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Was anyone at the Nintendo World store on Saturday?

Super Mecha Death Christ

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I had work so I couldn't attend. You get a lame poster and a Fire Emblem paperweight. A guys I know online actually went. He thought I was lying or trying to get him off guard by telling him I won't be there to slaughter the competition. He wrote a recap of the entire day.


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"The world’s most unprofessional gaming news site!" ?

Guy sounded like a pussy. Gosh guys I'm so nervous! I think he needs a new tagline for his website.

No offence.

Edit: Oh right this is general, oops.

Despite playing all of the American versions of Fire Emblem, I'm quite terrible with names and trivia. If they stuck to just the American versions I would probably kick ass, but it sounded like the got a little more involved with bits from some of the Japanese plotlines.

There, I contributed.

Edited by Black Knight
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Guy sounded like a pussy. Gosh guys I'm so nervous! I think he needs a new tagline for his website.

You're saying you wouldn't be nervous if you thought you had lost an entire round? I mean, who's to say what he's up against? Maybe he was against a bunch of n00bs, or he could be against a bunch of pros. Whatever's the case, he lost an entire round thinking the entire contest is tallied based on all 4. I know I'd be nervous. You'd get 5 wrong answers by default.

"The world’s most unprofessional gaming news site!"

He trolls gaming journalism. The site was built around personality and saying what you want to say as oppose to being paid to say what you're told to say.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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