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Will know I laughed at this:

"Charm turns Luvdisc into a very sturdy physical wall that can survive two Caterpie Tackles and force it to switch out."

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knows that Blissey, her fatness stretching on for eternity, walls Unown for perpetuity even if Unown's hidden power is fighting kung-fu

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knows that I lmfao'd at "Instead of listing what counters Luvdisc, I'll instead list what doesn't counter Luvdisc"

That was a riot too.

Didn't laugh hard at this:

"Disable causes the enemy to become completely appalled at how much Spinda sucks horribly in every aspect of everything, and be unable to use the last move it did out of pity."

...Or I'm sure you did.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Knows that Spinda is actually useful.

It can pass down Psycho Cut and Sucker Punch to a Pawniard.

Yay, about all it's good for.

And let's try this:

"With Kakuna's new Bug Bite, it's justifiable that it has moved up to the NFE (Notoriously Freaking Epic) tier. (Seriously, who thinks of the names for these tiers, anyway?) With this new, extremely useful move under its shell, Kakuna has the ability to effectively shape its tier to its personal needs.

Steelix and Steel-type Arceus, although somewhat manageable thanks to Bug Bite, still cause problems for our cocooned friend. Other Steel-types, such as Dialga, give Kakuna issues. Luckily, the Steel / Psychic-typed Pokemon are neutral to Bug-type attacks, meaning that Kakuna can ravage them with a powerful STAB Bug Bite."

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Knows anything with a Quiver Dance is likely to ensue a headache, unless anything faster than them that can kill them shows up.

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