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because you're a wise old manchild.



The wise part is fairly questionable I'm afraid


For your maidenly feelings

Oh well.

If you happen to read this, Olwen (or whatever name you wish to go by), I think you're making a much bigger deal out of this than it is worth. I can safely say that nobody here gives a damn about what you did in the past, and that the sort who would be interested in your LTC records are probably even less inclined to care.

His previous behavior wasn't significantly worse than his current, after all

Old man stop using that, you're appearing to be moer and moer to me.

ohmy.png Edited by OldMan
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Oh well.

If you happen to read this, Olwen (or whatever name you wish to go by), I think you're making a much bigger deal out of this than it is worth. I can safely say that nobody here gives a damn about what you did in the past, and that the sort who would be interested in your LTC records are probably even less inclined to care.

Consider PMing it to him if you really want him to read it.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Are you sure


And as race season 4 starts next weekend... yeah

O-Of course I'm sure. Having an average day is far better than having a terrible one, so I'm glad to hear you're okay...

PoE to you is like The Sims for me. :D

because you're a wise old manchild.



I wish I could too... just admire from afar, but sometimes I get greedy and selfish so. >_> And then I regret it. Although now that I think about it... the ones that I didn't pursue were the ones that were the "true love" instances... sort of... First one was a bit pursued and a bit not. Maybe this one will be different?

I see... I thought I was the one filled with irrational thoughts, but I guess we're not alone! We can both be the hopelessly boring and irrational people.

Oh, you mean that one! Haha, sorry, that one was really creepy....

LOL he might already have it?

Oh, I'm too much of a chickenwuss... I only just managed to scrape up courage for those other two, and one of them we seem to be stuck on this awkward line between a relationship and friendship. :\ Let's hope to that then. As long as you find someone to make you happy, that's perfectly okay with me. :)

We are a lot alike, it's almost a little scary. XD Yay, Super Post-High-School Level Bonding!

Oh, gee it was. It reminded me of Persona 3's Bad Ending so much I just... chills.

Old man stop using that, you're appearing to be moer and moer to me.

OldMan for most moe. XD

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The wise part is fairly questionable I'm afraid


For your maidenly feelings

His previous behavior wasn't significantly worse than his current, after all



OldMan for most moe. XD

...I can't

/goes out of thread

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His previous behavior wasn't significantly worse than his current, after all

My point exactly. He currently has a less than stellar reputation around here, and that's something that has nothing to do with what he did in the past.

Consider PMing it to him if you really want him to read it.

I don't know that it's worth it to be honest.
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Old man stop using that, you're appearing to be moer and moer to me.

You need to hear him sing.

My point exactly. He currently has a less than stellar reputation around here, and that's something that has nothing to do with what he did in the past.

I don't know that it's worth it to be honest.

I recognize he probably needs a break and a change of attitude if he wants some respect as a forum member.

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O-Of course I'm sure. Having an average day is far better than having a terrible one, so I'm glad to hear you're okay...

PoE to you is like The Sims for me. :D

OldMan for most moe. XD

It's Sunday, there isn't a lot that can happen

The Sims was cool when it was first released

But then... meh

What are you doing


...I can't

/goes out of thread


My point exactly. He currently has a less than stellar reputation around here, and that's something that has nothing to do with what he did in the past.

If anything, it might be worse now.

His logic is flawed as always.

You need to hear him sing.

You guys Edited by OldMan
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Lets just say I have a totally different opinion about it...

Oh really? Do share.

It's Sunday, there isn't a lot that can happen

The Sims was cool when it was first released

But then... meh

What are you doing


If anything, it might be worse now.

His logic is flawed as always.

You guys

True. Sundays are rather dull days...

I'll admit, I may just be lucky, because I've rarely had a problem with it compared to some people who play it but...

Also, I have Windows 8 and Aeria Ignite for some reason isn't compatible. Otherwise, I would say Eden Eternal instead. :D

Ohmygosh. You sing? :)

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I wanna hear TE singing!!

The wise part is fairly questionable I'm afraid

For your maidenly feelings

I think you're pretty wise. :(


What maidenly feelings. That penguin. ;_;

Oh, I'm too much of a chickenwuss... I only just managed to scrape up courage for those other two, and one of them we seem to be stuck on this awkward line between a relationship and friendship. :\ Let's hope to that then. As long as you find someone to make you happy, that's perfectly okay with me. :)

We are a lot alike, it's almost a little scary. XD Yay, Super Post-High-School Level Bonding!

Oh, gee it was. It reminded me of Persona 3's Bad Ending so much I just... chills.

Well, that's not always so bad too! I mean... prevent more loss and pain than have more crap to build up... and hmmm, nothing now? ;o And well... my current one is pretty obvious who, I guess, if one takes me seriously. I do feel happy, even just as friends.

We are, hahaha. BONDING!

....I never finished that game unfortunately.

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I wanna hear TE singing!!

Oh yes pls

Ladies, please fangirl over the next new star of BR-Pop :


And here's the B-Side to his new single :


Edited by Woodshooter
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Oh really? Do share.

I believe she wouldn't have done anything like that if it wasn't under those circumstances...

The thing she said about the money and her dream was all a lie so that no one would care about her being killed.

She knew she would had to play the game...after all she is a gambler she knew what she had to lose and she accepted it.

And anyway, if it hadn't been her it would had been someone else...you can't really blame them for their actions under those conditions.

In the end she helped the rest who were more calm to proceed.

Also she didn't show fear or remorse even at the very end.

Edited by James Bond
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True. Sundays are rather dull days...

I'll admit, I may just be lucky, because I've rarely had a problem with it compared to some people who play it but...

Also, I have Windows 8 and Aeria Ignite for some reason isn't compatible. Otherwise, I would say Eden Eternal instead. :D

Ohmygosh. You sing? :)

And I've become pretty much unable to do anything of use during them

It's kinda the same thing over and over again... and their stairs suck

Aeria Ignite what


When employers want experience more than a formation.

That's a different kind of uselessness though

But that reminds me

In my job, we can get an automatic promotion from a degree

Pretty much any degree

And the raise is the same, no matter whether said degree is useful for our jobs or not

I wanna hear TE singing!!

I think you're pretty wise. :(


What maidenly feelings. That penguin. ;_;


It's okay Shirley



Oh yes pls

Because you're moe.

Do it you moe.

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