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Your average 4channer can at least construct a coherent sentence. You don't have to be an illiterate moron (like your average gamefaqs mouthbreather) to have weird fucking fetishes.

I don't utilize the shitty, shitty knockoff chans, so I can't speak to the quality of their memberbases.

You can feel free to try again to defend the undefendable. It's endearing, in a retarded sort of way.

Okay, I don't like it either, but you're going too far. Not all of the boards there are like that, and not everyone who frequents the boards that are that way are like that... even though many are soon driven off by the insanity. You make it sound like everyone who goes there is an idiot, when it is not that simple. The site isn't run well, and some of the boards really are absolute nightmares at times, but you're going too far. Mostly it's the social boards that don't have to do with games that are like that. Then again, I barely even glanced at the topic title there, I didn't even look at those places, and I haven't seen every single board on there, but still...

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Your average 4channer can at least construct a coherent sentence, even on /b/. You don't have to be an illiterate moron (like your average gamefaqs mouthbreather) to have weird fucking fetishes.

I don't utilize the shitty, shitty knockoff chans, so I can't speak to the quality of their memberbases.

You can feel free to try again to defend the undefendable. It's endearing, in a retarded sort of way.

This is fun to watch.
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Okay, I don't like it either, but you're going too far. Not all of the boards there are like that, and not everyone who frequents the boards that are that way are like that... even though many are soon driven off by the insanity. You make it sound like everyone who goes there is an idiot, when it is not that simple. The site isn't run well, and some of the boards really are absolute nightmares at times, but you're going too far. Mostly it's the social boards that don't have to do with games that are like that. Then again, I barely even glanced at the topic title there, I didn't even look at those places, and I haven't seen every single board on there, but still...

With respect, I'm not interested in your opinion any more than I am mr_e_s's. I'm not stating anything that's not plain for all to see.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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