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Probably did it for the sake of online play.

Probably for both, since one-time use TMs meant most TMs weren't used in a normal playthrough.

[spoiler=One day, Vincent woke up with tits and a ponytail. He could not foresee the potentially exciting adventure that lied ahead of him. 0:00-1:45]Today, I woke up in somebody's room. My body was strange - not that I'm complaining, but it wasn't my usual one - and two unknown people were near me. I don't know for how long they were there, and what they were doing.

In front of us, a present box. Inside of it, three pokéballs. I picked the one with Smugleaf; the girl got Wotter and the boy, Charpig. Then the girl assaulted me, and then the boy, and the room became a mess. The two persuaded me to go to the local professor and thank her. In the way, I decided to call my quiet Smugleaf Sirius.

The professor gave me a dex and some balls. Now I was able to recruit new allies, whom I would treat with respect and a healthy distance.

The first of these new friends in my quest to cure my boredom was a small, naive and insomniac rodent. I called him Ninji. After that, I made Sirius and Ninji eat some rodents and dogs near town, until they learned new attacks. Then I moved to the next town, and caught a glimpse of some cosplay presentation. After it, a weird gentleman asked me if I were able to listen to the voices of my pokémon, and attacked me with a cat. Sirius promptly whipped his pet into submission, so he fled. Then, I decided to proceed to the next route. Then, an older version of my current self teleported near me and taught me how to run!

After that, I found my third ally: a rash dog I named Pride. Curiously, while Ninji is the one who looked like he needed a good night of sleep, Pride was the actually insomniac one. Satisfied with this fateful encounter, I dashed through the bushes and trainers towards the next town. Then, when Sirius, Pride and Ninji were tired, that girl assaulted me from behind!

... luckly, she was the type of person who would use a combination of defense-lowering moves and special-based attacks.

Looking around in the next town, I found that boy. He seemed smarter, but did the same as her friend. At least I should be thankful for his precious experience. I also found a nice lady willing to give me an impish blue monkey. I accepted her offer, naming him Enjo. Since he was already at the same level of my other partners, I decided to go to the local gym right away.

As soon as I got there, however, a succession of weird events took place. First, the supposed gym leader asked who was my starter; then, the gym guide gave me a bottle of mineral water as present. Then it dawned on me... the gym as a restaurant. One where we were supposed to kill the food we were going to eat.

The first dish was a dog, who almost managed to bring Ninji together with him to the menu with a fierce tackle.

Next, a waitress brought a cat and a mouse to me - I guess this is a Chinese restaurant after all. This time, Sirius's vine whip came in handy to soften the meat, but he couldn't do it without resistance.



The redhead waiter was clearly to violate my now feminine self with what was supposed to be my meal. And indeed, Ninji, Sirius and Pride almost fell to the vicious fangs of his bulky canine.

Then he served me a fire monkey. Enjo was delighted with the possibility of mating, so I considered not eating monkey meat. He was too violent, though.

Victorious, I received a CD as reward. It seemed somewhat useful, and didn't break upon use, either.

It was a good day.

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They look like Knights to me.

Apparently, they're something like the PETA of Pokemon...

Hurray tvtropes!

Edited by Cyber Blue
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Probably for both, since one-time use TMs meant most TMs weren't used in a normal playthrough.

[spoiler=One day, Vincent woke up with tits and a ponytail. He could not foresee the potentially exciting adventure that lied ahead of him. 0:00-1:45]Today, I woke up in somebody's room. My body was strange - not that I'm complaining, but it wasn't my usual one - and two unknown people were near me. I don't know for how long they were there, and what they were doing.

In front of us, a present box. Inside of it, three pokéballs. I picked the one with Smugleaf; the girl got Wotter and the boy, Charpig. Then the girl assaulted me, and then the boy, and the room became a mess. The two persuaded me to go to the local professor and thank her. In the way, I decided to call my quiet Smugleaf Sirius.

The professor gave me a dex and some balls. Now I was able to recruit new allies, whom I would treat with respect and a healthy distance.

The first of these new friends in my quest to cure my boredom was a small, naive and insomniac rodent. I called him Ninji. After that, I made Sirius and Ninji eat some rodents and dogs near town, until they learned new attacks. Then I moved to the next town, and caught a glimpse of some cosplay presentation. After it, a weird gentleman asked me if I were able to listen to the voices of my pokémon, and attacked me with a cat. Sirius promptly whipped his pet into submission, so he fled. Then, I decided to proceed to the next route. Then, an older version of my current self teleported near me and taught me how to run!

After that, I found my third ally: a rash dog I named Pride. Curiously, while Ninji is the one who looked like he needed a good night of sleep, Pride was the actually insomniac one. Satisfied with this fateful encounter, I dashed through the bushes and trainers towards the next town. Then, when Sirius, Pride and Ninji were tired, that girl assaulted me from behind!

... luckly, she was the type of person who would use a combination of defense-lowering moves and special-based attacks.

Looking around in the next town, I found that boy. He seemed smarter, but did the same as her friend. At least I should be thankful for his precious experience. I also found a nice lady willing to give me an impish blue monkey. I accepted her offer, naming him Enjo. Since he was already at the same level of my other partners, I decided to go to the local gym right away.

As soon as I got there, however, a succession of weird events took place. First, the supposed gym leader asked who was my starter; then, the gym guide gave me a bottle of mineral water as present. Then it dawned on me... the gym as a restaurant. One where we were supposed to kill the food we were going to eat.

The first dish was a dog, who almost managed to bring Ninji together with him to the menu with a fierce tackle.

Next, a waitress brought a cat and a mouse to me - I guess this is a Chinese restaurant after all. This time, Sirius's vine whip came in handy to soften the meat, but he couldn't do it without resistance.



The redhead waiter was clearly to violate my now feminine self with what was supposed to be my meal. And indeed, Ninji, Sirius and Pride almost fell to the vicious fangs of his bulky canine.

Then he served me a fire monkey. Enjo was delighted with the possibility of mating, so I considered not eating monkey meat. He was too violent, though.

Victorious, I received a CD as reward. It seemed somewhat useful, and didn't break upon use, either.

It was a good day.


[spoiler=Ho boy]157g84h.png

Pun not intended.


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