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Zomg I get to tell Jyosua he made a dupe. :o But yeah, I just saw it and it was awesome. Too much waggle going on with Dr. Manhattan though.

Apparently, you haven't read the new rules ;P

Yeah I agree though Dr. Manhattan was freeballin' a little too much.

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Latex Woman was a slut. She slept with the Blue Penis, The Batman before Batman. Each scene between those two was less than 5 minutes apart.

Yes I know the names Silk Specter, Dr. Manhattan, and Nite Owl but my friends and I made up lame names for them.

Rorschach is Mr. Awesome and Ozymandias was the Hardass.

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It was largely faithful to the original novel, but there are parts where it becomes clear that Zack Snyder didn't really get what the comic was about in the first place. Rorschach, Blake and Dreiburg were really well done, while Ozymandias, Manhattan and Laurie left a lot to be desired. I enjoyed it, and will probably see it again, despite its major shortcomings.

To echo pretty much everyone else's opinion: the opening credits montage is spectacular.

I just want to add that, if you haven't read the original yet, you really should.

Edited by Fox
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It is. But that's usually not the first place your eyes go if you're not looking for it. Usually when you see the big blue man, that's what you see. A big blue man. You're bound to see his junk at least once, but if it really bothers you, then perhaps you need to have a long talk with your sexual identity.

My point being: Yes. But it's not as bad as you'd think.

The movie on a whole was awesome. And Rorscach was the coolest character by far. The whole prison scene just defined his insanity and cruelty.

And that he's awesome.

The movie was all around great. Though I didn't read the comic.

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I was reading some review on fandango and what I thought was so stupid about some of these reviews is that a lot of them say "Don't bring your kids". I'm thinking to myself, THIS MOVIE IS RATED "R"!!! On top of that, I've heard it has a lot of nudity.... and not the good kind, either

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I was reading some review on fandango and what I thought was so stupid about some of these reviews is that a lot of them say "Don't bring your kids". I'm thinking to myself, THIS MOVIE IS RATED "R"!!! On top of that, I've heard it has a lot of nudity.... and not the good kind, either

There's some good nudity in it too. And really, you don't see the blue pingas that much. Even in the scenes where it's right there. It's really not where your eyes go. Unless you're actually looking for it.

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I was reading some review on fandango and what I thought was so stupid about some of these reviews is that a lot of them say "Don't bring your kids". I'm thinking to myself, THIS MOVIE IS RATED "R"!!! On top of that, I've heard it has a lot of nudity.... and not the good kind, either

Uh yeah, the sex scenes are kinda revealing if you know what I mean. They show pretty much everything 'cept for straight on penis in vagina action. Short of that though, I was beginning to wonder if this was a porno or a movie based on a comic book. XD

That's not the only reason it would be bad for the kids though. The violence is just waaay too much for little ones. Highlight the spoilers if you wish to know why.

The scene depicting the Rorschach's origins take him to the house of a little girl kidnapper. He finds clothing of the little girl in the furnace, blood on the counter with lots of butcher knives hanging above it, and when he looks outside, the dogs are playing tug-a-war with the girl's leg, which has been obviously severed from her body. In another scene, you see someone saw through a man's arms with a tablesaw, and in another scene you see someone break another person's elbow joint by smashing it to bend it the wrong way, and the bone pops out of the skin.

There's some good nudity in it too. And really, you don't see the blue pingas that much. Even in the scenes where it's right there. It's really not where your eyes go. Unless you're actually looking for it.

I didn't even notice it at first, but once you notice it, it's tempting to start picking out which scenes he decides to wear pants or something in, and which scenes he just freeballs in. The only reason I did that even, was because I was trying to figure out if there was a reason behind it, or if they just did it because they could.

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Uh yeah, the sex scenes are kinda revealing if you know what I mean. They show pretty much everything 'cept for straight on penis in vagina action. Short of that though, I was beginning to wonder if this was a porno or a movie based on a comic book. XD

That's not the only reason it would be bad for the kids though. The violence is just waaay too much for little ones. Highlight the spoilers if you wish to know why.

The scene depicting the Rorschach's origins take him to the house of a little girl kidnapper. He finds clothing of the little girl in the furnace, blood on the counter with lots of butcher knives hanging above it, and when he looks outside, the dogs are playing tug-a-war with the girl's leg, which has been obviously severed from her body. In another scene, you see someone saw through a man's arms with a tablesaw, and in another scene you see someone break another person's elbow joint by smashing it to bend it the wrong way, and the bone pops out of the skin.

I didn't even notice it at first, but once you notice it, it's tempting to start picking out which scenes he decides to wear pants or something in, and which scenes he just freeballs in. The only reason I did that even, was because I was trying to figure out if there was a reason behind it, or if they just did it because they could.

The penis is never the first place you look. And it's really not that big a deal. In the comic book, they often had him naked, but they could cover it up with a speech bubble, or a well placed leaf.

And yeah, the violence is pretty jacked up. It would probably be tame in a comic book, but when you see a dude's arms get hacked off with a saw in actual time, it's fucking freaky.

It's not a movie you want to see with your children or some really immature kids your own age.

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The ending was fuck up but well done!

Osmond planning the entire thing such as giving Dr. M's lovers cancer and making him thinkg because of his powers, it was him that gave his lovers the cancer, planning The Comedian's murder, setting up Rorschach when he was trying to get infomation on Comedian's murder and how he made Dr. M the Doomsday weapon.

Rorschach was just brutal and awesome.

You get to see how brutal he is. Fuckin' getting a meat clever and cutting open the head of a pedophile who raped and murder a girl and feeding her remains to his dogs. Actually, everyone in the movie theater I went started clapping when Rorschach started to kill the pedo.

This is not a children comic book-based movie due to the gory violence and sex and yeah, there were some dumb ass parents who brought their children to see a "R" rated movie with over-the-top violence and sex.

Edited by Proud_Black_Man
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We don't know if the guy raped the girl. Just that he kiddnapped her. Why is that the first place your mind went Snow Storm? :blink:

Black man mentally.

Well usually since I watch a lot of crime drama, if article of clothing is found in a furnace, usually the person is trying to destroy any details of rape. Just assume that what he did.

I mean, it's not as fucked up as me making a comment to my friend when The Comedian

Shot and kill a pregnant woman. I told my friend "Well...that's one way to abort a baby and you don't even have to cut the kid up!

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Black man mentally.

Well usually since I watch a lot of crime drama, if article of clothing is found in a furnace, usually the person is trying to destroy any details of rape. Just assume that what he did.

I mean, it's not as fucked up as me making a comment to my friend when The Comedian

Shot and kill a pregnant woman. I told my friend "Well...that's one way to abort a baby and you don't even have to cut the kid up!

I assumed the same thing actually, for exactly the same reasons. Also I forgot about that part of the Comedian.

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I just got back from seeing and i dug it alot...i havent read the comic and i shall when the opportunity arises for the story is excellent..the Dr Manhattan wang issue...pfft! lolz..no big deal! you dont really notice after the first or second scene involving him...his character is far more intriguing than his penis...

good stuff! i loved some of the character development...i gotta read that comic!

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SPOILERS BELOW. I'm not going to cut the thing up into blackened lines of text. The story is like twenty years old, people. I wouldn't mark the fact that Darth Vader is Luke's father, and I shouldn't have to do so below, but here is your warning.

So I saw the movie last night with some pals; it was great, I liked it a lot, but I was often leaning over and explaining the plot to one of them. For example, in the opening credits, explaining Silhouette suddenly grabbing a woman and kissing her, and her later ending up dead, Mothman going batshit insane and being dragged off, Dollar Bill being killed when his cape got caught in a revolving door during a bank robbery, and so on and so forth. A lot of the movie felt like I was watching one big music video, which I actually ended up liking, but found myself worrying my friends would be disappointed since they knew absolutely nothing about the source material. I was pleased when they shared my enthusiasm.

Basically, the movie was about as faithful as physically possible in most locations. I felt like Rorshach and the Comedian were literally pulled from my mind they were so spot-on transferred to the screen, but Veidt was probably the worst of the bunch (which really wasn't all that bad). It was much easier to tell that he was the primary perpetrator than in the comic; his physique was off, his attitude was much more villainous and overall lacked his amiable and normal behavior otherwise, and it made it all around much easier to hate him. I mean I still hate the comic character's guts, but the movie made it very easy to do so. The opening was, as has previously been stated, absolutely amazing. I actually found it summarized the events of the universe better than the comic itself.

As for the most altered point, the ending, I'm somewhat ambivalent. I mean, I understand the slight need to change it from an alien squid, since it probably wouldn't fit as well together, but I was more puzzled about how it would work. It made more sense to me for Russia to want peace with USA, since Veidt had leveled around a dozen major cities on the planet rather than just US's New York, but having the common enemy be Manhattan is just rather odd; unless Nixon just found it a fair means by which to gain amicable relations, it should have been readily apparent that their objective was plainly one that was unattainable.

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One thing I caught that I think is somewhat amusing: in the original comic, Rorschach vaguely impiles that Veidt might be homosexual. In the opening credits montage in the film, they show Veidt having his picture taken with what appear to be the Village People.

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