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Wi-Fi Team building help

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Note: I created 3 Forged Silver weapons with capped Strength and 100 Hit each for this party.

Note2: All characters I have for this are 20/20, and I can redeploy the Stat-items anytime I remake the team. I did not use ANY stat item during playthrough and used only 1 Arms Scroll during playthrough (and yes, I have 3 Arms scrolls still)

01. Est (Yes, everyone, laugh at the Est user)

Class: Swordmaster

Naturally Capped in: Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck

Non-capped: HP (58) Magic (1) Def (15) Res (10)

Weapon: Forged Silver Sword, Mercurius, Killing Edge

02. Caeda

Class: Falcoknight

Naturally Capped in: Skill, Speed, Luck

Item Capped in: Strength

Non-capped: HP (51) Magic (0) Def (15) Res (12)

Weapon: Forged Silver Lance, Gradivus, Silver Sword, Wing Spear

03. Wolf


Naturally Capped in: Nothing

Item Capped in: Speed, Luck

Non-Capped: HP (59 - He accidentally gained a level as a Horseman) Strength (29) Magic (0) Skill (23) Def (16) Res (0)

Weapons: Forged Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere, Hammer

04. Linde

Class: Sage

Naturally Capped in: Nothing

Item Capped in: Speed

Non-Capped: HP (50) Strength (3) Magic (22) Skill (23) Luck (29), Def (10), Res (14)

Weapons: Aura and a bunch of useful Staves

05. Merric

Class: Sage

Naturally Capped in: Speed

Item Capped in: Nothing

Non-Capped: HP (58), Strength (3), Magic (23), Skill (24), Luck (23), Def (11), Res (16)

Weapons: Excalibur and a bunch of Staves.

I probably should of forged a Tome for one of them but I didn't have the cash for it. My only other highly leveled units are Norne (20/18 all Archer/Sniper), Marth (30 - but his stats SUCK without a lot of work, he couldn't even double Medius), and my Divine Dragons (both are 20).

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Est is a good WiFi unit, don't worry about that. The problem is that Est, Shiida and Wolf all want the defense boosters. Is changing Est or Shiida to the sniper class still an option? With a longbow def is a bit less important.

The falcoknight needs Iote's Shield, or she will die horrible deaths.

Wolf could use a forged handaxe.

Two sages is overkill, especially when you don't have swarm.

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I'll probably just make a new team by grinding another playthrough. Abusing the Arenas a bit more for cash and getting a defensive member of the team. I like using Wolf and Est a lot more than Caeda (due to the fact that those two easily can cap-near cap everything of importance... or make Caeda an Archer/Sniper for a while. She was a Paladin to try to get a little more Strength out of her... to no avail).

Originally my plan was to get a Swarm for one of those two but I... missed it. I forgot that it's only found on Gatoh. ^_^;;

Should I lessen the Might on my Forgings so I can forge more weapons? Or Forge different weapons so they have a cheaper Base cost?

Edited by Rakath
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Weight is the reason you want to forge, so the best option is to get as much money as possible. Fortunatelly some common weapons like the handaxe are cheap to forge, so you can forge those early in the game. Don't forget forging some extra accuracy. Crit rate is optional.

You could consider ignoring Shiida on your next WiFi playthrough. Catria and Palla have better growths.

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I might go with both Catria and Palla, use Palla for her defensive growths (Sniper or Paladin?) and Catria to take Shiida's place as a Falcoknight. Since I don't need 2 Sages.

Due to her Speed and lack of Attack I'd probably keep using Caeda, only she'd take over the role of 'wittle down enemy so I can kill them with who I want to give the EXP to. Since I take 10 units into each chapter anyway (support so I don't get mobbed), 12 if I need Thieves of a character recruiter that's not Marth or Caeda.


Wolf (Berserker)

- Forge a Hand Axe

Est (Swordmaster)

Catria (Falcoknight?)

Palla (Sniper?)

- Longbow

Linde (Sage)

- Get Swarm, do not get two Falchions because you can.

Any other weapon suggestions besides Hand Axe? Like should I get a Wo Dao instead of a Silver Sword?

Edited by Rakath
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Est will max speed just as easily as Shiida, but she also has excellent changes of maxing str on her own. The pegasus sister easily outclass Shiida really... As for how to train them... just throw them in an arena and see how their stats turn out. The one with the lowest def wants the sniper class.

Are you planning on getting brave weapons? If you are, forge them if you can. Wo Dao (and the killer weapons too) is good with extra crit rate and no dazzle card in play. Since dazzle is a common card going for crit is a gamble, but the extra crit pays off if the match is dazzle free. Always give the Wo Dao user an extra sword with more might (silver sword works, but brave sword would be ideal), just in case.

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Brave weapons might be a good choice... Hmm... I'll have to do some number crunching to see what's more cost efficient... but I think having weaker Braves is lest expensive than capping out Silvers.

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Barst makes a much better berserker then wolf. Wifi tends to be about forged brave weapons (because 4-6 less damage doesnt seem so much when you can always double/quad comapred to single/double) so you'd be at a disadvantage using your forged silvers.

I'd suggest go another play through, arena abuse until (or close to) max gold and forge the best of the best for each unit (Thoron, The bol... magic, braves, killers, super effectives etc...).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished my second play (rather, all the units I intend on using are 20/20 Since Camus the Sable and now I'm just waiting to finish the last few chapters on getting the Brave Weapons to forge):

Bold = Capped

Est (Swordmaster)

HP: 45 - Str: 24 - Mag: 01 - Skl: 29 - Spd: 30 - Lck: 29 - Def: 16 - Res: 04

Palla (Falcoknight or Paladin, listing both stats)

HP: 49 (51) - Str: 24 (25) - Mag: 01 - Skl: 25 (28) - Spd: 23 - Lck: 09 - Def: 20 (21) - Res: 11 (09)

Catria (Sniper)

HP: 52 - Str: 23 - Mag: 01 - Skl: 30 - Spd: 29 - Lck: 22 - Def: 19 - Res: 03

Wolf (Berserker)

HP: 60 - Str: 28 - Mag: 00 - Skl: 17 - Spd: 20 - Lck: 12 - Def: 14 - Res: 00

Merric (Sage)

HP: 48 - Str: 03 - Mag: 22 - Skl: 24 - Spd: 25 - Lck: 24 - Def: 10 - Res: 17

Linde (Sage)

HP: 41 - Str: 03 - Mag: 21 - Skl: 24 - Spd: 23 - Lck: 30 - Def: 04 - Res: 16

Now, I'm leaning more toward Merric, for the better Defensive stats, but I've got enough Stat items so everyone caps Strength/Magic and Speed without question (so Linde's 1 Mag and 2 Speed don't matter). The Stat items I don't have yet are the ones from the Chapter 24 Secret Shop (which I know I can buy) and the Talisman from Chapter 23. I also have time to WEXP them for other classes if needed.

Should I give my Sage the boots, or use them on someone who already has a high movement and restrict Linde or Merric to support for most chapters?

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For sage, I'd go with Merric since he only needs 4 spirit dusts and you could give the last to whomever maybe using a Levin Sword.

Are these your best units? What's your Sedgar look like? If he could make a decent Berserker, that's more shields for the rest of your team.

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Since I was using Sedgar as a wall early game as a General he's not LV20 (He got... 3 level ups? He wasn't fast enough to keep up and I often left him walling up doorways). I can put him into my team and grind his levels over the final chapters.

My only other 20/20 unit is Radd, who somehow became useful along the way (I figured why not keep him around, and he ended up getting Arena'd to 20/20 to make cash), but his stats are worse than Est in pretty much every way possible (save HP). I do have 4 more chapters to level up units since it isn't like these guys will gain EXP anymore. I promoted Ogma and Caeda a little early so he could help in Wooden Cavalry, also he got RNG screwed a lot of times so his stats are pretty pathetic. Caeda I just stopped using along the way. I'll try putting Sedgar through the paces for the next few chapters.

Lena is also 20/6, but her stats REALLY suck. She was my staff chick for a lot of chapters.

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It doesn't have to be 20/20, go make a team with the best stats. Lena isn't good for Wi-fi so don't worry about it.

Personally, I'd ditch Est for some1 who has better DEF and wouldn't have to take a strength ring from some1 else. Your Est needs 2 angelic robes and 2 shields to do well against a Berserker.

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She's already allotted those items, I do know she needs them. It's part of why I was figuring to go with Merric, since he needs less of those than Linde does (and Excalibur is useful alongside a Forged Thoron in case of flying enemies).

I've still got a few chapters to work on other units, Abel, Navarre, and Frey (while unpromoted) have decent stats, and I have Sedgar to work with.

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22. I'm waiting till the weekend so I can get my next Brave Weapon (or tomorrow and Wo Dao). Which is another handicap of my team is I only have the chapters (and Gold) to forge four more weapons (Brave Lance, Brave Axe, Brave Bow, and Wo Dao).

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Don't forget to forge a Long Bow if you are using a sniper.

Did that when I got the Longbow in 17.

I've already forged Brave Sword, Hand Axe, Longbow, and Thoron, did that a while back. My Berserker will be carrying Hauteclere just to use it as a Axe of Vulenary +17, similarly Catria will be carrying Parthia for its Pure Water +17 status.

Gradivus is the only Legendary weapon someone will have to use as a weapon.

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If anyone wants it i wrote up a lot of stuff regarding choosing teams etc for WiFi:


Also, try to avoid silver weapons. Braves are better than silver. Trying to fight a brave with a silver is like trying to fight a silver with an iron.

Falcon knights are a bad class, because of their low speed caps.

You'll want wolf to probably have more speed than just 20, otherwise he will be annihilated by most sword users.

And I don't think having two sages is necessary.

Edited by Sylvan
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If anyone wants it i wrote up a lot of stuff regarding choosing teams etc for WiFi:


Also, try to avoid silver weapons. Braves are better than silver. Trying to fight a brave with a silver is like trying to fight a silver with an iron.

Falcon knights are a bad class, because of their low speed caps.

You'll want wolf to probably have more speed than just 20, otherwise he will be annihilated by most sword users.

And I don't think having two sages is necessary.

Of those six listed, I can cap everyone's speed, and if I use Merric over Linde I can do it with a Speedwing left over. So Wolf's speed is a non-issue.

Palla's Falcoknight class was mostly to scout and set-up. I'll probably stick to Paladin as she's been working well as one (I don't have Iote yet).

The sages were an either or. I was leaning more toward Merric but wanted to be sure.

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for scouting paladin is usually better than falcon, because of their higher def cap. Although, i'll admit it's nigh on impossible to actually get a character to reach that cap. Paladins with high DEF and gradvius are a nightmare to kill, since they can scout, tank a hit and then fully heal with their lance. Falcon knights don't tank as well, and both have respective weakness against certain weapons. (bows and poleaxes for example) I think it's a bit of give and take, use the class that makes them the strongest without sacrificing the rest of the team.

The only problem with multiple sages is their 6 move, and only 1 boots. It looks like you'll have a highly mobile team, so using two sages will somewhat reduce that mobility. I think Linde normally has higher MAG growth, but merric is slightly more durable. This durability is only really noticed against long range weapons.

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Well, a few test runs without all my weapons say the team isn't bad.

Fun discovery I've made: Triangle Attack works on Wi-Fi.

Is it all that useful? Only when you double critical a General via a Brave Sword (after you use your Sniper to hurt someone nearby in the set-up).

No, I don't plan on using it as a staple strategy, but when it works it works. Also, personal testing proves it works IN SPITE of any Dazzle cards out.

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Well, a few test runs without all my weapons say the team isn't bad.

Fun discovery I've made: Triangle Attack works on Wi-Fi.

Is it all that useful? Only when you double critical a General via a Brave Sword (after you use your Sniper to hurt someone nearby in the set-up).

No, I don't plan on using it as a staple strategy, but when it works it works. Also, personal testing proves it works IN SPITE of any Dazzle cards out.

Hmm... nice find. I would that too, but I don't need another sniper... but... maybe for a 'just for fun' team I will.

edit* Hey man↑ did you get my PM?

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Hmm... nice find. I would that too, but I don't need another sniper... but... maybe for a 'just for fun' team I will.

edit* Hey man↑ did you get my PM?

Uh... I'll check my PMs now. Uh sure, I'm game, lemme add your code in.

And I don't suppose it has to be a Sniper, its just that's the easiest way to give as much range to doing extra damages. Since all 3 have to be Range 1 to the Triangle'd target. Sniper with Longbow can dish out punishment to separate enemies. My party just happens to have a fair bit of range on this trick.

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Uh... I'll check my PMs now. Uh sure, I'm game, lemme add your code in.

And I don't suppose it has to be a Sniper, its just that's the easiest way to give as much range to doing extra damages. Since all 3 have to be Range 1 to the Triangle'd target. Sniper with Longbow can dish out punishment to separate enemies. My party just happens to have a fair bit of range on this trick.

Ahh sorry just saw your room then you left! Host again please!

I know she doesn't need to be a sniper. Thats just what she is best for me as. I may make her a paladin though.

Edited by chickenman
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