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Knows my opinion of Chimchar's line is even lower. >_> <_<

Quite frankly, I think you're just being incredibly unreasonable =/

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knows that I honestly couldn't give a shit whenther MKS thinks Fire types get the shaft; calling Chimchar's evolution line "poor" is just pure retardation. There are just some things that can't be true.

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Quite frankly, I think you're just being incredibly unreasonable =/

Well, I'm sorry, but if you ask me, your attempts to convince me otherwise aren't that good either...

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Opinions can only go so far.

Basically, "opinions can only go so far" is apt. If you have an "opinion" that if you jump off the Grand Canyon you will be able to fly a couple of miles to the other side, you are wrong. You can't just say "It's my opinion". There are some things that can be analyzed empirically. "Suckiest" character is one of them. Maybe not between Lyre and Fiona. That can be a matter of what your objective is in the whole thing. But in terms of most characters in competition with units like Lyre and Fiona, it can be pretty easy to see that Lyre/Fiona is worse than just about any other character in the game.

Opinions can only go so far.

Your opinion is wrong.

I hate when people attempt to prove something logically (especially when it's obviously not true), get their arguments shot to pieces, and then pull out the "opinion" ploy, thinking it saves them from being wrong.

I've deduced that in this world, there is only fact and things that cannot be proven. Opinion is a fancy word for guesswork. If your opinion goes against proven fact, it is wrong. And since this is a Fire Emblem forum, the sooner you accept that being wrong is a part of theoretical discussion here (unless you're Fox), the better off you'll be.

I'm pretty sure all three of these quotes work perfectly in response to your anti-Chimchar rantings if just applied to Pokemon instead of Fire Emblem. If you think that a Pokemon who you literally get at the beginning of the game who can easily solo much of the game with minimal help and only one or two TMs is "of a low opinion" then you've pretty much forefeited whatever credibility you ever had in the Pokemon arena.

And who said I needed to convince you? It seemed pretty obvious already that you're pretty irrational and simply anti-Chimchar no matter how much evidence would exist to prove you wrong anyway.

Edited by Chiki's Pet Pikachu
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If you think that a Pokemon who you literally get at the beginning of the game who can easily solo much of the game with minimal help and only one or two TMs is "of a low opinion" then you've pretty much forefeited whatever credibility you ever had in the Pokemon arena.

And who said I needed to convince you? It seemed pretty obvious already that you're pretty irrational and simply anti-Chimchar no matter how much evidence would exist to prove you wrong anyway.

Bold: And there's the rub: I wouldn't take those statements to mean very much (and I don't).

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Whatever. You still lost whatever credibility you had when you said "low opinion of the Chimchar line." You're probably the only person in the fucking world who even holds something against Chimchar enough to try and find retarded reasons to sandbag him. If neither of the other two can even come close to having the same impact that he does over the course of the whole game then your entire argument falls apart right there.

Edited by Chiki's Pet Pikachu
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Will know that I actually used Chimchar, and wasn't all that impressed - if I was, we wouldn't be butting heads now...

Edited by Metal King Slime
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So? It's not like if you pick him as a starter, there are going to be many other Pokemon who use it THAT much better than he can (Grass Knot means 2HKO'd Gyarados, OHKO'd Quagsire and Close Combat OHKOs Floatzel all in Crasher Wake's Gym, Fantina gets roasted anyway, the rest is history). You probably went into the game thinking "oh fire types suck anyway Chimchar will be no exception, oh who cares if Chimchar can solo." If you actually know what you're doing (which I increasingly doubt at this point) he completely hauls ass, especially since almost nothing outspeeds him in-game and his attacking stats are through the roof.

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Newsfuckingflash: Enemies aren't actually EV trained to be able to OHKO you ingame anyway. The fact that you actually manage to see Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape faint doesn't show how bad he is, but how incompetent you are.

Edited by Chiki's Pet Pikachu
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