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Which members round your top 5 list?


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That was random...
This is Bianchi you're talking about dude.

You spin me right round, baby

Right round like a record, baby

Right round, round, round

You spin me right round, baby

Right round like a record, baby

Right round, round, round

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The winds! the winds!

the winds of change! could they be blowing today?

or tomorrow?

or perhaps the day after? indeed!

spin me right round, baby right round like a record baby!

of course, with the spinning there can come nausea and perhaps even vomiting.

if i want to vomit, i would rather it be in a fun way, like riding a thrilling ride like a roller coaster.

one time i rode superman. as in the roller coaster. it was fun.

and there was nobody in the park anymore, since it was a weekday.

so me and some friends rode it like, seven times in a row.

after the sixth, it wasn't exciting anymore.


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I would rather not vomit at all.

Also I've never ridden a roller coaster before. :(

they're ok.

i prefer the one ride where you're dropped from infinity high up and you just fall!


that's exciting!

one time, i was in the infinity drop ride, and right before we were dropped, i spit to the outsidedness. we fell, and it looked like if the spit was going up up up up!

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1. AceNoctalli - Provided a truckload of translated scripts from the Japan-only SNES FE games

2. NTG - Fixed a big bunch of errors and perfected my story articles

3. VincentASM - Same reason as number 2 but to a lesser extent

4. Fia - Gave me a link to all those cute avatar portraits of FE characters

5. TheEnd - For loads of minor stuff

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:( I have to group people together because there's no way I could limit myself to top 5 ;_;

1. Fia/TP(even though I haven't heard from him in ages :/)/GJ

2. TLS(so what if he's banned?)/Matt/Gatrie

3. Masu/Bianchi/Bizz

4. That weird composer loving guy(I don't know what his name is right now ?_?)/Nightmare/Bohemund

5. Quetz/Shuuda(because they bring life to the writing section w/ the epic struggle! XD)/Teriqis(dunno if I spelled that right)

at least I'm consistent w/ my groups of 3 per slot *nods*; and of course there's other people I respect not listed here :mellow:

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1. Blacken. Gotta love good ol' Blacken.

2. Fox. The one of the only ones around here with a real sense of humour.

3. The Original Thunk. See Fox.

4. Yokai Knight. See Fox.

5. Shuuuuuuuuda. Go beat that Jarly ass!

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Roughly speaking

1) Mekkah

2) Wist

3) Esau of Issac

4) Shuuda

5) Nathan Graves (Lord Raven)

Though I may be forgetting or overlooking some. I should say that I'm taking top 5 to be sort of a combination of people I respect, and whose posts I enjoy reading, not necessarily meaning I'm good friends with them or anything, mostly because I don't think I've interacted enough really to have reached a level of "friend", but maybe that's just me.

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I don't rank friends.

Also, Loki (I refuse to call you "Deity"), you personally also think the worst out of people, apparantly. Quoting you from our little PM conversation:

Not that it matters now, I was simply joking with it to see what you said about it. I was sure you'd rant back at me saying something like; Go fuck yourself.

It's very tempting to say "Go fuck yourself" at the moment, but I'll try to keep it civil.

Edited by Tino
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I don't rank friends.

Also, Loki (I refuse to call you "Deity"), you personally also think the worst out of people, apparantly. Quoting you from our little PM conversation:

Not that it matters now, I was simply joking with it to see what you said about it. I was sure you'd rant back at me saying something like; Go fuck yourself.

It's very tempting to say "Go fuck yourself" at the moment, but I'll try to keep it civil.

You realize that Loki is a Demigod right? Most of his names are names of gods, or something similar, deity, Loki, Quetzalcoatl... In any case, both of you need to cool it, and watch what comes out of your mouth, be it in PM or on the forums.

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I don't rank friends.

Also, Loki (I refuse to call you "Deity"), you personally also think the worst out of people, apparantly. Quoting you from our little PM conversation:

Not that it matters now, I was simply joking with it to see what you said about it. I was sure you'd rant back at me saying something like; Go fuck yourself.

It's very tempting to say "Go fuck yourself" at the moment, but I'll try to keep it civil.

What? You backstabber you. That was a conversation we had concerning the site you were gonna help me with. I said that, but you know what happened. I said: Not that it matters now, I was simply joking with it to see what you said about it. I was sure you'd rant back at me saying something like; Go fuck yourself.

And, show your real face and show them the whole quote, we'll see just who is right about it, you just want to set me up.

You realize that Loki is a Demigod right? Most of his names are names of gods, or something similar, deity, Loki, Quetzalcoatl... In any case, both of you need to cool it, and watch what comes out of your mouth, be it in PM or on the forums.

Indeed, they are names that refer to gods, but I have never felt IRL as a god. If I did say I was one, I was joking about it in FFTF where silliness is allowed. If I wanted to be all mighty and stuff I'd be posting left and right about how mighty I am.

Anyway, if you don't believe me, Jyosua, that's fine, but this guy here is trying to use a conversation I had with him in peace just to set me up some other way. Perhaps it is he who should cool down and stop trying to set me up.

Come on, Tino, post the whole quote.

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I didn't explain myself as I wanted to in that last post.

The real deal is this. I pmed him regarding a site he was gonna help me with since last year. But I pmed him just to see what he responded to me knowing that he usually has been hating on me.

Apparently he used my conversation where I told him that his help did not matter anymore, and decided to try to set me up for it. I don't really know what his intentions are, but the way I see it, is trying to get me banned or something. Tough luck.

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1. Krevin- BFFFs IRL

2. Death- Very smart and cool

3. Captain Falcon- Mains C. Falcon and doesn't afraid of anything

4. Mifune- Appreciates good movies

5. Raven- He's from Wales, the manliest country on Earth (I'm 50% Welsh)

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