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Pirates of the Caribbean 4


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Lol tbh, just as long as it doesn't go longer than the third (one trend I noticed with the POTC movies is that the sequels are usually longer than their predecessors), doesn't have too many "HAHA, YOU THINK YOU GOT ME BUT I ACTUALLY FOOLED YOU AT THE LAST MINUTE BECAUSE I WAS PLANNING THIS ALL ALONG!" or "OMG SOMETHING TOTALLY RANDOM/UNEXPECTED HAPPEN" moments (which also increased in amount as the number of POTC movies increased), and doesn't have retarded Will/Elizabeth sadness/angst crap going on, I think it should be just fine.

It's good that Will and Elizabeth won't be there because, yes, like others have said I don't think there can be much story between them besides Elizabeth being pissed off that Will isn't around and Will being all depressed because he can't get near Elizabeth. It'll sound too much like the thing with Davey Jones and Calypso in the third and durrr, that'll just be plain annoying to get through.

But, honestly, the ending to the third was perfect. It gave a sense of closure, yet also gave a sense of adventure with the people. Sure, it may crave more, but god. That's what fanfiction is for people.

If this does come out and it looks any good, I'd prolly go see it.

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