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^^Probably wouldn't wanna visit Atlanta's suburbs

^can laugh at the Tea Party because he doesn't have to live with them

Edited by Chiki's Pet Pikachu
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Speaking of Atlanta....

Will know that there is a teacher/principal cheating scandal in the Atlanta area.


Edited by BLS
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Knows Canada does not have a separation (or atleast a complete one of the state and church which annoys me to some minimal extent.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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knows I get that issue with that long, boring-ass valley in the center of California. It's really no wonder why people call it "the armpit of California" >_>

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might know of Georgia Tech's reputation for dishing out 2.0 GPAs and "hideous female members of the human race"

That's a reputation that the Bible Belt has. Except Florida. Although half of that state is in the Bible Belt.

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Knows my current school only budgets the "foot"ball team.

Seriously the other teams need equipment and are always doing fundraiser while the "foot"ball team get everything :dry:

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will know I've only grown like 5 inches the past 4 years but I've gained 50 lbs >_> I really need to stop eating like such a fatass...

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