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Who is the best Character to reclass into each respective class,I think it might be useful to know,please don't repeat people(ex no Sedgar as best General AND Hero plz.)

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Don't we have like two other threads about this already?

The only topics I could find are two pages back. They technically aren't dead, but they sure are close so there really isn't anything wrong here.

Anyway, off the top of my head, Cain, Abel, and Frey (if you're going through normal mode) are the best characters for all the physical classes that they have available. Caesar from what I understand makes the best dark mage, but I never bothered to to give him a shot.

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Assuming you're asking this for wi-fi...

Cain, Frey, Abel and Catria are pretty much the best for the physical class set A.

Merric and Linde make the best Sages... Elice too if you can (and it's possible) level her up to 20/20 >_>.

Caesar would be the best Sorcerer.

Class set B is kinda messy and I don't know who's the best for each of the classes there. I will say that Dolph is pretty good in most (if not all) of his class set.

Edited by Sirius
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I think I may test some things out. Experiment a little more with the reclassing system.

Ditto on what Sirius said on the mages/sages. (I agree with him when he says it's possible with Ms. Altea. It's just that I don't find it likely.) Lena is good too, but has some health and speed problems. And she may not be what you're looking for in a wi-fi group.

Wolf and Sedgar would be good in any class in their set except Sorcerer if you ask me. They may struggle a bit early on due to their bases.

Palla and Est aren't too shabby either in their melee classes.

Edited by Destiny Henchhound
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It depends on what stats you value in what class.

If you wish to optimize Strength growth in a Sniper you probably want Palla or Est.

If you want to make sure your Mage has a defense score at all you want Merric.

Feel you need some Defense Growth on a Horseman... Darros is the man for the job.

Want a Hero that feels lucky, its up to Roger.

It's basically a 'who can do anything, who can do magic, and who to avoid' than a question of what character in what class.

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It depends on what stats you value in what class.

If you wish to optimize Strength growth in a Sniper you probably want Palla or Est.

If you want to make sure your Mage has a defense score at all you want Merric.

Feel you need some Defense Growth on a Horseman... Darros is the man for the job.

Want a Hero that feels lucky, its up to Roger.

It's basically a 'who can do anything, who can do magic, and who to avoid' than a question of what character in what class.

I think Roger makes the best hero. If you keep him a Hero he gets solid growths all around except DEF. Swap him for a general once he has capped speed and then back once he is 20/20 and you get an awesome hero.

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I think Roger makes the best hero. If you keep him a Hero he gets solid growths all around except DEF. Swap him for a general once he has capped speed and then back once he is 20/20 and you get an awesome hero.

I checked averages and, you've almost hit the bull's eye. I think his only glaring problem would be his defence. Other than that, he's just as you said (according to averages).

Edited by Destiny Henchhound
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I checked averages and, you've almost hit the bull's eye. I think his only glaring problem would be his defence. Other than that, he's just as you said I(according to averages).

See, proof that I sometimes know what I am talking about. :)

My Roger I am using now is a level 17 knight. He has 32 HP 16 STR 13 SKL 14 SPD 16 LUK 15 DEF.

A simple class change makes averages mean almost nothing.

But I think I have gotten really lucky too. :P

Edit: Just realised I am very lucky. He capped speed at level 13 as a mercenary. It goes down 10 upon reclass to a knight. That means four levels straight he got speed with a 10% chance. Thats some crazy stuff. I am wondering if to reclass to a horseman or beserker once he starts capping more stuff...

Edited by chickenman
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Barst and Cord make good pirates. Walking over water is fun.

People said Athena makes a good Peg Knight, but I didn't like her. A bit too slow for me.

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  • 2 months later...

During my last playthrough I reclassed a lot of characters and found:

Cain, after doing a lot of leveling as a Cavalier, made a good Myrmidon/Swordmaster which utilized his naturally high strength and fixed his lagging skill and speed.

Abel, after going to second tier as a Cavalier, was unstoppable as a Sniper.

Navarre turned out to be a solid Cavalier/Paladin with his good speed once his strength growth picked up.

Barst was great as a Pirate, then at second tier, depending on the situation, he could fill in as a Hero (for more speed), Warrior (when flying units were on the map) or General (when I needed a little extra meatshield). He was the premier unit for me during the Macedon chapter because of his high strength and ability to use bows in two different classes.

Merric and Linde leveling as Curates gave them additional speed without sacrificing too much magic for when they became Sages.

Ogma, for me, was more useful as a Horseman than as a Hero because he could use bows instead of axes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

on my NM playthrough, I am...


Jagen-dracoknight(killed him C4 tho)

barst-pirate(Arena abused him as a hunter for like 7 lvls)




I tried cord as dark mage, but was a failure, along with my tries with caesar and etzel(no class change of course) in previous playthroughs... maybe I just don't like that class

Tell me if there's anything else I should do

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