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Night Sask.

Right. Love doesn't HAVE to be romantic... but romantic love is nice. I think. I haven't seriously fallen for anyone, ever... they've all just been crushes, really...

Well, that's why I added the romantic in brackets before it. Real romantic love is nice, but not little infatuations or pseudo-thoughts of romantic love... But it can be! And frustrating.

Truly? I sometimes think it is a disease of the mind.

Hmm... well, I think I read that apparently the brain treats love/people in love the same way as a... an obsession.

Hey now, they may not be in person to the audience, but doesn't change the fact an audience will see them. I'd also be very nervous if I were in their place. I'd still present though, but I wouldn't deny that I was dying on the inside.

Well, maybe it's just me, but presenting it through text / online sounds a lot easier for me. Perhaps it's just related to my own anxiety.

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Night Sask.

Well, that's why I added the romantic in brackets before it. Real romantic love is nice, but not little infatuations or pseudo-thoughts of romantic love... But it can be! And frustrating.

Hmm... well, I think I read that apparently the brain treats love/people in love the same way as a... an obsession.

Well, maybe it's just me, but presenting it through text / online sounds a lot easier for me. Perhaps it's just related to my own anxiety.

Right... I'm sure that when one's really in love, it would be something of an enlightenment. I have no idea yet though, but if I ever find out, I'll let you know! Crushes are frustrating by themselves, too.

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Do not listen Twilight. Love is NOT keeping tabs on each other/talking to you at every waking moment.

this post pretty much wins the whole "love" debate


The presenting itself was just fine. All it was was reading some slides, and since it was an online thing, I couldn't actually see my audience, so it felt much better than presenting in front of people~

It's just the being abandoned part that I don't enjoy~

wow those guys sound like pussies

Well, that's why I added the romantic in brackets before it. Real romantic love is nice, but not little infatuations or pseudo-thoughts of romantic love... But it can be! And frustrating.

love is really hit or miss. it either ends up in a clusterfuck of drama and mixed emotions but there's also the chance that the couple ends up being truly happy together. but hey, sometimes even when the love turns into a clusterfuck the beginning of most relationships are pretty good. it's as they say: better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. #worth

Right... I'm sure that when one's really in love, it would be something of an enlightenment. I have no idea yet though, but if I ever find out, I'll let you know! Crushes are frustrating by themselves, too.

sounds like you needa take initiative!

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this post pretty much wins the whole "love" debate

wow those guys sound like pussies

love is really hit or miss. it either ends up in a clusterfuck of drama and mixed emotions but there's also the chance that the couple ends up being truly happy together. but hey, sometimes even when the love turns into a clusterfuck the beginning of most relationships are pretty good. it's as they say: better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. #worth

sounds like you needa take initiative!

That takes confidence... and I think I've expended my confidence meter for, like, the entire month today. :\

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Right... I'm sure that when one's really in love, it would be something of an enlightenment. I have no idea yet though, but if I ever find out, I'll let you know! Crushes are frustrating by themselves, too.

Sort of... I dunno, it wasn't that much of an enlightenment to me than "holy crap what is this feeling." I've only really been truly in love twice in my life, and this is my second time, ha ha.

I think love is giving a little of yourself to the other person, too.

love is really hit or miss. it either ends up in a clusterfuck of drama and mixed emotions but there's also the chance that the couple ends up being truly happy together. but hey, sometimes even when the love turns into a clusterfuck the beginning of most relationships are pretty good. it's as they say: better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. #worth

Pretty much. But sometimes even the happy couple will have some trouble.

but yeah, that quote phrase thing is pretty accurate...

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>Parents leave campus after friday's Parents Weekend activities are done.

>Literally my entire friend group messages me to go out and drink.


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