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Post Your "All-Star" Units.


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Wendy from FE6, give her abit of love and she'll murder anything

Fiora from FE7 she just... kills everything, give her a Delphi shield, throw her in the middle and BAM! they are all dead :D

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Wendy from FE6, give her abit of love and she'll murder anything

...How did you train her in the first place? D:

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I tried taking some pictures of my good units, but they turned out rather fuzzy. Looks like I'll have to list them out manually instead.


Lv: 27 HP: 39 Str: 20 Mag: 0 Skl: 12 Spd: 22 Lck: 25 Def: 15 Res: 4


Lv: 11 HP: 44 Str: 22 Mag: 1 Skl: 16 Spd: 23 Lck: 12 Def: 13 Res: 3


Lv: 10 HP: 39 Str: 21 Mag: 1 Skl: 20 Spd: 23 Lck: 10 Def: 17 Res: 3

I gave Marth a couple of Talismans for lols. Besides that, I didn't use any stat-boosters (at least none that I can remember). Ogma was promoted at level 18, and Abel was promoted at level 17. I constantly had Ogma going between Merc and Hunter until I promoted him into a Horseman. Abel was a Cavalier straight up to his promotion, where I changed him into a Dracoknight. I was going to post my Sniper Cain and Hero Barst as well, but it seems they're nothing special.

I might dig out my Thracia 776 cart sometime tomorrow and post some of my "all-star" units from that game.

Edited by Charlie
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...How did you train her in the first place? D:

Alotta Luck, patience and alittle help with a stronger unit weakening the enemy (just for the early levels), after all that, she is ready to become a General she takes no crap from anyone, dodges a whole lot too :D

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FE3 Book 1:








Weapon Level:20



No stat boosters were used. All level ups were with the Star Orb.

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I really don't have any pictures, so I'll post my favorite characters. (Some of which are often my all-stars.)

FE1DS: The red and green cavalier duo and the pegasus sisters (Especially Palla and Catria). Merric and Linde are good too.

FE4: Working on it.

FE6: Lilina, Alan, Lance, Gonzalez, Wendy, Oujay.

FE7: Hector, Lyndis, Sain, Kent, Fiora, Raven, Oswin, Heath, Legault.

FE9: Ike, Soren, Oscar, Marcia, Jill, Mia, Zihark.

FE10: Ike, Micaiah, Sanaki, Soren, Jill, Nolan, Mia, Zihark.

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