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You bring shame to the Pikachu name.

Listen up!

Pikachu is not just another "smash and bash" character! Pikachu is a character used to confuse, annoy, and then kill!

It's technique! Thunder walls! T jolt followups! Agility bounce! Chaingrabs!

To call yourself legitimately good with a Pikachu that merely goes "HULK SMASH!" is a lie! LEARN YOUR PIKACHU BRO

You weren't even there to watch.

I know that; I've always played Pikachu to, as you put it, "confuse, annoy, and then kill".

Dude, I was using Thunder walls, and my use of Headbutt tended to lead into Agility bounces. Chaingrabs... Well, I suck with grabs. It's part of why Sirius kept mauling me.

Good thing I don't, huh?

Son, I'm perfectly willing to play against you any time you want tomorrow. As Pikachu.

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You weren't even there to watch.

I know that; I've always played Pikachu to, as you put it, "confuse, annoy, and then kill".

Dude, I was using Thunder walls, and my use of Headbutt tended to lead into Agility bounces. Chaingrabs... Well, I suck with grabs. It's part of why Sirius kept mauling me.

Good thing I don't, huh?

Son, I'm perfectly willing to play against you any time you want tomorrow. As Pikachu.

Good sir, are y'all trying to tell me that Sirius is a liar? He told me that you were thrashed~

If all you do is SMASH then it's not really confusing, just annoying and, overall, ineffective.

Do you even know what I mean by agility bounces :>

According to Sirius you do~

Yes! Enough with the insults! We shall settle this like men! With our fists!



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Good sir, are y'all trying to tell me that Sirius is a liar? He told me that you were thrashed~

If all you do is SMASH then it's not really confusing, just annoying and, overall, ineffective.

Do you even know what I mean by agility bounces :>

According to Sirius you do~

Yes! Enough with the insults! We shall settle this like men! With our fists!



Hay, I want to play. >:

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I can take you on right now you know

My dad's watching TV at the moment, and he'll probably go "WDF ARE YOU DOING GO DO YOUR SUMMER HOMEWORK" if I even suggest that.

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It's summer vacation and people are playing smash


Sweet, I've finally achieved Time Travel Through Intense Meditation™!

Time to make a killing on the stock market.

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My dad's watching TV at the moment, and he'll probably go "WDF ARE YOU DOING GO DO YOUR SUMMER HOMEWORK" if I even suggest that.

I am going to be awake until 2 AM probably, reading TWGOK

Just go on MSN if you're ready tonight and message me.

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Good sir, are y'all trying to tell me that Sirius is a liar? He told me that you were thrashed~

If all you do is SMASH then it's not really confusing, just annoying and, overall, ineffective.

Do you even know what I mean by agility bounces :>

According to Sirius you do~

Yes! Enough with the insults! We shall settle this like men! With our fists!



He was talking about how I was playing as Ike. He did say I Thunder Spammed as the 'Chu, remember?

I didn't; Were you not reading what I posted?

Switching directions mid-Agility, extending the life of the move

Again, he was talking about how I play as Ike.

I look forward to it!

Get on AIM and tell me when you're ready tomorrow, then.

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Switching directions mid-Agility, extending the life of the move

Get on AIM and tell me when you're ready tomorrow, then.

Nu. Using agility at the ground, timing it right to allow another double jump. It's hard to explain.

I don't even remember my aim account or password anymore... It'll have to be here. :<

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Nu. Using agility at the ground, timing it right to allow another double jump. It's hard to explain.

I don't even remember my aim account or password anymore... It'll have to be here. :<

Make a new account then.

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Is receiving a PM here really that hard? D:<

It's got a good shot of going unnoticed.

Or you can make an MSN account.

Since MSN is more popular among SF members than AIM, despite Skype getting more hype than either one.

Since I mostly only use the Blast Chat with people here anyways, and mostly have AIM because most of my friends in real life use it, using MSN isn't really worth it.

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