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Favorite Pegasus Sister

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Out of the three pegs, Paola is my favorite since she always gets good strength when I use her, which is wonderful for the triangle attack. I also favor the serious one the most. :]

Est and Catria are tied. :S

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Est! She's amazing! Kills everything and doesn't afraid of anything! Best character in the game!

I haven't used any of them. Going by looks I'd likely choose Palla for her sexy hair.

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Catria. Palla's alright, but Est sux.

Going by FE3 of course, but things don't seem that different in Shadow Dragon.

EDIT: Uhh...April? FE1 CREATED that concept. Since this is a remake of FE1...yeah.

Edited by Aless the Black Knight
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Catria. Palla's alright, but Est sux.

Going by FE3 of course, but things don't seem that different in Shadow Dragon.

EDIT: Uhh...April? FE1 CREATED that concept. Since this is a remake of FE1...yeah.

Why does she suck? If you've been leveling Catria and Paola (which you should be because they are amazing), they should be with you during the chapter Est appears. She's easily trainable with her Knightkiller all the Sable Orders running around, and each of the kills would give her a level up. Not to mention making her the starter of the Triangle attack OHKOs any of the Sable Order reinforcements that appear in the fortresses in the bottom left section of the map.

And the chapter after that gives her more experience, too.

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Paola is my favorite.

Also, the Pegasus Trio is very traditional, and FE1 started it all. To complain about it on the forums of an FE1 remake is pretty unreasonable. You're better off complaining on the FE9/10 boards or General Fire Emblem.

Why does she suck? If you've been leveling Catria and Paola (which you should be because they are amazing), they should be with you during the chapter Est appears. She's easily trainable with her Knightkiller all the Sable Orders running around, and each of the kills would give her a level up. Not to mention making her the starter of the Triangle attack OHKOs any of the Sable Order reinforcements that appear in the fortresses in the bottom left section of the map.

And the chapter after that gives her more experience, too.

Take this to the tier list discussion. We need to find out how reliable this is. Edited by Chainey
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Est because you get an ARENA IN THE CHAPTER YOU GET HER so you can make her awesome (All right!)

and, she's pink.

I like Shiida better than all of them :\

Edited by Bananas
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I've used all three in all my playthroughs on Normal. Mostly because I can and I like pretty characters.

Which is unfortunate that there are no Female Heroes or Berserkers... I was really hoping to Reclass the Pegasus Trio into some really odd classes when I first heard of Reclassing way way way long ago back last year.

My favorite is probably Catria followed by Est then Palla, even if Palla ended up growing a bit better my last playthrough. I find the 'mature motherly' Pegasus sister in each game to be dull. This choice is almost entirely based on non-stat reasons because I'm eccentric like that. I generally pick characters by looks first then only give up if they suck.

BTW - my Plan when I first heard of ReClass:

Sheeda/Shiida/Caeda: Pirate (- Berserker)

Paora/Palla: Knight (- General)

Katua/Catria: (Myrmidon - Swordmaster) (Horseman as back-up choice if they weren't in FE11)

Est: Mercenary - Hero

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There's a lot of words I'd describe Tanith and Marcia with, but bland isn't one of them.

2 out of a lot...and Marcia IS bland. The annoyed sister is such an overdone anime character...might not even be a sister, just some girl the slacker guy knows. At least Makalov has a real problem to deal with...and never does. But hey, we still love the goof, don't we?

If anything, it's more Tanith and Farina. Otherwise...bleh. Forgettable.

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Marcia has the whole food cussing thing going on though.

Woop-dee-doo Bazil...She's still uninteresting. The whole food cussing thing would be funny if Marcia wasn't innately annoying. No wonder Makalov runs off all the time, I'd wanna run away too from a constantly loud and annoying neurotic who is crazy enough to feel the need to clean her language with food replacements...With moldy onions, might be a psychological epidemic.

...This coffee smells like shit...

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