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And out of those Fighters you named, the only ones I'd consider truly amazing are Barst, Nolan, Othin, and Halvan. As stated earlier, Boyd has to get over his earlygame slump (and that's ignoring the fact that FE9 is Paladin land), and Cord has to grapple with E Axes. Also, the only Valkyries I can safely say are outclassed is Cecilia and L'Arachel. Rhys? Have fun with next to no good supports and arguably game-worst durability. And did I mention that FE9 is dominated by mounts (which the only GOOD units that can support Rhys happen to be)?

FE9!Boyd's earlygame is fine, not really much worse than Ike's IIRC. Also, I'll admit Cord has a bad weapon rank but that can be worked around, besides he's badass as a Hunter.

Clarine's outclassed by Ellen and Saul, Priscilla's outclassed by Serra, Ethlin's outclassed by Adean and Claude. As for Rhys, I already said that Mist was better.

Would play FE12 if it were localised.

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Knows that I was planning on pairing Hawk and Linda in the FE4 draft I'm doing, but I can't because of the turn count, unless I don't care about beating Integ.

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Clarine's outclassed by Ellen and Saul, Priscilla's outclassed by Serra, Ethlin's outclassed by Adean and Claude. As for Rhys, I already said that Mist was better.

"Oh look, I'ma say X is outclassed by Y and not provide any evidence to back it up!" That's the only vibes I'm getting from this. Saul fails to outclass Clarine, because his luck blows, and he doesn't have good supports at all. And considering Saul's just unimpressive (as are you)... Serra... Well, someone'd bring up her lack of fast supports.

Not very good at arguing, from my point of view.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Is one to talk about hypocrisy.

As for Ellen and Clarine... I like Ellen, but her speed growth worries me.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Not with all the good ones: Barst, Nolan, Cord, Boyd, Halvan and Othin, and that's just a couple off the top of my head.

None of the fighters are good in FE1, FE3 or FE12. Johan > Johalva. Dorcas's meh, Bartre's meh to bleh depending on the version, Wade's bleh, Lot's meh, Ross is lol. At least Geitz and Garcia are good in addition to those you listed.
That's part of why I hate it, it steals the spotlight from magic that I like!

The video below sums up my thoughts at this statement quite nicely.

Didn't just get up.

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Wut? Despite almost all of them being outdone by better Priests/Clerics?At least Fighters and so on have something cool (strong unmounted Axe usage) that isn't outdone by a superior class that comes earlier in some of the games.


HOW are Valkyries "outdone by a superior class that joins earlier"? Valkyries are basically superior to ground healers because because they can keep up with you team whereas ground healers will likely get left behind. The ONLY points where ground healers > Valkyries are FE8 and FE10. L'Arachel joins too late to be any good in the main game except for recruiting Rennac, and Creature Campaign is a curbstomp fest for Bishops anyways. Valkyries are bad in FE10, but just about every magic class got hit with the nerf bat in that game, so it doesn't matter.


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Clarine's outclassed by Ellen and Saul, Priscilla's outclassed by Serra, Ethlin's outclassed by Adean and Claude. As for Rhys, I already said that Mist was better.

Not sure if serious-Oh wait. It's a fact that if you have a pony or dragon to take you anywhere you are automatically better than someone who doesn't have one in the FEverse. ;/

We've been over this in the Serra vs. Priscilla thread and you still refuse to accept that Priscilla is indeed better than Serra for several reasons that were pointed out to you so you have no excuse to simply ignore the evidence and make false claims based on personal bias when it comes to who is better in FE.

Not trying to figure out whether he actually dreamed or not. I felt like I was watching myself sleep... It was somewhat unsettling.

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