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Back I guess...

No point in planning much ahead, though... I'll just see what treasures this run will give me. Maybe I won't even get good Sorc items, after all, and whoring the magic dealers is boring.

You can at least get decent stuff. There's even a plugin that modifies gambling items so you get only the ones you like. 30% rare, 5% set, 5% unique.

Also *gives Hagen Dazs to Fia* :wub:

Edited by Dio
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Oh. =o

Loptous = Medeus, obviously.

Yes, Julius is Medeius.





Yes, it makes sense. Duh! Why didn't I see this before. Medeius was on Judgdral first before Akaneia. Though I've explained some theries, but Vince's theries make sence in some parts.


Apparently, I walked into the trap and Lifis got one-shotted by a ballista.

The RNG in that game is sinister.

Shit... if it were B rank, you'd have the biggest problem of that chapter out of the way (Elf). I'll keep looking to see what else I can find but at the moment I suggest you...

1) Repair Warp staff.

2) Give the Brave Sword to someone like Felgus and warp him to kill Elf. If Mareeta works, use her too.

3) Kill as many Dark Mages as possible and Silence the rest if you can through use of Pure Water/M up.

4) Give Hero Axe to Halvan or Othin.

Try to distribute as many of your Restore staves among different teams to fix Berserk status that Elf will inflict and good luck.

Oh and give people who are fatigued an S drink if they look useful (Olwen for example).

Elf is easy anyhow. You can have one of your Thief Fighters steal the tome and render her powerless. Plus doing this gets you another Rizaia tome.

I would say so. A ton of FE5 characters have utility, even some of the crappier ones, and with the fatigue system in place, you'll likely want backup members at all times.

The game designers purposely put in the fatigue system to make it so that you will have lower level characters that you are using than usual.

Just came on to say I'm off to Texas for a week. Bye! ^^

Oh, and tell Ninji I wished him a happy birthday. : D

Good luck in wrangling, Lux. Hope that it doesn't get too hot out there. =)

Grit, Eagle, Colin, Hawke.

Sonja, Grit, Colin, and Hawke for me.

Ninji is now under my protection. Any further attacks against him will be redirected at me.

And mine. <3

It's necessary in order to save face.

It's also temporary.


I wonder why Musashi is protecting me/believing in me. =o

Too bad for you, darling~ <3

He's not the only one. =3

You better pray that Vincent doesn't see that.

Vince isn't a vengeful person. =3

On my... own?

*glances over at Marthur, MajorTordoArthur, and Chalis*




*Types on computer*

Your my guinea pig sweetheart.

:) This...is enjoyable *Glances at Ninji, then at Tron and the cliff*

It's Ninji hunting season, folks.

*100-kill Tron*

Thank you my dear~ :wub:

*Throws Ninji off cliff and sends a Tron after his ass*

I can't bare to watch.

*Turns the other way as seeing the blue thunder shocking of the Tron*

You're not dead. I jumped in at the last moment and saved you. It went something like this:


It's up to you now... kid...

What a man. :wub:


Food chain. 8D

The analogy of this is the same as weakining each of these robots greatly like what happens in rl.

For not reading, I sentence you to eternal blindness~

*stabs Nini's eyes*

*Enchanted Vision*

There you go, you should be able to see about 2 walk spaces for awhile.

I need to teast your eyes.

AHHHH! sees the stabs of the eyes


I stuck up for and repaid me by making me look like a damn fool!

*Sigh* I cannot find any analyzation as to when Ninji will shine. But trying to find out is like looking for space aliens on the moon.

Made a Paola wallpaper.


What do you guys think?

Yay! Palla 4ever!


*Saving wallpaper*


Hahahaha. Lash just merged one of her Battleships with another.

3 days to kill two Battleships now, and with an army of Rockets and Battleships.

Thank you.

Is it that mission where you have to destroy 9 battleships in about 17 days?

That mission is difficult to S-Rank.




*Sprinkles confetti on Ninji's head*

300 S rank on that mission.

Thank God for overpowered Rocekts.

I only could get 271 A Rank there.

What?..How?... So those 2 are...

I'm so gonna kill that bastard of when I play FE6 again!

Don't do it in chapter 16, otherwise you won't get the Aurola tome and won't be able to go beyond Chapter 22.

Guys there is no shame in playing elite mode. I do all the time. Wouldn't leave home without it.

There is no shame in using it after clearing the game for the first time without it!

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