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I assumed the same thing actually, for exactly the same reasons. Also I forgot about that part of the Comedian.

Just feel like pointing out that the girl had the same last name as some rich dude, and that's why she was kidnapped in the graphic novel. But whatever. And Rorschach was the best character in the movie, IMO, followed by Doc Manhattan.

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One thing I caught that I think is somewhat amusing: in the original comic, Rorschach vaguely impiles that Veidt might be homosexual. In the opening credits montage in the film, they show Veidt having his picture taken with what appear to be the Village People.

There is also the markedly more feminine air about him, and the accent he gained, which gives him a more stereotypically homosexual feel. I'm not sure why they decided to forgo Rorschach have that little statement.

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Veidt villainous? Bawww, I loved how he always wore a vaguely depressed/mater of fact expression.

Must not fanboy hate

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I just watched this movie on the internet, was amazing.

I didn't like that the last person that went boom died....And that the "bad guy" did not die.

Very few people appreciate Rorschach dying. Myself, I didn't like it, but I understood why he had to do it. His moral absolutism simply could not bend in this case, so a part of me thinks that he almost used Manhattan to stop himself from committing a larger evil because of his incapability to stop from trying to punish evil. In other words, he would not have stopped trying to punish Veidt until he was dead, so he begged Manhattan to end his life as a means to fix the problem

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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There's also the folder marked 'boys' on his computer.

I did not even notice. Wow.

Also, I think Rorache's death was justifiable. If he would had ran his mouth then he would have cause the world to go into war. He was still an awesome character however.

Edited by Uncle_Snow's_Cabin
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He is a pansy that just happens to be friends with a slut.

He's no pansy. You saw him hit that Yokusa guy in the arm and completely burst it open. Now Silk Spectre on the other hand, she can fuck off

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He's no pansy. You saw him hit that Yokusa guy in the arm and completely burst it open. Now Silk Spectre on the other hand, she can fuck off

That was the only cool thing he did, the only. I also agree with the last statement.

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Now that I've read the comic, I'm glad to say I have a new appreciation for Fox's sig.

I haven't seen the movie yet, mainly because I only finished the graphic novel today. With some luck I'll check it out Saturday.

The movie was a good representation of the comic in a few ways. Rorschach, the Comedian, and Dr. Manhattan were all transferred spot-on, but Laurie and Veidt not as much. Laurie isn't much of a problem, since she was such an off-putting bitch all the time in the comic it would've been difficult to get that same feeling across in the movie, and Veidt was stereotypically gay (as Der stated earlier,

in the scene in which Dan and Rorschach raid his office and are checking out his computer files, he has a folder labeled "BOYS"

). Instead of being like Charles Atlas, he was scrawny, carried what seemed a faint French accent, and held himself in a very feminine manner. He's not horribly done, but he's easily the worst of the bunch.

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