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[spoiler=SMT logs]

The peninsula that Shinagawa was on was, aside from the Oni building, devoid of other leads, so I had to backtrack back through Ginza to the underground intersection of Roppongi, Ginza, Police Station, and Ikebukuro. As I'd already explored all three other options, I had no choice but to ignore Ether's warning about Ikebukuro and proceed that way. No sooner had I come above ground but I was apprehended. Ether himself brought me before the court of Yama, to be judged for my "crimes".





My crime was simply using the Demon Summoning app. Apparently that was taboo? Nobody told me this, and if this was contrary to some "contract since time immemorial" that was the first I'd heard of it. Further, all of my demons I legitimately negotiated with, and they joined me of their own accord. It's not like I was capturing them while they were minding their own business in their own habitat, then keeping them bound as slaves, captive in little balls, and using them as my pawns in elaborate cockfighting games.




However, before he immediately sentenced me as guilty and laid out the punishment, he seemed willing to engage in a bit of "plea bargaining". He had something he wanted accomplished, and if I agreed to help him with it, he'd accept that my use of the of demons was for legitimate ends. The request was straightforward: I needed to oppose the efforts of the Messians and hinder their construction of the Cathedral.




Now, I don't much care for the Messianic faith personally, and on top of that, I really don't like being told what to do, or having people assume I'm helping them out when I really am only doing things of my own free will. That's part of what rubbed me the wrong way with Thorman, after all. It doesn't take much more than a silent glance between me and Chalis to see that she'll support me in whatever I chose to say, so I stand my ground and refuse. If I'm going to hamper the Messians it will be on my own terms, and after I've paid off my debt to Nightmar. Yama was predictably enraged, and we were hauled away to be locked up in prison.




We're hauled up to a rather solid prison with sturdy steel bars. Chalis and I try to figure a way out of here, but we're not making progress, and frustration is rising. After what seems like hours, my spirit is flagging, but she keeps encouraging me not to give up hope, and to keep thinking, and to try to come up with new ideas.





When we least expect it, there's a sound of footsteps approaching. Surprisingly the electronic lock disengages, and the bars slide open. Ether steps into view and chides us once again for ignoring his warning and for what happened. He releases us because he owes me one, for helping him out with Ozawa, but from here on, he says the slate is clean. He adds fervently that we must not go on to Ueno.




We wander around the prison levels, looking for a way out. In the meantime we run across all sorts of disturbing individuals locked up, nearly all from the Messianic sect. The extent of their extremism is in some cases absolutely abhorrent, in other cases it's just sad. I think the one that got me the most was the brainwashed little kid. Not even old enough to truly think for himself and question what he's told, he is roped into something so much bigger than him.







Finally we come across a Kishin guarding the stairway, and the exit to the prison. We dispatch him and make good our escape.


The next course of action was to find Yama, and to put him in his place. The Tenma was understandably upset at our having effected an escape, but his bark was worse than his bite. The scales of the confrontation dipped heavily in our favor, and we dispatched him back to the netherworld.



Apparently Ether had been watching, as he stepped forward with a look of awe on his face. This awe melted into insecurity, as he realized that if Yama could be defeated, then he and the Gaian and other forces of Chaos definitely needed to up their game.




We make a quick sweep of Ikebukuro, checking out the rumors before we leave it behind entirely. We still need to track down this Echidna demon for Nightmare, and she obviously wasn't here, so it looks like once again we'll be disappointing Ether and heading to Ueno. It looks like this time we need to pass through the Kishin shack to do so, but it's just a quick trip through, and despite me having progressed several places, the demons inside aren't any tougher than they were at Shibuya. I'm not sure what to make of the demon fuser at the top of the prison... as far as I know I made a clean sweep of the place, and didn't find a trace of him.





At any rate, defeating Nio and Yama definitely made us stronger, and we've recruited and fused up bigger and better demons yet again (now contracting with: Rakshasa, Basilisk, Narasinh, Kikuri-hime, Ni Chalong, and Sarutahi). If anything, Chalis and I feel pretty prepared for whatever we might find at Ueno.

[spoiler=Our Heroes]smtbal55.png


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Also, because the CHESTOOOOOOOO thing... Wodan saying WARE WA...

我 (われ)

The possessive being 我が (わが) like わが国 or like Hakumen, 我が名...

So... TE, when you get up.

A certain person from a VN says 我の... etc.

Any reason for that? Or are they interchangeable?

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[spoiler=SMT logs]

After we pass safely through the northern Kishin's lair, we emerge on the other side and roam around. What everyone has so far been referring to as "Ueno" actually seems to be a large underground complex that spans between Ueno proper and Akihabara. I hadn't known this at the time, but after having entered the from the Akihabara side, it quickly became apparent. At any rate, this place seemed to be to the Gaian faith what Shinagawa was for the Messianics. Complete with the same type of alignment traps, presumably also avoided through the use of Core Shields. There were also followers who desired baptism, though this was the first I'd heard of it, and have no real idea what that would entail. Apparently it's a pretty exclusive rite, though, from the sounds of it.




Entering the main temple, I'm greated by a man who claims to have heard many rumors of my accomplishments, and though he would like nothing better than to welcome me as a brother of the faith, he had doubts that I truly believed. My taking down Yama at the prison complex was probably responsible for this, and as I had no real desire to join up with any organized religion, I honestly wasn't all that shook up about the rejection.





My main goal here was to look for Echidna, but I wasn't turning up any clues on where she might be, as her named never dropped during any of the rumors of the people on the streets. The main talk of the town was actually the Messianic's Cathedral: how the construction effort was nearing a completion, and how to either delay it, or to wrest it from their control following the completion. There was some other idle speculation on just how all the manpower and energy for its construction had been obtained, and how much energy it would take to conquer it.








One very interesting rumor took me by surprise. Apparently there was an angel at the Messianic broadcasting center at the Tokyo Tower. I actually found this a little hard to believe, considering that when I had visited, I had seen no signs of anyone other than the typical cult members and fanatics. Was there some place I hadn't gotten around to checking? I was pretty sure I'd done a clean sweep. As it stood though, there wasn't really any reason for me to go back and check. I had already given them a piece of my mind about co-opting our overthrow of Ozawa as part of their propaganda machine, but it hadn't made a difference.




During our investigations we stumbled across another demon summoner, who spoiling for a fight attacked us. After we resoundingly defeated him, in exchange for a safe escape, he handed us a Memory Board. I made a mental note to swing by Steven's once more when we next visited Ginza, before proceeding onward.




Another subject of frequent talk was "Destinyland". The theme park was currently cut off from our area by a fierce demon guarding the bridge. It wasn't just an ordinary demon, but one that had gone wild and lost its mind. The implications of this were not immediately apparent, but when I heard the next rumor, told by this old man about a beast in the sewers, I was reminded back to what I'd heard previously about a Golden Apple. I resolved to go down, hope that it wouldn't be too late, that somebody had already tried feeding the beast the apple. I would need it to progress to Destinyland, and I could most likely just defeat the beast on my own.







The battle was actually rather anticlimactic in the face of my new squad of demon recruits: Rakshasa, Basilisk, Chimera, Kikuri-hime, Incubus, Orthrus, Rangda, Lich, Marchocius, and Atlas. Golden Apple successfully retrieved, I was on my way out of Ueno when I ran into a rather peculiar fellow by the name of Louis Cypher. It sounded familiar to me for some reason but I couldn't place it. He claimed to be here with an acquaintance of mind, who wished to speak with me.




Intrigued, I acquiesced. I was really in no rush to move on, now that the Apple was secure. What was the worst that could happen? The mad demon would wander off by itself, allowing me free access to Destinyland? If only. The identity of the person who wished to meet me however came as a strong shock. When she showed her face, Chalis beside me blanched noticeably, and squeezed my hand. It was Yuriko, the woman who'd captured her and nearly executed her in her former life. She ended up giving a strange little apology that wasn't actually an apology, seeming all the while trying to work herself up to something, gather her courage perhaps?





The revelation was shocking. She turned into her true form, the demon Lilith, and started forward as if to attack. However before I needed to actually defend, a pained frown twisted across her face, and she retreated. She couldn't do it. She must actually love me, bizarre and twisted though that love obviously was, and she couldn't bring herself to hurt me. Reverting back to her Yuriko form she turned and left dejected, leaving the surprised Chalis and me still with Louis.





Louis professed ignorance to the whole thing, claiming to also be surprised by our mutual acquaintance, although I wasn't entirely sure if he meant regarding her true form, or her intentions with respect to me and Chalis. His parting comment was urging us not to think altogether too poorly of her, that while she was clearly a troubled and unstable individual, she was ultimately not an evil one. He then turned and left us to ourselves. Chalis stepped closer and gave me a tight hug. I squeezed back, and we shared a moment of wordless comfort before resuming our journey together.



Arriving at the bridge to the landmass Destinyland resided on, we found that it was indeed guarded by a feral demon. This one was quite familiar to me though, it was Cerberus. As we approached, the Golden Apple worked its magic, and the confusion fell from his senses and he too recognized us! It was the Cerberus that had come into being when my dog Pascal had been accidentally fused. It was a rather teary reunion, and it was with nothing but fondness when I opened a spot in my roster to accept him back into the team.









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But I'm not because I do not like cocoa puffs ;n;

How about Trix? =)

you know my old computer got a virus and that computer had norton on it right

this computer which ive had for over a year doesnt have norton (which is supposed to be the best) and nothing bad has ever happened


Well..I'm using Norton. You might just have an older version. Mine works just fine. And does great at finding and zapping malicious programs away.

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You know what I can't figure out...

... how the hell anyone got "Ayra" from アイラ >_>

That's exactly how I speak it actually

And how the Japanese speak it, as well

Also, hey guys thinking that FE4's Ira is Latin for anger

It isn't, unless the Japanese who thought that are retarded

The Latin is イラ

The character is アイラ

Like here

Twilkitri hesitated a lot to put "Ira" in his patch because of that reason, he figured people would misunderstand Ira as "Eera" - and bam

Also, because the CHESTOOOOOOOO thing... Wodan saying WARE WA...

我 (われ)

The possessive being 我が (わが) like わが国 or like Hakumen, 我が名...

So... TE, when you get up.

A certain person from a VN says 我の... etc.

Any reason for that? Or are they interchangeable?

I've always read waga as the same as wareno

But that's the kind of thing I do from experience, I didn't study Japanese history or anything

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Oh you just reminded me something DAGRON told me, Hakumen and Sanger have a similar quotes they both say

"I am ______ The End has come!"

Edited by Generic Operator
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Oh you just reminded me something GO told me, Hakumen and Sanger have a similar quotes they both say

"I am ______ The End has come!"

GO told you huh?

Edited by Razor Ramon
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>Treasure goblin manages to escape one hit away from defeat


What a sad way of confirming they're immune to vortex in Hell

I suppose I should consider putting something in place of Cyclone Strike, now

Oh you just reminded me something DAGRON told me

Oh you sillyblings

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>Treasure goblin manages to escape one hit away from defeat


What a sad way of confirming they're immune to vortex in Hell

Poor TheEnd.

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