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Also, my mom just handed me some note cards she found. The first one says Processing Castrate Males with a smiley face above it.

...Okay then, I think I'm just gonna stay the fuck away from you for a while. Namely because I feel like keeping my junk intact.

Edited by Prussia
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...Okay then, I think I'm just gonna stay the fuck away from you for a while. Namely because I feel like keeping my junk intact.

Oh hey, it worked.

But it's official, all of Waka's fangirls in the game will die. I will murder them and re-write their scripts -_-

They WILL die.



Things are getting

out of hand inside,

you know? Girls are

mobbing Wakaouji...


I love this staff.

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I am going to regret it but...bye...

See you.

I think I'll step out for a bit myself. I just realized that I need food.

Edited by Musashi
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Get souls that allow you to double-jump, become a bat or whatever.

And you said you played SOTN?

Edited by TheEnd
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Mm, instant noodles. Two times in one day no less!

And you said you played SOTN?

Maybe he only played it for a few minutes or something? :Hugh:

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Get souls that allow you to double-jump, become a bat or whatever.

And you said you played SOTN?

I've got Skeleton Keeper, Malphas, and Skeleton Blaze. So... I need a bat soul? :E

Played it, not completed, but played.

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Maybe he only played it for a few minutes or something? :Hugh:

I've got Skeleton Keeper, Malphas, and Skeleton Blaze. So... I need a bat soul? :E

Played it, not completed, but played.

Musashi was correct.

Why did I even bother, I won't commit this mistake again.

Why do you even bother posting.

Why does gIO?

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Coming to the gate at the north of town, Belle shows up and wants to fight. Her dog gets smashes by TE's fists after even daring to intimidate him, while her flowery pig she just got back got Pursuitted to death by Lux. After a short rest in his ball, TE used his hot body to burn the smug snake, while Lux finished the work by electrocuting the water monkey. Thanks for the money and the experience, Belle.

Going into the route up north, I get blasted by wind. And sand. Great. And Cheren wants some too. TE first rolls over his pidgeon. Cheren is a bit brighter than most and tries to use his pets more intelligently with their types, but so can I. Lux demonstrates it well by OHKOing his sea weasel with an electric tackle. Following this, Tenbo uses his critbubbles to defeat the fiery monkey, before spraying Cheren's panther with shit and bubbles. Poor guy got his ego beaten by a tadpole. Thanks for the experience.

After the fight, we get a telephonic conversation saying Belle is ahead from us in Raimon, which is strange because she left in the OTHER direction after I faced her. Oh well.

A little bit after this, Lux evolved into a mighty stallion of a zebra. He definitely looks pissed. Soon after, Tenbo grew arms and legs to become a small toad. He also learned to use his voice with lethal effects, making everyone unable to sleep.

With Tenbo gaining a new Ground type, I can continue my trek through the sandstorm much easier now. Among our new friends are a Naughty, overconfident male gangsta lizard named Dag and the Jolly, even more overconfident crocodile named Srs. As they are some of my new favorites, I give them TMs and grind them a bit. Dag, who can't seem to keep his pants on, now learns to use a grass lasso to trip people and how to smash rocks while Srs can steal items from others while delivering a good hit. Such a trigger happy bad guy.

Surprise, 3 levels exactly after he formed his leaf coat, Masaa evolved into a beautiful leafy insect.

After a bit of training in the desert, I also get to catch a Brave male baboon that I name Hika. Sadly for him, there's already a better Fire type in my team, so straight to the PC he goes.

A few TMs are in this desert, namely the Torment one, which sucks, and Dig, which is pretty cool because Srs really needs a better Ground attack than hurling sand or shit at others. Dag also manages to learn how to dig, forgetting how to use a magical grass lasso.

Behold a new area : the Resort Desert. Still affected by Sandstorm but you can't have everything. At least the medic at the entrance heals my pets for free without returning to the Pokémon Center. Nintendo is making things too easy these days. The desert also has a pair of Black Glasses and Soft Sand. Probably someone who did something bad to those crocodiles. Their shades are awesome.

New friends in this area include a Gentle female hermit crab I name BL, a Gentle female cactus I name Mio and a Naive male bird with psychic powers I named IMike. Fun fact, Mio's capture was the easiest as the ball only moved once instead of three times like usual. Clearly a sign that she wants to be with me.

Some useful items are around, namely a Fire Stone, a Heart Scale and a new TM, Rock Tomb. TE and Srs can learn it. Dag could've, but his moves were already good.

At this point, TE was starting to feel stronger than ever. It was then that he grew immensely. His muscles were much bigger, and tusks appeared where his fangs once were. A beard of flame was now decorating his chin, which TE stroke to feel his newfound power. The once small piglet that I recieved became a fiery badass boar from Hell!

In the middle of the desert stood fortifications I could explore. A Jolly male ghost named Seph joined the team. I also grab a Wing Fossil. Could come in handy.

Before leaving the desert, I train my two reptile butt buddies. While Dag manages to learn how to do a rising knee to the face, Srs distinguishes himself by learning to chomp things really hard with his teeth, but also evolving, getting bigger and walking on his back legs. It's time to *puts on sunglasses* get serious. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!

Leaving the comfort of the desert, I see prof Araragi and she gives me 10 Ultra Balls. Never had it this easy back in the good old days of RBY. Belle is also supposedly lost in the desert, which is odd because I literally went everywhere. Except on the very busy highway above the roads. Uh oh?

Entering Raimon, I see two Plasma grunts bullying an old man. After Dag shows them his moves, the old man shows us his gratitude by giving us his Bicycle. Thanks old man, that's one less danger on the road.

Belle shows up right after. Seems she didn't wander in the middle of the highway after all. She says she wasnts to enter a musical contest. Eh, maybe next time.

At the Pokémon Center, I can get to buy a few TMs. Most of them suck, but Return and Thunder Wave seem pretty interesting.

Going to see Belle, I enter inside the building with her, and now I must put some items on a pet of my choice. Sorry TE, but my choice is you. You look gentlemanly with glasses, a bowl hat and a cane, but at least I'll save you the humiliation of wearing a leaf skirt because it doesn't fit your size. I also get an Echo Voice TM.


Ok fine I'm having too much fun with this.


Leaving the Music Hall, Belle and her dad are talking. Her dad is still pissed about her choice it seems until the city's Gym Leader decided to talk to them both. Yay everyone's happy.

Left of the Music hall are two stadiums who play different sports depending of the day. Today it's baseball! Dag proceeds to smash the coach's three monkeys for three home runs. The second stadium is home to a tennis court, but that doesn't stop Dag from smashing the player's zebra.

The apartments behind the Pokémon Center hold important items, like a Sun Stone, a Soothe Ball, but also the Strength HM. A Macho Brace is also available in a gate to the northeast.

Going to the east of town, I see N and he wants to fight me again. After a ferris wheel ride. His crocodile gets gets bitchslapped by TE, his bird gets crunched by Srs, Dag gives a nosebleed to his lesser brethen by kneeing him in the nose, which he also gives to the fire baboon. Ah N, you will never learn.

The gym is right next to the ferris wheel, and as usual we get free water. Since this is an electric gym, I feel Srs is ready to show his moves and let him go first. He's also angry at all those rich boys and ladies, since they obviously wear crocodile shoes. Crunching on those zebras and throwing rocks at the squirrels, Srs makes his way to the Gym leader while enjoying the roller coaster.

Kamitsure, the Gym leader, hopes she can try a berserk, trigger happy crocodile with a pair of overly annoying flying squirrels and a zebra stallion, but she's wrong. Srs hurls huge boulders at the squirrels just before decapitating the zebra with his jaws in front of the Gym Leader. Volt Badge get. Also comes with a Volt Change TM.

After all this, I rest at the Pokémon Center. With half of the badges already in hand, our quest is getting done slowly but surely!


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I actually never bothered with the musicals... but then again, I didn't bother playing the post-Elite Four game either.

It looked much shorter than that in my .txt file.

Double episode special

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