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Epic Failures, Epic Wins: Fire Emblem 8

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Epic Failures

Cormag vs. Draco Zombie: Floor ten. Cormag: 12 critical, 93 hit, 19 damage. Draco Zombie: 0 critical, 85 hit, 33 damage. Cormag attacks and misses. Draco Zombie attacks Cormag and hits. Cormage healed. Draco zombie attacks and hits. Cormag attacks and hits. Cormag attacks and misses. Draco Zombie attacks and hits. Cormag dies. How do I remember this so clearly? It just happened.

Amelia was killed by those shooting wind things on the final floor on the tower of Valni.

Epic Wins

Lute. There's no need to say more.

Lyon misses every single attack on final chapter.

Demon King misses every attack, and is killed without any effort.

There's more wins, but not many come to mind.

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Epic Fails- Lvl 20/20 (Sage)lute with everything maxed minus defence and.... 22hp Still my fave char though.

Epic wins- Artur with every stat above 20 (Minus defence) as a lvl 20/4 bishop

Lute being a long haired female sage. Short hair dosnt look nice imo

Valkyries use light magic

Sages use light magic

Lvl 20/0 Natash with 16 defence

In ch 6, the citizens actually managed to dodge the spiders atk 4 times in a row!!!

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Promoted everyone at level 10 and early so I thought Fomortis was way too difficult.

Accidently placed Knoll in range of a killer bow and poison wall Knoll survived the bow and had 2 hp left then the wall did him in..

Wanted to finish Valter with Cormag Cormag had 88% to hit and 22% to crit Valter with killer lance Valter dodged and critted Cormag with a 4% critical.

Natasha Died to a 1% critical as a level 5 Bishop to a Wight who had a Killer Bow with 33% chance to hit..

An Enemy with an obtainable promotion item attacked a phantom phantom critted enemy died and promotion item went to phantom and I couldn't get it...

Used Orson and he took the exp never actually thought he would betray you.


Lucky Critical against the undead dragons in the Ruins Last Floor

Colm managed to dodge three undead dragon attacks who had 55% chance to hit.

Eirika got hit by Lyon and was gonna die in the next turn but she luckily critted Lyon and it killed him.

Tana getting lucky and activating pierce on Formortis and the Undead Dragons in the Last Floor of Ruins frequently.

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Lyon was unable to hit Natasha for 5 (or was it 6?) straight turns.


Level 5 Falcoknight Tana with only 15 luck.

Level 7 MK L'Arachel with only 13 skill.

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Tana. Enough said.

I one-shotted Fomortiis using Myrrh.



My Eirika had lower strength than usual several times.

Joshua LOVES to critical when I try to recruit him. It's almost guaranteed that I have to restart ch5 on every playthrough.

Edited by Luster Warrior
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wins: Forde dodged 2 berserk staff hit (if you could call it a hit XD) with like over 70 hit.

Failures: He got hit by the third (Forde)T.T.

I forgot to give someone the restore staff, I looked at the staff in the supply, it said C staff but Lute only had D.

After dodging two berserk staves with Forde, I laughed when I saw Rennac only having a like 23 % of getting berserked but he got hit in the first try. O.o

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Win: Seth the one man army.

Lose: Artur was hit by a stone at 11% chance. Then a gorgon decided to critical him at 20 something hit and 30 critical. Nice.

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I send my Level 19 Eirika to fight Carlyle. He would have done 13/28 damage with a 1% Crit chance. I put her in front of him. Next turn...

Carlyle: CURSE OF THE ONE PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!

I spent nearly an hour on that level, dammit.

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Another win.

Myrrh getting a perfect level up with +2 to HP and Def.

EDIT: 1 moar win and a fail.

Fighting a totally defenseless Carlyle (I wasted his Wind Sword with Seth and L'Arachel healing)

Level 2 Great Lord Eirika with 8 Def

Edited by Joshybear25
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  • 2 weeks later...

Epic Wins:

- Ewan as a super pupil maxing out every stat except HP without a single stat booster.

- I randomly got a pair of boots from a wight in the ruins, without the RNG abuse method.

Epic Failures:

- I promoted Amelia to a General once. That SPD cap is annoying, and her DEF is extremly pitiful for a general.

- Lv20/20 Eirika having 12 STR.

- My maxed out Ewan roflstomped the whole Valni Tower by himself. Then, on the top, a gorgon hit him with Stone, with like 10 Display Hit. Then a cyclops wielding a devil axe walked up and OHKO'd Ewan with a critical hit, effectively wasting 5 hours of my life. I turned off battle animations after that happened.

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Tomahawk Phantom killing Formortiis. EP1C!

Lyon, Eirika, Ephraim, Orson and Glen all getting Stoned on the same turn. PHA1L!

How is that possible? Phantoms rarely even damage him even if they we3re maxed out.

Another win.

Myrrh getting a perfect level up with +2 to HP and Def.

EDIT: 1 moar win and a fail.

Fighting a totally defenseless Carlyle (I wasted his Wind Sword with Seth and L'Arachel healing)

Level 2 Great Lord Eirika with 8 Def

How did Myrrh get +2 in stat gains?

Oh about Eirika, if it makes you feel better, my friends Eirika had 8 Str as a LVL 2 Great Lord, he promoted her at lvl 6!

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I didn't train Ewan :( , but I did end up training him in the Creature Campaign. :)

Oh, that's OK, I did the same with many characters...like Gerik for example.

Fail: myrrh leveled up to lvl 20 but realized that i only have one more use of dragonstone left.

Win: Assassin Marissa equipped with only slim swords (0dmg) surrounded by 4 cyclops (full health) OHKO them all!

Yeah, Marisa's really good as an assasin, she's godly with shamshirs and killing edges too.

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Epic Wins:

- Ewan as a super pupil maxing out every stat except HP without a single stat booster.

- I randomly got a pair of boots from a wight in the ruins, without the RNG abuse method.

Epic Failures:

- I promoted Amelia to a General once. That SPD cap is annoying, and her DEF is extremly pitiful for a general.

- Lv20/20 Eirika having 12 STR.

- My maxed out Ewan roflstomped the whole Valni Tower by himself. Then, on the top, a gorgon hit him with Stone, with like 10 Display Hit. Then a cyclops wielding a devil axe walked up and OHKO'd Ewan with a critical hit, effectively wasting 5 hours of my life. I turned off battle animations after that happened.

Wow, I've had that happen to me before.

Damn, that's happened to me too. Except it was the 6th or 7th floor of the ruins.

Old Snake's Epic Fail

-Chapter 9 Ephraim: Like 5 minutes ago, I was finishing up this chapter. Just when I thought all I needed was the Merc, priest, and the boss...

...I had Amelia attack the mercenary with an 85% chance of hitting, and I missed. The Mercenary doubled me.

Edited by Old Snake
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...okay, I guess I have to add another epic fail of mine. I just played chapter 6 on hard mode and sent Franz against some armor dudes because Artur screwed up hard at killing them. When I ended my turn, a random fighter that had been hidden in the fog before ran up to my Franz, wielding a Halberd. And as if it hadn't already been bad enough if he hit me with a regular attack, he critical'd Franz at 1% for about 100 damage. Yay overkill.

Edited by Raymond
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One time I decided to try out Syrene on hard mode. I used her in Ch. 18, the one with the Gorgon eggs. On turn two, one of the Gorgons hit her with Shadowshot and OHKO'd her. 27 damage. I was so shocked at her epic failure that I decided to just leave her dead.

Edited by CATS
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Epic Win: Eirika capped defense at 20/10, no boosters.

Edit- And L'arachel. All of her.

Epic Fail: Gilliam getting non-stop one stat level-ups until promotion.

Edited by Pride
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Ephraim is always awesome, maxes out every stat except luck and resistance

L'Arachel was good once too, I think she maxed every stat except for HP and defense (gave her dracoshields and seraph robes to make up for that)

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