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He is offering an alternative to my strategy. Because he is offering an alternative to my strategy, this implies that pinning Douglas into nonproductive rounds of combat is viable in a ranked run. It is not. If he had wanted to neglect the part about rankings, either he would have mentioned it explicitly or he would have excised that section of my post, or simply refrained from quoting it at all.

This is your error still. You're assuming that he's arguing under your terms which is not an assumption that should automatically be made, even if you feel that his quoting you indicates agreement. He doesn't have to mention whether he's speaking on your grounds or his own--rather, you shouldn't assume that simply because he's quoting you, he's speaking under the context of ranked runs.

Quoting your statement of ranked context does not mean his context must remain under such.

In any case, an actual answer may be given if he replies regardless of either bickers.

Edited by Celice
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