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I went fortified my cities with recruitment they just stood there for the rest of the game not wanting to attack my cities, you know whats epic when two robots a horse and a samurai robot combined can change the entire space landscape into a raining field how epic is that when you changed the entire terrain of space into land?!?

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Man... My creativity reserves are running low. Maybe I should just start typing stuff out like during those creative writing assignments in which your instructor tells his/her students to just write whatever comes to mind and I'm like, "Nani?" I don't say it like that but it's supposed to be amusing. Also random factoid, MKS ought to check out the SMT series. This isn't really a random factoid but more of a suggestion 'cause you know.

I don't even understand the last string of words in your post and sounds like all kinds awesome. Like how a dark version of Jack Frost which is ATLUS' cute little mascot can punch Lucifer in the crotch and defeat him although I've said this before. I just think it's hilariously awesome since I was shooting ALMIGHTY mouth lasers at Lucifer's manly chest the whole battle and a punch to the crotch takes him out.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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You ever get the feeling that fans of stuff can ruin the stuff they like or the characters of the stuff they like? Kinda sucks. Then again I don't really mind unless I'm like, "I dun really [insert something here] that much." and they get all butthurt and I'm like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down dude and/or dudette." and they still try to destroy your face through the internet which is laughable. Lesson: Don't say anything about ANYTHING!

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I would show you if I have a video but alas I don't。 I swear some attacks can make people scream in manliness like this. What makes people scream like this you ask? I have no idea.

Edited by Generic Officer
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You know? I never understood why people think piloting giant robots is cool. I mean sure it's awesome having a giant person shaped robot to fight but they don't really fight mano a amno. Just robot mano a robot mano and sometimes robot mano fleet a slaughter all puny humans like the puny humans who don't pilot giant person shaped robots they are. What I'm trying to say... You can't really be MANLY if you are hiding inside an advanced piece of manly but not so manly technology most of the time you know?

Oh what? Did you really have to do that? Man... For a Monster Hunter you sure are a Monster Jerk.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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I sound drunk? That sure is a new thing since I've never drank alcohol before. Except that one time when I was 4 but I was 4 so that doesn't count. Besides could a drunk person type as well as I am? Musashi can't but then again it's Musashi. You kinda expect that he'll be less concise whilst drunk. Besides typing stuff like this is far more amusing than the usual stuff we've been posting. And isn't that what really matters? If you say no I will have to destroy your face through the internet.

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Perhaps its an asian think with robots and stuff like that. Speaking of which Dagron showed me his friends cat its black and fat and what kind of cat willingly stares at the webcam?


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Aw man... Now I'm cursed with more bad luck as if it wasn't bad enough. But it is a fat cat and what can it possibly do other than eat and sleep more than the skinnier cats? Eh, I'll just continue watching my NintendoCapriSun videos of stuff and things.

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Aww... Why you gotta post some kind of music thing with lyrics or something like that? I'll have you know that my headphones died an honorable death last month and with no replacement I've settled for listening to whatever I listen to with the speakers on my laptop at an appropriate level as to not disturb my household.

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That's not cool. I've never touched the stuff. I've obviously smelled it and stuff because I went to high school in Southern California. It was rather odd. You could smell that annoying odor while walking through the halls and I'd see used apples in the restrooms constantly disgusted by the fact those stoners would waste good apples like that. That was the real crime.

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Bah... I've been trying to type the lyrics of the Nocturne battle themes in some fashion so that they can make some sense but I'm having no luck not making them sound all cheese like and condescending. Kinda sucks 'cause I rather like them.

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Looks like you're liking that guy on guy action. Kind of weird since you seem to want to bone anything with two X chromosomes and Chiki. Huh... Then again who am I to judge? Me of course and I have no opinion on the matter. Just let peeps do what peeps do. Unless of course it breaks the law loser. Ha. Liar Liar reference. Anyway. What was I talking about? I could just read what I've been typing but this will be funnier. Now laugh damn you!

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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