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Efficiency Tier List?

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Fuck, I hate having a version of VBA that doesn't play .sgm saves.

How old is it? I thought most of them are capable of doing that by just renaming the file (but keeping the number and file extension) to the same name as your rom and then pressing the F# key. Number in the end of the name.

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Mine's the same version and creates .sgm files but I can't load up Balcerzak's saves no matter what version I play. Might be better to export some gameshark snapshots instead.

Speaking of which, found that I had all of the Sacae chapters on save stats for reference so I've made some gameshark snapshots.


To load them: File > Import > Gameshark Snapshot and select which one you're going to load. These will change your .Sav files when you load them but they won't kill your save states and just loading one of those + resetting the emulator will fix it (the .Sav will reflect the save state).

Edited by Sirius
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Sorry guys. I thought I'd remembered hearing something from Red Fox, about how she had issues with my save states before, but wasn't sure if that was ever resolved, as I think Mekkah posted his shortly thereafter. I'm using VBA 1.8.0-beta 3. I wonder if I could make things compatible by slowly backversioning and reloading-resaving...?

Edit: Not easy, looks like sgms from beta 3 are incompatible with every other build... So...

Taking Sirius' post as inspiration, I tried exporting Battery Files (rather than Game Shark Snapshots), which in the few copies of VBA I've downloaded to try to ensure full compatibility (1.8.0-beta 2, 1.7.2, vbalink 1.8.0.b0) all seem to work perfectly. Get all HM chapters for the whole game (and one path's worth of NM chapters). here.

For the files in the pre-seize directory, you'll just have to remember to choose Resume, rather than Restart chapter to get them to work, but I expect few people are really interested in those anyway, as they were mostly for my internal use in calculating tactics rank requirements.

((I didn't understand, or even notice, any difference between battery files and game shark snapshots, with the small experimenting I did, so avoided game shark due to the connotation of sharking around with game data leaving me uncomfortable. If need be, I could reconvert to those as well, however.))

One small plus side, is these files seem to be smaller than actual save states, as all chapters take up less space than even just the Sacae ones... :o

P.S. If anything doesn't work, or you have problems, let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Resurrecting the old Saul and Ellen fight I think it's best to leave them the way they are for now. I couldn't think of anything that would really say "This is the reason Saul is better". If being able to kill Murdock in, what, fifty turns (not gonna dig up his HP) is what we're using to prove he's better I think straws are really being grasped here.

Anyway, I was looking at the tier list and Cath's position is pretty interesting.

She's assumed to join at 12 I suppose but she's mostly limited to opening chests and not stealing because she attracts death to her like a magnet. Not every chapter even has chests for her to open either way and there are keys to do what she does but more safely and faster.

However by not promoting Cath can get herself an Angelic Robe or two to get rid of some of her frailness once they're buyable at the end of C16.

Let's compare her to, say, Niime. Niime also gets rid of her frailness with Angelic Robes and thus becomes a decent character, and pretty much your best dark mage. There's a huge difference in availability of course.

Cath is such a fail fighter you're really not bringing her along unless there's something you want picked or stolen (basically as a combatant she's not beneficial at all). The chapters that have such items are..

12x, White Gem. Horrible map for Cath.

14, Thief sand-sight. I suppose a decent map for Cath.

16, lots of chests. However Cath doesn't like the ton of long range casters here. Horrible map for Cath.

And that's it before Niime joins unless you're going to Ilia. As I've never managed to not use Shin I won't touch those since I wouldn't know what I'd be talking about. If you were to directly compare the two and ignore availability I'd say Niime is clearly superior for actually being able to participate in combat and having a pretty decent staff rank and MAG to go with with it.

I'm not suggesting changes in one way or another yet, just saying Cath's position needs some discussion.

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Well, keep in mind, Cath is also very easy to train. For several of the chapters near when she joins, there are a lot of axe wielding fighters for her to stab at. The desert chapter is AMAZING for Cath in particular where she not only haxes in getting items, but she's pretty much unkillable versus those brigand reinforcements with her respectable evade.

Edited by A2ZOMG
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The most def axe wielders have is 6, and Cath has 9 atk vs them.

Cath also doubles them all, even if they have 11 AS, which is the ABSOLUTE maximum for a fighter dude at this point.

That 6-10 damage she does is more than likely enough to finish off weakened fighters. You're not onerounding most of them without some HUGE-ass attack power, so her additional damage can be quite helpful here.

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Well, keep in mind, Cath is also very easy to train. For several of the chapters near when she joins, there are a lot of axe wielding fighters for her to stab at. The desert chapter is AMAZING for Cath in particular where she not only haxes in getting items, but she's pretty much unkillable versus those brigand reinforcements with her respectable evade.

You do realize she's so weak she can barely hurt those guys and can only finish them off either way because they have, while low, a realistic chance of hitting her? You know, with every hit being a OHKO and all? Desert Brigands aren't a lot better since she it's still OHKO and you're probably done before they catch you either way. And no, you can't leave Cath around where they appear to dodge tank. She gets raped.

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You do realize she's so weak she can barely hurt those guys and can only finish them off either way because they have, while low, a realistic chance of hitting her? You know, with every hit being a OHKO and all? Desert Brigands aren't a lot better since she it's still OHKO and you're probably done before they catch you either way. And no, you can't leave Cath around where they appear to dodge tank. She gets raped.
No she doesn't get raped. And her damage is existent. You're not onerounding them with anyone. At best you are just weakening them, so you can have her kill off weakened fighters quite easily.

As for hit chances...most of those Desert Brigands wield handaxes and Steel

They have a whopping...10 hit on her. Which is about a 2% chance of actually getting hit. lol.

Oh and the fighters on the chapter she joins, they can't hit her at all if you camp at pillars. hax.

EDIT: scratch what I just said about the Brigands having 10 hit on her. She probably gained a few levels before getting to this chapter if she's being used. Make her like level 11. Not that unreasonable since she gains wtfhax exp on every kill. With 5 spd levelups, she's NEVER being hit by the Desert Brigands.

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I can't even see Cath being recruited before all the axefighters are dead. Roy is the only one who can recruit her, and he is forced to start at the left side of the map, whereas Cath always starts on the right side. If Cath even gets to fight these things, you might not even make the turn limit without taking enormous risks.

Superlow hit% chance are cool and all, but not when you're getting OHKOed. It's like having a minimal chance to get critted - it sucks so much when it happens that you want to eliminate any chance of it happening at all.

And 5 level-ups for Cath before the desert? What exactly is she killing to reach that? Besides the fact that she spends turns taking treasure, she also can ONLY take on weakened enemies (which anyone wants to kill because they are EXP freebies), you also don't want her to take counters because all of them carry a death risk. Not that every enemy is a Fighter anyway, there's also Archers/Mercs/Mages about, and even though they don't always one-shot her, they leave her so low that even something lame like the poison steam in 12x poses a death threat to her.

Then even in the desert, there are also the two bosses who have higher hit (cba to figure out numbers), and there's also a ton of them, with like half of them using Hand Axes, which means that even if she's only facing 1% hit, they will get a gazillion of chances to hit her (19% CoD after 10 attacks that have 2% real, 34% after 20). And she might not be able to get away from Wyverns if they fly her way, and that's really bad news.

Literally the only reason why Cath isn't cast into oblivion on this list should be her thieving utility that puts her in a whole different spectrum than someone like Hugh or Ward. Instead of #21373829th fiddle as fighter, she's #3 at thieving. But fighting is also done and needed much more often than thieving, and there's also buyable keys so I don't even have to field a thief to do it to begin with, leaving her limited to stealing.

I cannot help but think that you just want to argue for Cath because Reikken did so.

Edited by Mekkah
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Desert Brigands are also packing some Swordreavers unless I'm completely mistaken. Not that she's able to take them on by herself even if there weren't any but they make it impossible.

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How much Def do the Cavs have? IIRC it's over 10, and I don't see her breaking toward Steel very quickly even with the Gaiden chapter tacked onto her. Killing those could be difficult too.

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How much Def do the Cavs have? IIRC it's over 10, and I don't see her breaking toward Steel very quickly even with the Gaiden chapter tacked onto her. Killing those could be difficult too.

Cavs at that point have at least 10 DEF so Cath can't even scratch them, even without factoring in WTD. It's pretty much even worse with steel as she has 5 CON. She gets slowed down 5 AS and eats the pointy end of a spear.

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Desert Brigands are also packing some Swordreavers unless I'm completely mistaken. Not that she's able to take them on by herself even if there weren't any but they make it impossible.

You are completely mistaken. Hand Axes, Poison Axes, Steel, and the occasional Killer

Chapter 14:
Mamkute	1	1	Flame Stone
Mage	15	2	Thunder
Priest	17	1	Recover
Priest	17	1	Mend/Silence
Merc	16	4	Steel Sword
Bishop	4	1	Lightning/Mend/Sleep
Mage	14	1	Aircalibur
W Lord	3	1	Steel Lance
W Rider	14	4	Steel Lance
W Rider	14	2	Steel Lance/Javelin
W Lord	3	1	Silver Lance
Hero	3	1	Killing Edge
Merc	17	1	Steel Sword
Merc	15	2	Steel Sword
Hero	5	1	Steel Sword
Merc	14	1	Armorslayer
Mage	15	2	Elfire
Mamkute	2	1	Flame Stone
Mage	14	1	Thunder
Mamkute	3	1	Flame Stone
'zerker	5	1	Halberd(56,25,20,14,9,12,4)
Brigand	17 	1	Steel Axe
Brigand	14	1	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	16	1	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	16	1	Killer Axe
'zerker	6	1	Devil Axe(59,25,17,13,13,13,4)
Brigand	16	1	Steel Axe
Brigand	17	1	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	15	1	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	16	1	Killer Axe
(Recurring Maggie's)
Brigand	17	1x3	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	18	1x3	Steel Axe
(Recurring Rose's)
Brigand	16	1x3	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	17	1x3	Steel Axe
(Recurring East)
Brigand	18	1x3	Poison Axe
Brigand	17	1x3	Poison Axe
Brigand	16	1x3	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	17	1x3	Poison Axe/Hand Axe
(Recurring North)
Brigand	18	1x3	Poison Axe
Brigand	17	1x3	Poison Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	16	1x3	Steel Axe/Hand Axe
Brigand	17	1x3	Poison Axe

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So far what I hear is all true, and it does not help her case. Only thing left is supports, which is why she's that high up as is, and those don't kick in immediately. Down she goes, starting with Niime. Whoever wants to argue her down lower, do so.

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I'd almost say Niime > Cath is easy to do, but it'd involve heavily hyping her thieving utility vs. Niime's Staff utility and possible need of an Angelic Robe. Then again Cath isn't that durable either.

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You are completely mistaken.

Apparently so, thanks for clearing it up.

Regarding her supports, those are the reason she's that high? They're all 1+1, except Geese who is 20+1 which is still disgustingly slow. If she's going to be of any use she'll be going for those chests and Geese might not be going the same way.

Edited by Quasar
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Regarding her supports, those are the reason she's that high? They're all 1+1, except Geese who is 20+1 which is still disgustingly slow. If she's going to be of any use she'll be going for those chests and Geese might not be going the same way.

Those people are rather lacking un supports, and Anima is good going both ways for all her supports. Chapters are also longer in this game, and she has a reasonable time to build them. Unlike the other two thieves, they boost her offense, which certainly helps her case.

Otherwise, I've contested that she was a bit high despite being my list, but RageFox is relentless...

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I can't believe 1+1 supports with a Thief starting from 12x at best are even being mentioned no matter how needy those guys might be. What's she gonna have by Endgame, C Geese?

Okay, let's be rational. Chad is off the list immediately because if you're bringing two Thieves chances are they're not going the same way.

Geese, Bartre and Garret are close combat guys, they'll be closer to the enemies than Cath ever wants to be(Muscle Man hits with axe, Cath runs next to Muscle Man. Enemy runs next to Muscle Man and throws spears at Cath) even if she's not doing something useful with chests.

That leaves Hugh who joins at 16 and that's already too damn late for 1+1.

I suppose I might as well play the "not high tier supports, they might not be played" card too since it seems to be popular these days.

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I can't believe 1+1 supports with a Thief starting from 12x at best are even being mentioned no matter how needy those guys might be. What's she gonna have by Endgame, C Geese?

Okay, let's be rational. Chad is off the list immediately because if you're bringing two Thieves chances are they're not going the same way.

Geese, Bartre and Garret are close combat guys, they'll be closer to the enemies than Cath ever wants to be(Muscle Man hits with axe, Cath runs next to Muscle Man. Enemy runs next to Muscle Man and throws spears at Cath) even if she's not doing something useful with chests.

That leaves Hugh who joins at 16 and that's already too damn late for 1+1.

I suppose I might as well play the "not high tier supports, they might not be played" card too since it seems to be popular these days.

Lower mid needs a lot of rearranging, but if you wanna argue supports, you can always take it up with Reikken. Do you, sir, have the balls?

Anywho, already lowered Cath. If you wanna argue her to low, make a case as to why when she can be a support battery for characters who'd love anima boosts and thievery (there is stuff to steal later) is low material, then argue it. All I can say is no way in hell is she going below Ray.

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if you wanna argue supports, you can always take it up with Reikken. Do you, sir, have the balls?

I have equal respect for everyone able to write coherent sentences regarding the matter at hand. It has not yet reached such unhealthy levels that I'd have to fear someone on an online message board. Why you're bringing up a person not participating in this discussion, or to be more precise - this thread, is a mystery to me though.

Anywho, already lowered Cath. If you wanna argue her to low, make a case as to why when she can be a support battery for characters who'd love anima boosts and thievery (there is stuff to steal later) is low material, then argue it. All I can say is no way in hell is she going below Ray.

I don't see her below Ray without any supports and I don't want to touch people rising or dropping a tier without going above or below someone. The concept of tiers is too vague for me to bother which is something that became almost too apparent when I was discussing Miredy with dondon.

I'm going to move on trying to think of something to prove Sue being better than Dayan but it's not looking good right now.

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Lower mid needs a lot of rearranging, but if you wanna argue supports, you can always take it up with Reikken. Do you, sir, have the balls?

Or you can stop biting Reikken's left testicle I mean as awesome as Reikken is I am fucking tired of people trying to counter my arguments by saying "OK Reikken said this I'm done." Just think for a moment how viable thief supports are when:

- They're not deployed on every map

- If they are deployed on every map, not all of them will be deployed

- If they are deployed, they will not be near their supporters most of the time

- It's slower than shit coming out of a constipated rectum

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