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Just you wait.

It'll make your computer meltdown and explode.

you know my old computer got a virus and that computer had norton on it right

this computer which ive had for over a year doesnt have norton (which is supposed to be the best) and nothing bad has ever happened


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Yeah I've heard that Norton's like really bad.

I've just decided to use it while it had been automatically installed onto my lappy before going to avast since that's what everyone recommends x3

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[spoiler=SMT logs]

Having reached a passageway to Shinegawa, just having failed to fulfill the request from Nightmar's departed spirit, I decide to head back. There was one final basement level to check out, in which I met a familiar old man. He had but a few words for me, reassurances with a hint of mystery, and he barred the way from further exploration. There was an aura about him that exuded sincerity, and I found I could trust him and resolved that if ever I was in a pinch, lost my direction, or doubted the path ahead that Chalis and I would return for further guidance.




When I returned to the police station, again wreathed in sections of great darkness, Chalis reminded me that she could use magic, and perhaps one of her out-of-battle spells would prove timely. This left me feeling completely foolish, as I'd also forgotten she could have cured our poison herself instead of necessitating frequent visits to the Kaifuku. With the aid of Mapper, things became a mite bit more manageable, and we soon navigated our way to the top of the building, putting down rogue robots at nearly every turn. The cause of all this ruckus turned out to have been a mad scientist, bent on foolish dreams of leading a robot army.




This has to stop, so I push him aside and go to destroy the central command console. This manages to trigger an alarm and a final defense effort on the part of the machines.




The defense system didn't even stand a chance. After having quickly wiped it out, while proceeding to destroy all electronics in the area to prevent a second occurrence, I find an intact Memory Board amid the smoldering rubble of what used to be the machine army and its central control matrix. Satisfied in having accomplished Nightmar's final request, I leave the mad scientist in the corner sobbing over the loss of his half-baked dream.



With no more regrets, it's time to push on into Shinagawa. I make a quick pit-stop at Ginza to see Steven and get him to upgrade my Arm-computer. With the ability to hold another two demons in my bank, this greatly enhances my ability to both plow through dungeons, by recruiting their most frequent inhabitants, and also grants additional flexibility in opening up more fusing options.



Shinagawa itself is another hotbed of Messianic faith, much like Shibuya was. One of the first rooms I stumbled into was a preachy sermon. I stepped out again as soon as convenient, staying just long enough to manage to not arouse any undue suspicions. The amount of self-sacrifice and utter obedience espoused was a little sickening. Life under God would practically eliminate free will.




While wandering around the city I meet many people sharing random rumors of various degrees of relevance. I had suspected that red house to the southwest was another trap, much like the one near Shibuya, with a magically sealed door, and the rumor about it being home to an Oni just confirmed that. There was also some righteous bragging about the Messianic Cathedral currently being constructed, as well a few completely inconsequential ones.




There were, however, an additional two pieces of interest that definitely caught my attention. The first was about traps designed to harm anyone of a specific alignment and how a Core Shield could negate the effects. This in particular made me a little upset, as I had just liquidated my stock of Core Shields to both free up inventory, and to afford some armor upgrades.




Another was a rumor about a Golden Apple in Ueno. I'll definitely have to keep this in mind when my path wends its way that direction, as it almost certainly will do at some point.




As I make it further and further inward, toward a more fortified section of the town, already having passed over a few of the aforementioned traps, and healing up the damage incurred, I come across something most interesting. There's a sort of square here, and in the middle of it a very peculiar statue!




Why? Why would Shinagawa have a statue revering my good buddy Nightmar? He died in Roppongi, well before we ever got here. It's unlikely they would have even heard of him, much less known details about his appearance. Chalis is right, if this is a coincidence, it's damn uncanny. Slightly shaken, we both continue on, and after a few more rooms we encounter someone who gives us confirmation of fact, explaining just what the circumstances are.




News of Nightmar's resurrection is strange and hard to swallow. We'd seen his soul taken by the messenger of God and ascend into heaven. We saw his ghost beckon us with a final plea. And now all of a sudden he was back to life? "God works in mysterious ways" has never been a more apt expression for me than right at that moment. Why Nightmar over anybody else? So many people have died in this conflict, this trial to "prepare the way for the 1000 year kingdom". And further, the Messianics in Shibuya had been so sure that Chalis reborn was the Messiah. Now all of the sudden they're changing their faith and hailing Nightmar? That seems almost... fickle.

Feeling more awkward than ever, we advance. Cloistered deep in the city, we find Nightmar himself, and he explains the situation in full. God had indeed returned him to life, and fully believing in Him and His plan, Nightmar has completely dedicated his efforts to wiping out the organized resistance of the Gaian church and the allied Chaos demons. He makes a lot of valid points about the suffering that would definitely accompany a "might makes right" society, but he also whitewashes the fact that rule under the Law of God would leave very little, if any, freedom. He pleads with me to put down one of the ringleader demons, Jashin Echidna, and I can't but agree. Even if I don't subscribe to his philosophy and his motivations, I do owe him my life, and that's a debt I will definitely see paid back. Feeling conflicted though, I promise myself and Chalis, who shares some similar migivings, to hear out this Echidna's side of the story before I put her down.













There's little else of note in Shinegawa. Further exploration turned up an interesting sword, which opens up a Sword Fusion option in the fusion hut, and I also encountered a hostile demon trainer who wouldn't let me leave without engaging in battle. He had a curious item with him, but my inventory was full, so I had to return later to pick it up. Some sort of four-door gem-key. I have no idea what it's used for, but I take it.






I leave Shinagawa better armed and armored, with a stronger assortment of demon allies (Barbegaz, Wyvern, Nagasune, Raja Naga, Dakini, Ni Chalong, Loa, Werewolf, Decarabia), and a new quest.

[spoiler=Our Heroes]smtbal48.png


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I say "Ayra" like アイラ.

Are you saying it like "Ae-ra"?


I always end up pronouncing it Ar-ya, because I'm dumb.

Really though, they should have gone with Ira or Aira.

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An evil robot that's harvesting souls for a giga destruction canon.

That or a web spider. I dunno which.

actually no i think google has a personality and just wants to play fe but alas googles fate is to live forever and search for porn for the human race

[spoiler=SMT logs]


avatar cameo

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