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Did anybody notice that if Lena is in his attack range, he will say "Lena. What I wouldn't give to see your face again before I die" (or something like that) and then he will attempt to kill her? :blink:

Just... wow.

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Did anybody notice that if Lena is in his attack range, he will say "Lena. What I wouldn't give to see your face again before I die" (or something like that) and then he will attempt to kill her? :blink:

Just... wow.

Sounds like he needs glasses.

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I've experienced that in FE3 Book 1. Mattis can't tell who is freaking sister is.

Wow. Just...wow. As if we needed more proof of how much he sucks...

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Pretty much an identical thing occurs if Astram attacks Midia, if I remember correctly...

I tried that as well. I can't believe Astram would kill the woman he loves. Maybe his eyesight sucks as well.

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I tried that as well. I can't believe Astram would kill the woman he loves. Maybe his eyesight sucks as well.

I like to blame the fact that he's blonde, since he can't very well hate what cannot be hated.

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Or maybe it's because Midia went to jail.

True men don't love black women made by Tyler Perry criminals who are stuck in a room with some old person, two bald knights, and a spanish dude with green hair.

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Or maybe it's because Midia went to jail.

True men don't love black women made by Tyler Perry criminals who are stuck in a room with some old person, two bald knights, and a spanish dude with green hair.

Wouldn't true men also not betray their country and switch sides with what could be considered an ultimate evil AND let your lover get executed all to save thy own ass?

Considering all she did that made her wind up in jail, I'd consider Midia 10 times more manly than Astram. All this while making sure two bald knights, a slightly spanish dude and a defenseless old man don't die until help arrives. Astram wishes he was the hero Midia was.

He's sooooo the uke.

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Wouldn't true men also not betray their country and switch sides with what could be considered an ultimate evil AND let your lover get executed all to save thy own ass?

Considering all she did that made her wind up in jail, I'd consider Midia 10 times more manly than Astram. All this while making sure two bald knights, a slightly spanish dude and a defenseless old man don't die until help arrives. Astram wishes he was the hero Midia was.

He's sooooo the uke.

Lmao. XD

Doesn't Lena have red hair?

I must be colorblind? Yeah its close enough to pink. :E

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He dies IN BATTLE.




To make this post not spam, *kills Astram* we were gonna kill you

for the Miracle Blade in FE3 when you betray your country AGAIN anyways!

Astram's a coward, a bitch, AND an asshole.

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I find it almost insulting that such a goddess is related to such a fail.

Moral: NEVER have more than one child. Nothing good will come of it.

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