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Can you build trees in minecraft? I haven't exactly played it myself since I can't really afford it, so I don't really know...

Well, you can cut down trees, and from them, get saplings. Then, plant them in dirt. In a random amount of time (I think there's a limit to how long), the sapling will magically turn into a tree. But what I don't understand is why this tree in particular is so big.

And, well, it's only $26.95... :<

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What makes you think she's going to look at it like that? Tang is known for twisting and corrupting stuff.

For some reason I mixed Tangy with Foxy. This is not helping at all.....

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Well, you can cut down trees, and from them, get saplings. Then, plant them in dirt. In a random amount of time (I think there's a limit to how long), the sapling will magically turn into a tree. But what I don't understand is why this tree in particular is so big.

And, well, it's only $26.95... :<

Oh okay then...

Lolololol only you say hahahahaha

Idk how many times I have to say on here how poor my family is and I still haven't gotten a job yet

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In Minecraft, I just saw a pig fall down a ravine and die. ;__;

Lolololol only you say hahahahaha

Idk how many times I have to say on here how poor my family is and I still haven't gotten a job yet

Oh, just, compared to like, a Wii game or something.

I'd suggest pirating, but I don't think that gets support, nor can you connect with other servers...

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Oh, just, compared to like, a Wii game or something.

I'd suggest pirating, but I don't think that gets support, nor can you connect with other servers...

Yes but that doesn't mean that it isn't still expensive for me. And I'm quite used to not being able to get a game till the price has gone down to 20. But even then it's just because there's this rare occasion where I happen to get money.

I already tried. I couldn't really find any though (maybe I didn't try ahrd enough?). This topic of conversation sounds real familiar

Oh and poor piggy =[

Edited by Freohr Datia
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You will learn true sorrow in the world of Minecraft.

I remember once a pig was following me around... only for a creeper to blow up and kill it.

Yes but that doesn't mean that it isn't still expensive for me. And I'm quite used to not being able to get a game till the price has gone down to 20. But even then it's just because there's this rare occasion where I happen to get money.

I already tried. I couldn't really find any though (maybe I didn't try ahrd enough?). This topic of conversation sounds real familiar

I guess... Well, Minecraft is worth the money if you get it--but that's just my opinion.

Right, it does sound familiar now that you mention it...

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I guess... Well, Minecraft is worth the money if you get it--but that's just my opinion.

Right, it does sound familiar now that you mention it...

EDIT: ERASE I took that the wrong way x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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[spoiler=SMT logs]

With Cerberus brought back to reason and recruited to our side, the path to Tokyo Destiny Land (TDL) was no longer barred, and we entered it freely. Right at the entrance, as if waiting for us, was Ether, once again. It seems that sometime between when we last saw him in Ikebukuro and now he had managed to find himself a girl. While perhaps a bit surprised, he had seemed intently focused on powering up and making himself stronger, I couldn't disagree with his decision on principle. After all, here I was journeying with Chalis myself. However when he introduces her, she just smiles and says nothing. As she looks at me, I feel a shudder pass through my body unbidden, yet I know not why.




Putting aside the strange sense of unease about Ether's choice in women, I turn my attention back to him. After congratulating me on having made it this far safely he remarks on my inability to fully commit to either the path of Law or to the path of Chaos, alternately chiding what he views as my tendency to lean towards law, typified by my strong sense of loyalty and trustworthiness, and persuading me to meet the Chaos-aligned leader here in TDL to hear her out. His pronouncement that this was none other than Echidna, the quarry that Nightmar had sent me after, I was too surprised to do more than nod, and choke out a line about how I'd hear what she had to say. I do fully intend on letting her speak her piece, maybe even acting on some of her suggestions, but there was no way I could let slip to Ether that I was planning to kill her.






Seemingly satisfied, the two of them leave, Rie giving us both one last parting look. I had trouble reading her expression, and again my skin prickled, goosebumps quickly breaking out and then just as swiftly dispersing. Chalis turned to me and confessed that she was getting the exact same vibes from this woman. It was truly an enigma, but there was no way to solve it now, and no point in dwelling on it needlessly. After all, we had come here on a mission.



The main attraction here in Destinyland was the Fate Game, purported to judge how potent your luck was, and to give you the chance to alter it. The carnie trying to hawk the game was persistent, doing his best to get me to try it out, but I had neither the money to spare, having seen some very expensive guns for sale here and having blown too much on quickly outdated equipment in our recent stops. Beside that however, I had no wish to try to mess with fate, I was more than content with how things were currently unfolding, a boon companion at my side and walking the fine line of morality that I believed in. However, even after I declined to pay, he forced me inside, and I had to resort to having Chalis cast Toraport to get us out of there.





While wandering through some of the mazes and other attractions of TDL, looking for wherever it was Echidna was maintaining residence, a local demon summoner challenged us to a battle. Swiftly defeating him, he offered up a demon, releasing it from contract and allowing it to contract with me. I welcomed Majin Odin into my ranks, where he joined Rakshasa, Kinnara, Yamato no Orochi, Kikuri-Hime, Orthrus, Rangda, Lich, and Marchosius.




At length, we discovered Echidna's lair. She was... huge, for lack of a better word. Terrible and imposing, with a strange sense of... elegance? She recognized me, apparently the rumor-mill was indeed churning and news of Chalis and my deeds were spreading far and wide. After introductions and a little small talk, she jumped straight to the heart of the issue, trying to lay things out from her point of view. The first part of the conversation had her explain just what the true purpose of the Messian Cathedral was. I was a little surprised, having initially assumed it to have been just another place of worship, if perhaps an overly extravagant one. But to learn that it was intended as an instrument for summoning YHVH directly into this world? Given the undeniable presence of demons and angels, and the Devil Summoning App, such a story could not just be handwaved away.





Next Echidna offered a reminder of the outcome of just such an event: the Chaos doctrine's depiction of a world under Law. It wasn't too different from my own understanding of it, a rather bleak and freedomless place. Liberty exchanged for security, and failure or falling short of utter obedience to God being met with disproportionate reprisal in eternal damnation in hellfire. I couldn't but nod in agreement at the assessment that such a world would not be one I'd like to live in.





Further, she outlined her own personal history with the god of Law, having been subject to his abuses before as his followers had slaughtered her own, and she had been cast out from godhood and turned into a demon. Swearing that her story was not an isolated case, she explained how all the old gods and goddesses had suffered as she had, and that rather than a goal of establishing peace, YHVH simply wished for a world under his control. If anything threatened that, he wouldn't hesitate to take extreme measures. Echidna stressed that to refuse to oppose him was simply inviting tragedy.





Finally she returned to the immediate case she wished to present me, to stop the construction of the Cathedral, the course of which was actually built on countless laborer's being misled and sacrificing themselves for lies. Here her argument was infinitely more persuasive than when Yama had tried to present the case as a quid pro quo for letting me out of jail. It was with a sinking heart that I had to refuse her, and she was understandably furious. After a fierce fight to the death, as she lay dying, I promised to her that I would indeed stop Haniel, the angel in charge of the Cathedral construction effort, but that I had been obligated to fulfill a promise. I don't know if she fully understood, but I think I saw something resembling acceptance in her eyes before the great earth goddess closed them for the final time.







Obligation to Nightmar discharged, and upset at what we had learned about the truth behind the Cathedral, Chalis and I made our way back to Shinagawa, making a pitstop at Ginza for Steven to upgrade our App with the second Memory Board we had found. Upon our return, Nightmar is overjoyed we completed the task he had sent us on, and summons the angel Haniel. The angel he had never mentioned previously. The angel we had had to learn about from Echidna. I was not happy, and I was considerably less happy when said angel began to immediately make assumptions about our intentions, fully confident we were willing to act for the glory of God.





When I outright refused the angel, a look of pure disbelief crossed his face, before turning into rage at being spurned. Spewing vindictives and cursing us with a righteous fury, the angel quickly set upon us, determined to make us pay for our insolence. Despite this, though, we prevailed, and emerged from the fight victorious.




Nightmar was understandably confused and upset. In some ways I felt like I had betrayed him, but I had never made any additional promises, and I couldn't be responsible for his misunderstandings. I certainly bore him no ill will, and we both lay down our arms indicating we didn't want to fight him. Thankfully he wasn't in the mood for violence either, and with a few disappointed remarks, and chiding us for having "chosen a wicked path that would surely bring about our own destruction", he departed Shinagawa.




This left Chalis and I alone, and friendless. We'd pissed off both of the major factions: the Gaian church first by our exploits in the Ikebukuro prison tower and then by killing their major power player Echidna at TDL, and now most recently the Messians by snatching victory from them with the jaws of defeat, defeating their champion Haniel just as they had gotten the hope that all would proceed smoothly. We were adrift in the seas of fate, and there was no sign of a way forward, where to go next. Or was there...?

[spoiler=Our Heroes]smtbalcer63.png


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No, I just stated a fact.


But... I didn't mean it that way...! Knoll.gif

What does Florina have in her mouth, Ein?

Edited by King Marth 64
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