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My gripe with Gharnef


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He hypnotizes Tiki, makes her a slave to his will, blah blah blah...

Yet, he has Elice kidnapped for about 5 years and still can't get her to use the Aum Staff??

Think it woulda been pretty awesome to have Elice as a mind-controlled Bishop with Aura...

This is my rendition of what should have happened:

These events would happen every couple of chapters in the story.

5 years ago...

(In the castle, shortly after Marth departs)

Elice: "Mother!!!"

Morzas: "Hehe, and you're next!"

???: "Stop Morzas!"

Morzas: "Hmm?"

(Gharnef teleports in)

Gharnef: "I have an important use for this girl. You have detailed orders not to harm her."

Morzas: "Ulp... sorry sir."

(Gharnef takes Elice and teleports away)

Elice: "What do you want with me?"

Gharnef: "Hehe, all will be revealed in time. For now, just sleep..."

3 years ago...

Elice: "What? But... thats not what happened at all..."

Gharnef: "Don't you remember? Marth abandoned you to that Morzas will a wicked grin on his face. He abandoned his own sister!"

Elice: "But... I thought... Didn't I tell him to go?"

Gharnef: "Silly girl. Marth betrayed you, and you would do well to remember that he did."

Elice: "Hmm..."

2 years ago...

Gharnef: "Good Elice! Keep practicing your magic. You must prepare for our master's arival."

Elice: "Yes... must practice..."

Gharnef: "Thats right. Medeus is almost ready to bring peace to the continent. Are you prepared to help him defeat Gra?"

Elice: "Yes... must help Medeus..."

18 months ago...

Gharnef: "You are getting stronger my girl... are you ready to invade Talys?"

Elice: "Talys...? Aren't they... on our side?"

Gharnef: "No Elice. Talys has sided with Gra, and Marth is with them."

Elice: "Marth... is with Talys?"

Gharnef: "Isn't that what I have been saying, stupid girl! Don't you want to get revenge for his betrayal?"

Elice: "But Marth... is a good person..."

Gharnef: "You are mistaken my girl. Now, run off now and continue practicing."

Elice: "Yes... must practice..."

(Elice walks off)

Gharnef: "Sigh... this is taking longer than I thought it would..."

12 months ago...

Gharnef: "Elice... I have an assignment for you"

Elice: "..."

Gharnef: "A group of bandits is preparring to raid the Resurrectory."

Elice: "..."

Gharnef: "I want to see what you are capable of now. Go the Resurrectory, and kill them all."

Elice: "...kill them all..."

Cutscene to the Resurrectory... Elice runs around casting Aura and one-shotting every bandit in the area.

Bandit: "Aaaaahhhh!

Bandit: "So..... powerful!"

Bandit: "Aaarrrgg! Run!"

(Bandits run off)

(Villager walks by)

Villager: "Hmm? Who are you? Did you just stop all those bandits"

(Elice runs over and one-shots villager)

Villager: "Aaaggghh... why..."

6 months earlier...

Gharnef: "Hmm... she's almost ready."

Elice: "..."

Gharnef: "Elice, who is your master?"

Elice: "... you are, Gharnef..."

Gharnef: "And who are your enemies?"

Elice: "... Marth and the Altean League..."

Gharnef: "Who are our friends?"

Elice: "...Medeus is our only friend..."

Gharnef: "Good... and what of Gra and Macedonia?"

Elice: "...Tools... for my master..."

Gharnef: "Excellent Elice! Now, come with me to the Resurrectory."

Elice: "..."

(Gharnef and Elice walk into the Resurrectory)

Gharnef: "Inside this chest... is the Aum Staff"

Elice: "... Aum...Staff?"

Gharnef: "Yes. You are the only person who can use this staff for me."

Elice: "..."

Gharnef: "Now, I need you to use this staff to resurrect a powerful friend of mine..."

Elice: "...powerful...friend?"

Gharnef: "Yes. He will be able to help Medeus achieve his goals. Now, use the staff!"

Elice: "...Yes... Gharnef..."

(Gotoh teleports in)

Gotoh: "Gharnef!!! You must stop this!"

Gharnef: "Haha, and who will stop me? Elice is under my complete control, and with Imhulu, you cannot harm me!"

Gotoh: "Elice! You must not use that staff!"

Elice: "..."

Gotoh: "Elice! Marth is alive! He is starting a campaign against Medeus and Gharnef!"

Elice: "...Marth... the betrayer...my enemy..."

Gotoh: "No! Elice! What is this betrayal you speak of!"

Elice: "...Gharnef...what is he saying...?"

Gharnef: "Don't listen to him. Marth committed a horrible betrayal against you, and you now must use this staff to stop him!"

Gotoh: "Elice, everything he has been telling you are lies! Don't use that staff!"

Elice: "...Lies...?"

Gharnef: "Enough of this. Elice, put the staff down and kill Gotoh!

(Cutscene of Elice and Gotoh fighting. Elice wields Aura, Gotoh wields Thoron. Elice attacks first, and brings Gotoh down to half health. Gotoh's counterattack is a critical and brings Elice down to "0")

Elice: "Aaaagghh..."

Gharnef: "Weak girl... you forget I am still here Gotoh"

(Gharnef uses Imhulu on Gotoh, brings him down to "1." Battle ends, Gotoh teleports away)

Gharnef: "Stupid old man."

Elice: "..."

Gharnef: "Elice, are you alright?"

Elice: "...yes...master..."

Gharnef: "Now, use that staff!"

Elice: "...but...Gotoh said..."

Gharnef: "Bah! That man erased months of my work! Nevermind it then Elice, come with me. We'll try this again later."

Elice: "..."

Modern Time, right before Chapter 19.

Gharnef: "Elice... heed my words..."

Elice: "...Yes...master..."

Gharnef: "Marth is coming to hurt your friend Tiki. He plans to steal her treasures!"

Elice: "...No...Tiki..."

Gharnef: "Go to the Fane of Raman and help her!"

Elice: "...Help...Tiki..."

Elice is then an optional boss in Chapter 19, she is a level 5 Bishop wielding Aura and Fortify. She takes the place of one of the current clerics next to Tiki.

Conversations with:


When attacked:

Elice: "... must...help Tiki..."

When Marth uses "Talk" command:

Marth: "Elice! Thank god you're alright!"

Elice: "...Marth...the betrayer..."

Marth: "Elice? Are you alright?

Elice: "...must...destroy Marth..."

When defeated:

Elice: "...I'm sorry...Tiki..."

(Elice teleports away)

In this storyline, a new chapter is then added after Chapter 22, and Chapter 23: Dark Pontifex becomes Chapter 24.

This is the new Chapter 23:

Before the battle:

Gharnef: "Elice... heed my words..."

Elice: "...yes..."

Gharnef: "Marth has come for you. He seeks to kill you!"

Elice: "...Marth...the betrayer..."

Gharnef: "The time has come! Go forth and destroy Marth! When the deed is done, return to me, and we will once again try to use the Aum Staff to resurrect my friend..."

Elice: "...Marth...Destroy Marth..."

Elice will be a level 10 Bishop, wielding Aura and Aum Staff

Converstations with:



When attacked:

Elice: "...Gharnefs...orders..."

When Marth uses "Talk" command:

Marth: "Elice! Snap out of it!"

Elice: "... Marth... You must die..."

Marth: "Elice!"

When Tiki uses "Talk" command:

Tiki: "Hey there Elice!"

Elice: "...Tiki...?"

Tiki: "Hmm? What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me"

Elice: "But...Gharnef said... Marth killed you..."

Tiki: "What?? Marth is a good person Elice. All he wants to do is help you."

Elice: "...Hmm..."

(Flashback to Gotoh in the Resurrectory)

Gotoh: "Elice, everything he has been telling you are lies!"

(Flashforward to Chapter 19)

Marth: "Elice, thank god you are alright!"

(Returns to modern time)

Tiki: "He just wants to help you Elice..."

Elice: "Hmm? What happened??

Tiki: "Elice!"

Elice: "Aahh... I just had the most horrible nightmare..."

(Elice joins the party, Aum Staff in hand)

If Elice is killed during chapter:

Elice: "...No...Must use...Staff..."

(Elice dies)

Elice uses "Talk" command with Marth:

Elice: "Marth!"

Marth: "Elice! Are you yourself again?"

Elice: "Yes. Gharnef cast some subtle spell on me... He made me think you were my enemy..."

Marth: "Ssshhh... It's alright now...You're with friends...

Before Chapter 24, if Elice was killed...

(Gharnef teleports over)

Gharnef: "Curses Marth! Must you hamper me at every turn?"

Marth: "You're a monster! What you did to my sister is... unforgivable!"

Gharnef: "Me? But... I did nothing! Your sister grew to hate you, and through her own will, she wanted to kill you."

Marth: "No! Thats a lie Gharnef!"

(Marth rushes at Gharnef. Gharnef teleports a few spaces away)

Gharnef: "Hehehe. It will take more than that to stop me. After all, you cannot defeat Imhulu!"

Marth: "Ahh, but you forget Starlight."

Gharnef: "WHAT?? Curses upon you Gotoh! But... you cannot kill... who you cannot find..."

Soldier: "Lord Marth! Several enemy sorcerers have been spotted. They all seem to be... Gharnef!"

... continues what normal converstaion would be from here.

Before Chapter 24, if Elice was recruitted...

Gharnef: "... Elice should have defeated them by now..."

(Elice and Marth run up)

Gharnef: "Ahhh, Elice! And good! You have brought your brother as a prisoner!"

Elice: "You fiend!"

(Elice attacks with Aura)

Gharnef: "(sputters) What?!?!"

Marth: "That spell didn't even scratch him!"

Gharnef: "Hehehe, you forget Imhulu!"

Elice: "Aaahhh..."

Gharnef: "A thousand curses upon you Marth! Now, prepare to face the wrath of Gharnef!"

(Gharnef creates four images, rather than the two in the normal game)

Gharnef: "Good luck destroying all of us!"

In the chapter, the real Gharnef isn't randomly place. Instead, once all 5 images are defeated, Gharnef takes the place of the bishop on the throne)

Gharnef, when attacked:

Gharnef: "What?!?! How did you... get this far?!?!"

Gharnef, when defeated:

Gharnef: "Arg, so close..."

And that is how my rendition would go...

the Aum Staff wouldn't be in the chest during chapter 24, instead you would get it when Elice is recruited by Tiki.

Instead of being a 10/0 Cleric, she would be a 20/10 Bishop, and she would come with Aura, a B rank in tomes, and an A rank in staves. Her stats would be decent, though she would have horrible growths.


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The slayed her family bit might not work, i mean, he was already in line for the thrown, and was at the castle with Elice when their father was slain. But i guess if he's using magic, she may believe anything, right? I would go with, something like, he's since joined Gra, in hopes of power and wealth. But thats just my thoughts

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Lol i didnt say all magic, just this magic that worked on Tiki, so maybe imune for the moment, but finally breaks to it. Like her mind just slowly lets go after fighting it for so long
This thread has pretty much spoiled Book 2 for you. I think you can figure out what people are implying in response to "your idea".
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My apologies if i suggested at anything or spoiled anything, i have yet to play book 2 myself.

Nonono, it was spoiled for YOU.

Granted, Elice isn't the only victim there, but...eh...

I like the idea though. It's just...since Book 2 does something like this, it's a tad redundant.

And I mean the topic creator's idea. Poor, poor Elice.

Edited by Aless the Black Knight
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I'm sorry for the double post, but I edited this out of boredom. Completely relevant to the TC's idea. Also, it's not perfect, but hey, I'm not the best at spriting.


Poor Elice. Suffering the same fate as Tiki by the TC's idea. :P

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I'm sorry for the double post, but I edited this out of boredom. Completely relevant to the TC's idea. Also, it's not perfect, but hey, I'm not the best at spriting.


Poor Elice. Suffering the same fate as Tiki by the TC's idea. :P

Wait, that's what TC's text brick is saying? But isn't that a spoiler, because it, you know,



Oh yeah, before we say anything else...

Snape kills Dumbledore!

Okay, we should be good now.

Edited by Navarre
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Heh, nice picture of the hypnotized Elice.

Thanks. Not a huge deal. I just did that while I was bored. Even then, I'm no expert at spriting.

Don't mess with her or you'll get Aura'd. And if that happens, only the Aum Staff'll bring you back!

On Akaenia at least.:X

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