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Ah okay I misread, I apologise

Thought you called Shirley naive

carry on then

(i only got a 670 on reading comprehension ok)

It's okay.

I really wouldn't go so far as to say that any of you guys are naive, anyway, when I'm like the youngest one here. =P

I just pretend to know what I'm talking about, because I know what I'm saying isn't completely false.

Not completely false, but not completely true.

I guess all I was trying to say, put simply, is that you need to sacrifice (read: work) for results. Happiness, working relationship, money, whatever. Compromises are just sacrifices with results. You sacrifice time and self-pleasure for money and relationship-building, etc.

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what is this

Nowadays you just target Blue-Eyed Maiden and summon a really pissed off BEWD.

get with the times yo

I don't play Yugioh remember.

I have a really outdated... hell even crappy for the time... Ice Barrier deck.

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It's okay.

I really wouldn't go so far as to say that any of you guys are naive, anyway, when I'm like the youngest one here. =P

I just pretend to know what I'm talking about, because I know what I'm saying isn't completely false.

Although it's not necessarily completely true, either.

Yeah it's more like

I don't think it's unreasonable for someone be a bit averse to the idea of sacrifice when the media portrays a highly romanticised version of it as an unhealthy ideal which is why I opted to use something with less heavy connotations like compromise

It's more about the nuances the words carry these days than anything

I do agree that you need to put work into the relationship, if anything. But don't overdo it. Love yourself is important for loving others as well. Ideally both parties put in roughly same amount of work and it's mutually beneficial.

Like if I'm working to make my partner happy but he does jack shit yeah fuck it I'm outta here

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I don't play Yugioh remember.

I have a really outdated... hell even crappy for the time... Ice Barrier deck.

no excusessss

And oh right you played Ice Barriers. I'm so sorry.

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Yeah it's more like

I don't think it's unreasonable for someone be a bit averse to the idea of sacrifice when the media portrays a highly romanticised version of it as an unhealthy ideal which is why I opted to use something with less heavy connotations like compromise

It's more about the nuances the words carry these days than anything

I do agree that you need to put work into the relationship, if anything. But don't overdo it. Love yourself is important for loving others as well. Ideally both parties put in roughly same amount of work and it's mutually beneficial.

True... But completely shutting yourself out from the idea could be bad, too, don't you think?


Although, yeah, nuances... are subjective, so... I guess wording is pretty important...

I should work on that. ;n;

Yeah, and what I meant by sacrifice was really "Give up what needs to be given up."

Not "drop everything and anything for his/her sake."

Although knowing that your partner is willing to do so might not hurt, as it really does show dedication.

Or maybe obsession, hm...

I mean, you can't just go into a relationship thinking about yourself and what you will gain from it.

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I just pretend to know what I'm talking about, because I know what I'm saying isn't completely false.

Not completely false, but not completely true.

You should work on that. It gives a terrible impression.

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...I imagined a jaded old Thor waving around his hammer yelling "I SAY THEE, NAY! GET OFF MINE LAWN" or something.

That is literally the best mental image.

wrong. Compromise is a way of reconciliation of differences, so that both can coexist. Sacrifice is completely wiping out one for the other

I like this definition. I will use this definition from now on.

You should work on that. It gives a terrible impression.


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Or maybe obsession, hm...

I mean, you can't just go into a relationship thinking about yourself and what you will gain from it.

Obsession is correct

You can actually

as long as it's not the only thing

You don't want to walk into a relationship that is destructive for you and only for the other person's favor

You don't want to be the selfish jerk who only want a relationship for their own good only

It's why I said mutually beneficial, both you and your partner should benefit from this relationship, it's about taking and giving, not just taking or giving

and nuances are very important

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That's a pretty extreme definition of sacrifice.

Sure, no grey. Just black and white.

I mean "give up" not "give all."


Sacrifice is an extreme way of saying give up, as its also an extreme method. They may mean the same, but have different magnitudes.

EX: one could easily give something up. But then can later on get back to it.

Now when you sacrifice, there is no getting back to it, cause its gone forever (or for however long you maintain what is being gained from the loss).

Not saying that some compromises don't require sacrifice. Just that the two concepts aren't intertwined

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yo neal, I started tits


Just prepare to be disappointed at the end of the game.

Because dat cliffhanger and knowledge that XSEED won't be releasing SC until the end of the year.

You should work on that. It gives a terrible impression.


It's just... a lot of times I disagree and I know that everything I hear shouldn't be taken as truth.

I mean, am I to believe everything you guys say and accept it as correct?

Am I? Can I not try to argue? :(

I mean, I don't mean to be arrogant or rude, but just because you guys are older, that doesn't make me always wrong and you guys always right...

It's as if you guys think that way when you guys talk to me. D:

"There is no truth in what you're saying. You're wrong."

Not even any constructive criticism. ;n;


TiTS is fun.

Obsession is correct

You can actually

as long as it's not the only thing

You don't want to walk into a relationship that is destructive for you and only for the other person's favor

You don't want to be the selfish jerk who only want a relationship for their own good only

It's why I said mutually beneficial, both you and your partner should benefit from this relationship, it's about taking and giving, not just taking or giving

and nuances are very important

But are all obsessions bad? :o

That's what I mean by that, though...

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Obsession often is really just the fixation on the idea of the person rather than genuine love for the person it's pretty bad

See: Infatuation

Now relationships may have a short infatuation stage and that's okay if they get over it and really settle in to appreciate the other person who what they really are and accepting (but not glorifying) the flaws and shit of the other person and there will be conflict and it's learning how to solve these conflicts that people grow in a relationship

obsession doesn't allow that

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Just prepare to be disappointed at the end of the game.

Because dat cliffhanger and knowledge that XSEED won't be releasing SC until the end of the year.

It's just... a lot of times I disagree and I know that everything I hear shouldn't be taken as truth.

I mean, am I to believe everything you guys say and accept it as correct?

Am I? Can I not try to argue? :(

I mean, I don't mean to be arrogant, but just because you guys are older, that doesn't make me always wrong and you guys always right...

TiTS is fun.

But are all obsessions bad? :o

That's what I mean by that, though...

Obsessions are often very, VERY destructive, so...

And the impression wasn't that we're always right. The impression is that I'm not sure YOU have a clue what you're talking about and you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, with how you're presenting both yourself and your argument. Since you are also insisting of using a word defined, culturally, as a very extreme one in a NOT extreme fashion, it also makes you come off as horribly naive and confused, like you just raided the thesaurus and using the first words you saw. To be very, very blunt.

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It's just... a lot of times I disagree and I know that everything I hear shouldn't be taken as truth.

I mean, am I to believe everything you guys say and accept it as correct?

Am I? Can I not try to argue? :(

I mean, I don't mean to be arrogant, but just because you guys are older, that doesn't make me always wrong and you guys always right...

Entirely besides the point. You can verify the "truth" of a statement (using truth here loosely, my hands are much too short, etc.) in ways that don't make you seem like a know-it-all (using "seem" loosely here, too). Do a little observing, a little research, a little reading, a little whatever, you know? If you think arguing about it is the only way to know the truth of it, then you're going about it wrong.

It's not that we think we're better than you just because we've lived a bit longer, it's that you usually don't know enough to be able to accurately argue a topic.

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Look if you actually know what you're talking about instead of trying to make yourself sound like what you're talking about it'd be entirely different

I talk to people younger than you about computer science and they actually do know what they're talking about and that makes for good conversation

Like there's a 4 year age gap between me and cam but I value his inputs on code because he's been at the programmer game for longer than I am and he knows his shit

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But you guys were saying I was wrong.

Flat out wrong. ;n;

No truth.




I've never interacted with other humans?


I know nothing about human relationships?

I don't know what I'm talking about at all?

I have no analytic skills?

Nothing I say matters because I'm only 18 and haven't experienced anything like that at all?


Look if you actually know what you're talking about instead of trying to make yourself sound like what you're talking about it'd be entirely different

I talk to people younger than you about computer science and they actually do know what they're talking about and that makes for good conversation

But by saying that, you're saying I no absolutely nothing on the topic of human relationships.

I'm not sure if I should feel bad or what.

Stuff that I can read, learn, and memorize make better conversations, yes...

Stuff like love and whatnot is something that you need to experience. And experience usually comes with age, soooo...

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I'm saying you're inexperienced on the subject matter

Now you're misinterpreting us

It's better to observe and to experience first and have a better idea and make more informed calls

It's not necessarily age, I started my second relationship at a slightly younger age than you and because of my past experiences (my trainwreck of a first) I had a much better idea of how relationships function

And it was actually a pretty great run but long distance doesn't work well long term especially between broke-ass students soooo

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Obsessions are often very, VERY destructive, so...



ha ha ha ha.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

*walks out*

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