a horribly suspicious occupation. Don't any of these people know their stereotypes?”

“Apparently,” said Alice snidely, “they think the same as you, mister 'I didn't think anybody actually did that'.” Nobody has ever even so much as hinted that they think me odd!”

“Maybe that's because you look like you belong in some fat nobles harem,” replied Geoff, snickering and dodging a swing.

“Hmph. You can pay for your own drink now, thank you very much!” cried Alice, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“That's no problem at all,” said Geoff sweetly, placing several coins down on the counter, “I was going to buy for both of us anyway.”

Sipping from her mug sulkily, Alice glanced around the room. There was a man sitting not too far off, staring at her. Brightening up, Alice pretended to not notice, while stealing glances at him. Her happiness soon turned to concern however, as she noticed that the man wasn't staring at her chest, or her bottom, or her face, or her at all really. He was staring more at Geoff than her, although she could tell he was eyeing them both. She very briefly considered the prospect of him finding Geoff more appealing than her, then dismissed it as impossible. That meant that he must have some suspicion about them.

At that moment, the man got up from his seat, and began walking towards the Witches. As he approached, he slowed his pace, until he was beside Alice. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her closer to his face.

“I think you should be coming with me now,” he said, leering.

“What do you think you're doing, Mister?” asked Alice.

“I said, I think you better come with me!” said the man more menacingly, grabbing her around the neck and whipping out a dagger, “Anyone moves and the girl gets it, understand? That goes double for you 'herbalist' boy.”

Thinking quickly, Alice ever so subtly gestured and pulled on the magical strings in the air, slowing the man's knife arm, should he move it. Reaching backwards, Alice jabbed viciously between the man's legs with her hand, and he released her, swearing as she kicked him back. Looking at his arm suspiciously, he looked back at her, muttering something that she couldn't hear under his breath.

“Hold on, what's happening?” asked Merv, as the man stared at Alice and Geoff, and they stared back.

“Nothing barkeep,” said the man, turning to leave, “Just thought she was someone else...”

As the man reached the door, he turned around, whipping his dagger across the room at Alice with snakelike speed. Acting on instinct, Geoff threw out his hands, stopping the dagger in midair.

“I knew it,” screamed the man, “They're Witches, kill them, KILL THEM! Somebody tell the guards! Alert the hunters! They're both Witches!”

“W-w-well, let me explain!” pleaded Alice to the crowd forming around her, their looks of surprise shifting to looks of revilement alarmingly quickly, “Please, this isn't what it s-”

Geoff however, wasn't prepared to wait and try to explain things, and cut her off mid sentence as he grabbed her around the waist with one arm, while spinning around, and lashing out viciously with the other arm. Alcohol of various varieties flew from several mugs on the bar, solidifying into small crystals in mid air, and hitting the crowd in an expanding cloud, stunning them momentarily. As soon as the crystals became airborn, Geoff took off running out the door, Alice clinging on to him for dear life as the pair of Witches streaked through the streets of the town...

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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