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Do you have a favorite color(s)?


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Mine would be black and white, and also red.

If I could make a flag out of them, it would be like the mexican flag, except this one would be Red, Black and white, with a dragon head right in the middle.

Why do you like your colors?

I like these colors for my selection of clothing.

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I like all the colors. No, seriously.

But my favorite ones are purple, black, red and something like caramel.

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Overall, my favorite color is red.

In clothing, I prefer greens, white, ruddy brown, and black.

As for a flag, I would make it red, for the blood and the tenacity of the working class, with a red star and a unique emblem or design to distinguish it from other red flags.

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Is black even a color? isn't it the absence of color? or then black is the color with no color? :mellow: ... anyway who cares I like it .... and blue.

Edited by Edorian
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