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FEBinary programs and hacks in here:


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Ah! That helped. Though, the readme was missing the essential part about how to specify the file you want to compress D: I figured it out though. What about this?

MAP 使用するMAP番号

MASK1 村や制圧などマルス様だけなら0, だれでもいいならFF

[X][Y] 座標

MASK2 メンバーカードを指定するなら04

EVENT 情報の種類です(00 情報 01 買い物 02 闘技場 03 村 04 制圧 05 扉 06 跳ね橋 07 宝箱等 08 秘密の店)

ID イベント内容に対応



のみ変化できます。例えば、情報00 -> 扉05の変化は出来ません。

また、MAP CHIPが対応していないと正常に機能しません。

*MAP の項目を変更すると村情報の内容全体が昇順に変更されます。


I have a rogue thief who won't stop destroying a village which no longer exists D:

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I supposed I will just list some updates here:

FE1214 - FE4 ネールの系譜 Ver4

FE1188 - FE4 ナーガの系譜 Ver4.11

FE1187 - FE5 ブルーム v0.9.12b

FE1086 - FE4 キュアンちゃん8章まで (up to chapter 8 only)*

And newother hacks that might be interesting:

FE1211 - FE4 ダインの系譜 Ver1.17

FE1175 - FE4 ファイアー聖戦 系譜のエムブレム Ver2.5 (this is one insane hack)

FE1073 - FE4 ミニゲーム修正版 (yep, mini game)

FE1065 - FE4 紫竜山の系譜ver1.21 (Purple Dragon Mountain starring Dagda)*

FE0982 - FE3 紋章のビラク ver2.03 (Villuck hack, you need FE3 ROM v1.1 to play it)

FE0924 - FE4 庶民の系譜 ver1.2 (Genealogy of... Commoner?)*

FE0184 - FE3 紋章HARDの謎ver1.10 (FE3 Hard mode, use FE3 ROM v1.1 to play it)

FE0125 - FE4 グラ×イザ ver1.13 (Grandbell vs. Isaac most probably)*

*: is most probably incomplete

Edited by Fia
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I think I remember seeing a Maniac Mode hack for FE7 also uploaded a little while ago... or my eyes were really wonky ._.

Narga's still a bit tough to start >.< It hinges on strategizing your play more than throwing your units at the enemies.

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Yes. There is FE7 Maniac hack. I haven't really look on GBA hacks so I skipped on listing them. :p

FE1207 - FE7 烈火マニアック勝手版 ver1.05

Well, I watched Narga LP on Nico:

Parents: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/21933791

Children: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/23436905

It is harder than the other hacks, yeah. But these videos make it so easy to play. xD

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Double posting, I hope I will be pardoned though.

To anyone who is interested, FE1225 - FE4 バルドの系譜 is up. As you can read/guess it's Genealogy of Baldo, starring SUCKY Sigurd (ohko'd by bandit), cracklolstory (this is what I assumed after reading bits of prologue's conversations) and new maps (different than Narga's).

Forgot to mention (though it should be obvious) this hack is most probably not yet finished.

[spoiler=Screenshots][spoiler=Sigurd's stats]GenealogyofBaldo_00000.gif

[spoiler=Prologue map]GenealogyofBaldo_prologuemap.gif

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                    by ネール作者◆NeirBkPAS.(※トリ忘れてこの名前が使

The sequel to the remodeling project? It was uploaded to the binary uploader a little while ago. I think it's playable up to chapter 6, and it's more demonstrative than actual product. But very interesting nonetheless.

Also a more difficult, reworked FE6 patch is up. A bunch of little doo-dads and additions are all over the place. Not sure how far it goes on, but it's good for a few chapters at least, I think.

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元のキャラ     新キャラ


シグルド   →  クルト

ノイッシュ  →  メング

アーダン   →  ブレグ

アレク    →  メイベル

フィン    →  トラバント

キュアン   →  アイーダ

ミデェール  →  ババー

レヴィン   →  ラーナ

ホリン    →  ネネ

アゼル    →  ララベル

ジャムカ   →  リンダ

クロード   →  インドラ

ベオウルフ  →  レイミア

レックス   →  アンナ

デュー    →  マナ

ディアドラ  →  シギュン

エスリン   →  レプトール

ラケシス   →  ランゴバルト

アイラ    →  ノディオン

フュリー   →  ダッカー

ティルテュ  →  バトゥ

シルヴィア  →  ヴォルツ

エーディン  →  リング

ブリギッド  →  バイロン

Copy-pasta from readme?

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There was this FE4 hack where everyone was broken, like they had leg rings and major bloods. It was with the original cast and enemy stats were left unchanged. Anyone know what the patch number was? I cant find it :[

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I haven't played it, but that sounds like FE4 Inflation; I believe it was discontinued and is no longer available from the uploader site. You'll probably have to see if any members here saved it or something.

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I haven't played it, but that sounds like FE4 Inflation; I believe it was discontinued and is no longer available from the uploader site. You'll probably have to see if any members here saved it or something.

No, Inflation changes enemies too. It was deleted? What a pity.

There was an easy mode hack that gave Holy Weapons and extra skills for people (Azel with Falaflame, etc), but I see it changes enemy stats (soldiers instead of barbarians in the prologue, for instance) so it might not be what he wants.

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FE1208 seems to have a bunch of patches that have gone unsupported/missing or otherwise decided should be archived (some that were asked not to be uploaded as well?). I saw a version of the remodeling in there, but my computer displays gibberish for their filenames, so I dunno if inflation might be in there. If no one else has a copy on-hand, at least (though that's unlikely, right?)

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It wasnt inflation or the easy patch. Sigurd started out as a forrest knight and had a silver blade, the knight trio were free knights. I also remember Ayra starting with a Balmung.

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The Neir patch seems to have disappeard, I can't find 0762.

Also, how do you inserts maps into a ROM with FE4MAP (0797)?

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For the map editing, the last version I have is 0788, but it should still be pretty similar. The second option (S) saves the raw map data to a location you choose. You then take this raw data and put it in the encoding program included. When you're ready to insert the map, you choose the fifth option from the 'File' menu. There should be a section wanting your 'MAP NAME' and you want to locate your newly-compressed map file. Choose it, and it should tell you its size and the original map's size. If it's smaller, you can insert it and have fun.

This only inserts the map data. Event data and unit location data can be saved separately in one of the 'File' options, if memory serves. There's a couple parts of its readme translated in this thread thanks to TheEnd.

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Go the the uploader link above and find the file '旧ロダ.' This is an archive of the previous uploader. Once you download this, pretty much all the the patches will be on your computer. You can then go through and find the ones you're looking for. I'm guessing it's a collection of only the newest-version patches, so if there's been an update to a patch talked about previously, its upload number (like FE707) may no longer be that, but it might be like FE1202 if that upload was a newer version.

I don't know how complete the 旧ロダ is but I certainly noticed a few uploads I didn't see before, so there's a good chance what you're looking for is in there. The patches are sorted between the Famicom, Super Famicom, and GameBoy Advance if memory serves.

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Having a bit of trouble finding it,but what I'm looking for in particular was the 烈火の剣 ROM Editor. The japanese editor for FE7 I'm assuming.

Because I'm not great at spriting or creating animations, I was looking for a way to rip Lyn's Durandal animation using FEditor and then directly importing it into my hack.

I was also looking for a way to look into FE7_if , mainly for some ideas, and some slight tweaks to make the game slightly easier for me.

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I don't suppose anyone might have the graphics add-on patch for FEBinary? I finally got around to wanting to play it and the site is gone. :(

Edit: I got it. And for anyone else who wants it in the future I guess? All credit to AstraLunaSol.


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For future reference (in case anyone looks for it), FE8_Girls was answered (as of this date) in this thread:


Hey is Geonology of Marth still up there or...?

Try checking this download: http://ux.getuploader.com/FE3/download/16/%E5%90%84%E7%A8%AE%E3%83%91%E3%83%83%E3%83%81%E3%80%81%E3%83%84%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E7%AD%89%E8%A9%B0%E3%82%81%E5%90%88%E3%82%8F%E3%81%9B.zip

It's a mass-archive of some older work, but it's not complete. But you might find the latest upload (or at least one download) in the archive that's up to date and meant for playability. The button for download is beneath the summary text.

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